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What type of luv struck pup r u?

Question: What kind of luv struck pup are u compared to regular dog breeds
Created by: Puppyluvgirl at 09:51:08 AM, Tuesday, March 28, 2006 EST


Blood Hound...track him down! u can run but u can't hide!
Bull dog...guys? who cares i got beer things 2 do
Chow...roam around, u go from guy 2 guy. hey, who's hotter
German Shepard... luv the guys till u die
lab...loyal to your guy
poodle...r u snooty 2 the guys \
R u a pitbull...attack the guys that like u but u don't like them
Sheep dog...round dem up the yours 4 the taking
Whippet...quick 2 luv quick 2 hate

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