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What do you think???

Question: Hey Sould ppl b juged b/c there bi i dont think so he I'm a chick that think totaly diff. about this situation at my school chicks say lots of shit behind my back about my sexuality, but there nothing like an ass woopen wont fix lol lol hey ur opinion should a chick b juged cuz she's bi there's nothing rong w/ looking at a hot chick.... is there??????
Created by: Miss Sara at 01:43:07 AM, Friday, February 16, 2007 EST


Arent u 2 young
Change your sexuality
It's ok
So who cares
Sould b juged
That's hot
U have mental problems
U should just woop any chicks ass 4 talking shit cuz ur bi
What the hell r u thinking
Your sick

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