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Cyber Sex and Online Relationships...

Question: Is this the same as cheating?
Created by: texago at 11:06:00 AM, Sunday, June 18, 2000 EDT


I don't consider cyber sex or online relationships cheating if some one were to do it. But, I don't really think that is cool at all, cybering...well, it seems to be a pretty popular thing in chat rooms, but It's just not my thing, and online relationships, you're talking falling in love and like b/f-g/f type of stuff, I think that is just ridiculous.

that one girlJul 24 2000 7:20pm

It's like cursing: it's not the action but the intent!

The Dancing Panda: CyberStud!Jul 24 2000 7:20pm
Cheating is not about penetration. :-)
Cheating is about directing your emotional and/or sexual energy to others INSTEAD of into your relationship with your significant other. Cheating is about witholding from your partner. It is about deception that causes or is the result of a rift between you. It is about going elsewhere for what you need instead of dealing with something possibly wrong with your main relationship.

finderSep 06 2000 8:08pm
im pathetic and the only sex ill probably ever get is cyber...oh wait i havent even done that, god i suck

22 year old loveless virginJan 05 2002 6:04pm
Well will you like your boyfriend having cyber sex with another girl online or dating another girl online,or your boyfriend? There you go!

The internet is like real lifeDec 23 2010 6:30pm
Gay guys send me dick pics and I send back ;) kik JMILLS818

AnonymousFeb 08 2014 5:14pm
BIG SUE, taking on 3 men.. 5'11" 243#s abused my dad, and me, now we are slaves to her and her old boyfriend. MY poor dad was beaten into submission, then payed the price by my big wife, and her boyfriend. She became dominant, and nasty the last few years. I always beg for mercy like my dad when they get into the mood !

Beaten HusbandNov 19 2021 12:03pm
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