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Do you believe a big strong lady USUALLY gets SEXUALLY TURNED ON when she ABSORBS a small weak guy LIKE A SPONGE?

Question: I am a small weak guy. As I know from firsthand experience, nothing arouses me sexually more than being ABSORBED LIKE A SPONGE by a big strong woman or a big strong girl (a big strong girl OF THE LEGAL AGE OF CONSENT!!!). Once she ABSORBS me, my erection is TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL and it is everything I can do (for my sake as well as hers!!!) to keep from ejaculating too soon. Many small weak guys like me get REALLY TURNED ON being ABSORBED LIKE A SPONGE by a big strong lady. However, whether he is short while she is tall, or whether she is short while he is tall, or whether they are both of the same height, do you believe that a big strong lady USUALLY becomes SEXUALLY TURNED ON when she ABSORBS a small weak guy LIKE A SPONGE?
Created by: oneABSORBEDguy at 07:55:30 PM, Monday, July 13, 2009 EDT


Yes but she will NEVER admit it to anyone on the outside.

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