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Best Date Food

Question: When you go on a date what food do you want to be eating with your baby? What would you like to see pass through their lucious lips?
Created by: mystik at 08:51:15 PM, Saturday, January 27, 2001 EST



BrianJan 05 2014 7:27am

anyone here?

BrianJan 05 2014 4:48pm

Lilli:3Jan 05 2014 4:50pm
hey lilli

BrianJan 05 2014 4:52pm

AaronJan 05 2014 4:54pm
sup aaron

BrianJan 05 2014 4:54pm
nm You???

AaronJan 05 2014 4:55pm

BrianJan 05 2014 4:56pm
hey dude ya called me Aaron lol not ben

AaronJan 05 2014 4:57pm

BrianJan 05 2014 4:58pm
Hey =/

GabbyJan 05 2014 5:04pm

BrianJan 05 2014 5:06pm
Haha #^_^# thats my name!;P

GabbyJan 05 2014 5:07pm
i saw what u said once again i was just 10 minutes late v.v *hugs u tight*

BrianJan 05 2014 5:07pm
Haha!=) yea....*hugs you back*

GabbyJan 05 2014 5:08pm
gabby i love u so much <3 *kisses u on the lips softly*

BrianJan 05 2014 5:09pm
Sup? @Aaron Hey girlie@Gabby

Lilli:3Jan 05 2014 5:10pm
*kisses back and smiles* I know you love me.=)

GabbywabbyJan 05 2014 5:11pm
Hey Gabby ;P.....ohhh wrong timming:/

Aaron-_-Jan 05 2014 5:11pm
Aaron! *Jumps on ur back* hey

Lilli:3Jan 05 2014 5:12pm
*smiles* and never forget it <3@gabby late@lilli

BrianJan 05 2014 5:13pm
They told me brian that I have to stay in here till thursday.

GabbyJan 05 2014 5:13pm
ik. Chores -_-@Brian

Lilli:3Jan 05 2014 5:13pm
awww will u be fine in there?

BrianJan 05 2014 5:13pm
Haa hey @Lilli

AaronJan 05 2014 5:14pm

BrianJan 05 2014 5:14pm
Adrianna gave me back my Ipod n shít....@Brian

GabbyJan 05 2014 5:15pm
wait she took them away? that dirty little i mean hehe :P

BrianJan 05 2014 5:16pm
lol i went outside to shovel..then ended up fighting in the snow wit my friends XD

AaronJan 05 2014 5:16pm
Sup? *Pokes ur cheek*@Aaron i wish JJ was here!(Jeremy/Shreve) @People

Lilli:3Jan 05 2014 5:16pm
Yea ima be fine in here....Aaron wanna know something???;P

Gabby Jan 05 2014 5:16pm
mhmmm well im kind cold XD cuz we have like 6 fuken feet of snow

AaronJan 05 2014 5:17pm
Yeas..wats that GABBY:P

AaronJan 05 2014 5:17pm
aw fckin lucky >.< @ aaron

BrianJan 05 2014 5:17pm
Im not going to school!!!

Lilli:3 iz vewy happy dat skewl iz closedJan 05 2014 5:18pm
Haha yea brian!;P so my question to you guys is.....wyd?lolz xD

GabbyJan 05 2014 5:18pm

Lilli:3 on a sugar-high!Jan 05 2014 5:19pm
Yeah.the roads are piled high on both sides and its awful.........u cat see aything...we rin astate of u r not aloud on the roads lol

AaronJan 05 2014 5:19pm

Gabbywabby:3Jan 05 2014 5:19pm
haha omg dashavu layin down laghin my ass off

BrianJan 05 2014 5:19pm
Wat Gabby..wat were ya gonna tell me

AaronJan 05 2014 5:19pm
*Turns on "U Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer & does the sprinkler*

Lilli:3Jan 05 2014 5:20pm
im bored -_-

AaronJan 05 2014 5:21pm
I LOVE YOU!!!;P ←Thats what I was gunna tell you aaron! *kisses aaron on the cheek*

Gabbywabby:3Jan 05 2014 5:21pm
Meh tew!!!@Aaron

Lilli:3Jan 05 2014 5:21pm
lol -hugs u- Not how i love u tho :P u only like me as a bro :P but ohh well :P

AaronJan 05 2014 5:22pm
*Kisses Aaron's on the cheek* Cheeki Cheek Cheek!!!!

Lilli:3Jan 05 2014 5:23pm
lol -smiles runs flops down on the couch stretched out taking up al the room-

AaronJan 05 2014 5:24pm
I should be the only one bored here cuz im just layin down in a hospital bed all dad went to Las Vegas with his gf adrianna....I got nobody here...

Gabbywabby:3Jan 05 2014 5:24pm
-lays in Gabbys Hospital bed beside her- Gabby ur never alone I love you GabbyGab..and no on else can call u tht >:( i started it and only i can cuz ur my GabbyGab

AaronJan 05 2014 5:26pm
I'm bored as f*ck!!....maybe I should just go back to sleep.......

GabbyJan 05 2014 5:26pm
You did the same thing my ex did, but okay *Moves ur feet & sits on the couch*

Lilli:3Jan 05 2014 5:26pm
Im freezing my ass off!! *Shivers* Its too damn cold!!!!!! *Flips a chair over*

Lilli:3Jan 05 2014 5:27pm

AnonymousJan 05 2014 5:28pm
-hugs gabby- Dont leave :/

AaronJan 05 2014 5:29pm
wat ex....:/ @lilli

AnonymousJan 05 2014 5:30pm
Ima just go to sleep....night ya all!=/

GabbyJan 05 2014 5:30pm
no gabby please dont *hugs u tight*

BrianJan 05 2014 5:31pm
Um... it was... wait... are u Brendon?@Anonymous

Lilli:3Jan 05 2014 5:31pm
The ex was Brendan, not Brendon, its Brendan

Lilli:3Jan 05 2014 5:32pm
I'm sorry i'm in alot of pain and im tired....bye guys!

Gabby might come on tomorrow but she don't know and now she is aJan 05 2014 5:33pm
same thing.....pronounced the same -_- i hate when ppl copy Bryce's name

AaronJan 05 2014 5:33pm
now is asleep! NIGHT GUYS!=)

Gabbywabby:3Jan 05 2014 5:34pm
be thoughtful of hernight gabby -kises u softly hugs u- love u soo much..get better soon :) night

AaronJan 05 2014 5:34pm
:( man night gabby

BrianJan 05 2014 5:35pm
How r u? *Pokes ur nose*@Aaron

Lilli:3Jan 05 2014 5:35pm
Night sis!

Lilli:3Jan 05 2014 5:36pm
Hahah nuthin outside with my puppy Jake

AaronJan 05 2014 5:36pm
Cool *Kisses yo cheek* how old is he? @Aaron

Lilli:3Jan 05 2014 5:37pm
hey i gots a question 4 u :) XD -wraps arms around u- @lilli

AaronJan 05 2014 5:38pm
um lik 7 weeks

AaronJan 05 2014 5:38pm
Whats da question? @Aaron

Lilli:3Jan 05 2014 5:38pm
who's or brendon ;) lol

AaronJan 05 2014 5:39pm
Awe mine is 7 weeks too! His name is Boi, he cant fit a collar yet tho

Lilli:3Jan 05 2014 5:40pm
You! *Kisses ur cheek* @Aaron Sorry Brendon if you're reading this, just being honest!!@Brendon

Lilli:3Jan 05 2014 5:41pm
hes not allowed on this poll -_-

BrianJan 05 2014 5:42pm
Jealous much??? Im sorry if you are, i do love you, but i cant date you, im sorry, no exceptions & i am on my email -_-@Brian Aaron go to "Which Horseman of the Apocalypse do you wanna be?" in Bummin @Aaron

Lilli:3Jan 05 2014 5:45pm
-_- like i told u im not fcking jelious n if u did love me u would ignore me n be all over other guys -_-

Brian goneJan 05 2014 5:46pm
would not^

Brian gone frJan 05 2014 5:47pm
W.e _-_

Lilli:3Jan 05 2014 5:47pm
Obvi i can looser -_- @brian the retard

BrendonJan 05 2014 6:25pm

GabbyJan 05 2014 8:58pm
ugh ^

BrianJan 05 2014 9:04pm
Heyoo what's up Gabby Wabby? I'm Matt

MattJan 05 2014 9:04pm
Nm wby

Gabbywabby:3Jan 05 2014 9:06pm
im just gona sleep -_-

Brian off to bedJan 05 2014 9:06pm
eat sleep rave repeat t(-_-t)

ShreveJan 05 2014 9:06pm
Wait which Matt??? lolz ;P

Gabbywabby:3Jan 05 2014 9:07pm
eat sleep rave repeat (j-_-)j

ShreveJan 05 2014 9:07pm
Good brian-_- wanna act like a dick fine brian idgaf!

GabbyJan 05 2014 9:08pm
u havnt seen me as a dck yet gabby and u seriously dont want me to

BrianJan 05 2014 9:08pm
lmfao yo ass getting on my nerves!X{) @Shreve

Gabbywabby:3Jan 05 2014 9:10pm
here we go again -_-

ShreveJan 05 2014 9:10pm
Yea okay.

GabbyJan 05 2014 9:11pm
later shreve and gabby u just fcked up ur last chance

Brian goneJan 05 2014 9:11pm
t(-_-t) (j-_-)j t(-_-t) (j-_-)j t(-_-t) (j-_-)j

ShreveJan 05 2014 9:11pm
Lmfao yea ik thats what i'm saying jeremy.

GabbyJan 05 2014 9:12pm
everybody and their grandma know that aint true <_<

ShreveJan 05 2014 9:13pm

GabbyJan 05 2014 9:13pm

MattJan 05 2014 9:14pm
The fox said!...."f*ck YOU BRIAN"

GabbyJan 05 2014 9:14pm
XDDDD GRAPES! n matt you got no ass!>;D

GabbyJan 05 2014 9:15pm
the fox said "bark" and "yik" -_-

ShreveJan 05 2014 9:16pm

GabbyJan 05 2014 9:16pm
um hi -watches from a distance

msgamezJan 05 2014 9:17pm

GabbyJan 05 2014 9:17pm
oop matt has a pancake booty xD

ShreveJan 05 2014 9:18pm
Wow gabby that was a mean thing to say. I'm gonna go cry. -crying- WHYD YOU HAVE TO MAKE FUN OF MY ASS

MattJan 05 2014 9:18pm
ya damn right -_-

ShreveJan 05 2014 9:19pm
XDDD MATT I WUV YA!(as a friend)

Gabbywabby:3Jan 05 2014 9:19pm
well brians out of our lives

girlyJan 05 2014 9:20pm
hi guys and gabby

MsGamezJan 05 2014 9:20pm
Lol xD

MattJan 05 2014 9:20pm
Hi!^_^ do i know you???@MsGamez

GabbyJan 05 2014 9:22pm
no im new ^-^

MsGamezJan 05 2014 9:22pm
gabby go to the last poll on personal brian rage quit, likelike

girlyJan 05 2014 9:23pm
well welcome to this hell hole

ShreveJan 05 2014 9:23pm
Oh ok!#^_^# how old are you?=) @MsGamez

GabbyJan 05 2014 9:24pm
thxs =)

MsGamezJan 05 2014 9:24pm
i think im a bit to old but me im 17 ^-^

MsGamezJan 05 2014 9:24pm
No age is too old to join us! :Do

MattJan 05 2014 9:26pm
yes!! finally no more 13 year olds. so how did you get here

ShreveJan 05 2014 9:26pm
oh ok matt =) @matt i was looking for a question on google and i seen this so i otta try it @ shreve

MsGamezJan 05 2014 9:28pm

ShreveJan 05 2014 9:29pm
yea so people here are like 11-14?

MsGamezJan 05 2014 9:30pm
I'm leaving thhis site forever...bye!..I will come on once n awhile but im not gunna be on here for a few months! bye-bye!

GabbyJan 05 2014 9:32pm
well atleast the ones that post alot <_< im 16 though

ShreveJan 05 2014 9:32pm
why? aww i was hope me and you would get along

MsGamezJan 05 2014 9:32pm
oh cool =)

MsGamezJan 05 2014 9:33pm
What's your name MsGamez?

MattJan 05 2014 9:34pm
Ugh the f*ckin one guy I love left so whats the point of staying ugh...

GabbyJan 05 2014 9:34pm
dont worry she'll be back on tomorrow like nothing happened

ShreveJan 05 2014 9:34pm

MsGamezJan 05 2014 9:34pm
who is that gabby? oh she been through this shreve?

MsGamezJan 05 2014 9:35pm
thats a pretty name ^_^

ShreveJan 05 2014 9:35pm
thxs =D

MsGamezJan 05 2014 9:35pm

GabbyJan 05 2014 9:36pm
smh gabby just text or fb the boy

girlyJan 05 2014 9:36pm
-_- dont say my name ever

ShreveJan 05 2014 9:37pm

Gabby gets faked alot!Jan 05 2014 9:37pm
Calm down gabby. What's wrong?

MattJan 05 2014 9:37pm
done what things suicide?

girlyJan 05 2014 9:38pm
No if I do that then he'll know!@girly

GabbyJan 05 2014 9:38pm
i like how she gets all mad when its her fault "be a dick idgaf" haha xD

girlyJan 05 2014 9:38pm
hell no what?

girl and faker ^^Jan 05 2014 9:39pm
Msgamez where do you live? I'm from NJ

MattJan 05 2014 9:39pm
i just moved to california a week ago used to live in flordia

MsGamezJan 05 2014 9:41pm
i told her she had 1 chance and if she messed it up she loses me i even made her repeat it so she knew know that im going to leave shes sorry

BrianJan 05 2014 9:42pm
That's cool :D

MattJan 05 2014 9:42pm
-_- bye im done with this site i regret ever finding this site and being on this site. And trust me im not comming on here ever....every Gabby is a fake from now on...I'm so done....PEACE BITCHES!

Gabby is NEVER COMING ON THIS SITE!!Jan 05 2014 9:42pm
yup =D aww gabby sorry to see you go =(

MsGamezJan 05 2014 9:43pm
shes not MsGamez. this happens like everyday

ShreveJan 05 2014 9:44pm
Bye gabby :( sucks that your leaving

MattJan 05 2014 9:44pm
oh ok

MsGamezJan 05 2014 9:45pm

GabbyJan 05 2014 9:45pm

GabbyJan 05 2014 9:46pm
imma do the thing that i did wen i left delete all history and stop coming to the site bye :)

BrianJan 05 2014 9:46pm
MsGamez do you have an email or a kik?

MattJan 05 2014 9:47pm
no just this

MsGamezJan 05 2014 9:47pm

GabbyJan 05 2014 9:47pm

MattJan 05 2014 9:48pm

MsGamezJan 05 2014 9:49pm
ugh gabby smh ill give u his fb n number u BETTER text him or fb him

girlyJan 05 2014 9:50pm
Its okay. So what's up?

MattJan 05 2014 9:52pm
nothing new you?

MsGamezJan 05 2014 9:52pm

MattJan 05 2014 9:54pm
gabby his info is on his poll

girlyJan 05 2014 9:55pm
i have to go nice talking to all of you

MsGamez byeJan 05 2014 9:55pm
5EZrXm There is visibly a bunch to know about this. I suppose you made certain nice points in features also.

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