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Why would a woman challenge a guy to wrestle?

Question: This has puzzled me for most of my life. Please only women can know this. So, guys, let them answer. Why would a woman challenge a guy to wrestle? For fun or real.
Created by: notbuyin dat at 08:59:14 PM, Tuesday, June 12, 2012 EDT


All men are jerks -- let me at any one of em!
He started it. I had no choice.
He was a big jerk. Wanted to inflict a lot pain.
He was just sooo annoying. Wanted to inflict a little pain.
Liked the guy, no turn on tho.
Liked the guy, the idea was a turn on.
My own revenge.
Revenge for someone else.
Simply like two athletes. No hate/love.
Was sorta forced, or would have to back down,

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