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Is there a greater tendancy for men to be submissive than ever before?

Question: It seems like there are a lot of submissive men in today's society. Are more men submissive these days than in the past?
Created by: truthseeker at 06:20:37 PM, Thursday, June 10, 2004 EDT


It really, really, really pains my heart that people have to talk like this! Why can't you just leave us alone. Stop harrasing us. Just go away!!!

Sissy ManJun 10 2004 10:54pm

Can't we all just get along....

Rodney K.Jun 10 2004 10:56pm
It does seem more common lately. Maybe they have been brainwashed by the illusion of female superiority in the media. Everywhere you look there are scenes of women overpowering men, like in Xena or Charlie's Angels. It takes effect after enough exposure.

CharlieJun 11 2004 6:40am
That's true. Even commercials and sit-coms portray men as bungling fools, while the women are seen as intelligent and competent.

AnonymousJun 11 2004 11:37am
Oh, come on! Everyone knows T.V. portrays reality. Don't you watch Buffy Vampire Slayer, Beverly Hills 90210, Gilligan's Island, ect. They all show the world in its true form. So when they show males as complete idiots on T.V. it must be true!

AnonymousJun 11 2004 1:22pm
Whaaaa...? Men portrayed as bungling fools, and women seen as superior and intelligent? I always thought that I was the only person to ever notice how television shows that image.

SurprisedJun 11 2004 3:10pm
The point is these images are shown because they are popular, because people want to see women in power. The media is a great tool for getting an idea to sink in.

TullJun 11 2004 9:47pm
They're being taught to believe females are superior from a young age. This will shape the future.

RandallJun 14 2004 8:17am
Men are becoming more submissive because the truth of female superiority is becoming undeniable and its having an affect on men and women. Women know they are better and are becoming more dominant. Men are learning to accept that they no longer call the shots. (Some men still deny this but a change of this magnitute doesn't happen overnight.. time will help change men's attitudes.. more so if women demand it).

SamJun 16 2004 5:21am
I think that many men find pleasure in being obedient to a strong woman. I also think that many women especially younger women enjoy having men under their authority. The older I get, I am in my 40s now, the more I feel this in my self. I have done the whole macho thing and now I feel a desire to be submissive to the women around me. The thing is that they really love it. They think that I am "great guy." When I am in the airport I often imagine that the women who are walking by are aware of the growing submissiveness of men and that they will someday just expect men to follow their lead.

AnonymousJun 17 2004 11:07am
This attitude is growing amongst the male population. Women will naturally end up in control, simply because there will be no resistance.

DawnJun 17 2004 11:20pm
It is not that men are nore submissive, it is that women are more dominant. The effect is that men are being manipulated into a more submissive role, but in most cases it is not because it was their choice.

RichJun 19 2004 7:08am
Read some of the information about female dominance --IN THE HOME-- in the Victorian era those ladies were tough. Now we are entering an era where the female gender will rule both public and private realms. In English-speaking countries, it was generally recommended that a male be circumcised before using the device, and careful instructions were given about just how tight this circumcision had to be. (This fact is a large factor in the prevalence of circumcision in the USA today). Circumcision allowed a narrow and short penis-tube to restrict expansion and thus minimise the stimulation provided by the tube. When women reassert mastery over male sexuality, they will have total control of the male psyche. It will not be long before males are "treated" with drugs and medical devices that promote submissivness.

A submissive manJun 23 2004 11:01am
Is there a greater tendency to mispell the word "tendency"?

Kevin Canadian BaconJun 25 2004 10:05am
Circumcision INCREASES sensitivity, not the other way around. Get your facts straight. And when sex becomes less desireable, so will a female's power diminish (that means "lessen")

Kevin Canadian BaconJun 25 2004 10:06am
This "submissive man" fantasy is created and fostered by men only. Women don't want submissive women, or at least I'm not hearing that from women

HHJun 28 2004 10:53am
I agree, HH--but I think you meant "women don't want submissive men..."

ShockoJun 29 2004 8:28am
Yes, men are more submissive than before. I am a woman, and I am surprised at how easily men just roll over and give in to a woman's expectattions these days. Twenty years ago, a man would do what a woman wants, but only if there was something in it for him. I had a male coworker who made a mistake, and he offered to pay me money to make up for his error. This kind of thing is just becoming more common. The huge number of posts on this site regarding female dominance really startled me at first, but when I thought about it, I realized that this may be a real trend, moving faster than most will notice.

Newbie LadyJun 30 2004 9:15am
After reading research on copulins, I am terrified and intrigued by what will happen to society once large numbers of women find out about them. If this got out in the media mainstream, the revolution could be the greatest societal change in history.

J. ClaudeJul 02 2004 10:21am
I don't think that women are changing. I think it is men that are changing. They are indeed becoming more and more inclined toward accepting female authority. They do it at work, at home and even at the movies.

BrianJul 02 2004 10:34am
J. Claude, I learned about copulins just a month ago and tried it with my husband. He was in no way terrified, and enjoyed it very much. The thing people don't want to say, I've noticed, is that copulins seem to improve the love-bond between partners.

Ohio MomJul 06 2004 8:42am
I think there's a greater tendency for the three submissive idiots to keep commenting as different names than ever before.

RickJul 15 2004 6:51pm
Good point, Rick. This LikeLike site is very submissive compared to a normal cross-section of society.

HHJul 19 2004 2:44pm
yeah. The real problem with this site is that you can vote more than once.

AnonymousJul 21 2004 3:28pm
As a man, the last thing I ever wanted to become is submissive. It goes against everything we are taught. I know it is not normal, and men are not supposed to be that way. But for some odd reason I find myself completely aroused by even the suggestion of being under the control of assertive women. I can't explain why this is. These feelings are too strong to deny. I think there are probably a lot of men with similar circumstances.

AnonymousSep 08 2004 8:45pm
Men have to be more submissive now because women are too far advanced academically and professionally. We have to disagree respectfully because they end up being right about 90% of the time. Not to mention that they are probably the boss or if she's a girlfriend, she probably makes more money so we have to be more subservient.

AnonymousSep 12 2004 8:45am
Woman are becoming more powerful in all aspects of life. Men are more than happy to accept this because deep down, they want it. I know I do. I've been taught to be macho all my life but resisted deep down. I crave for a woman who is my superior mentally and physically. It turns me on sexually because it's so appealing to me in all respects.

AnonymousOct 12 2004 4:59pm
Yeah ... more powerful, successful women!

anonymousNov 17 2004 7:09pm
Men are definitely more submissive these days, or perhaps their submissive tendencies are being awakened more frequently. I think the majority of men harbor submissive fantasies, although many are reluctant to acknowledge it out of denial, inhibition, and embarrassment. I think this trend is growing because men are being subliminally conditioned by constant reminders and suggestions of female superiority. Whether or not this is fair or justified, it is true nonetheless. I think this creates an inner conflict in a lot of men, because while they are privately aroused by the idea of being submissive to women, there is still a part of them which is unwilling to actually accept that role in a real-life situation. What makes things complicated is the fact that women are gaining power for real in society. Men are controlled by their libidos. Even if they are opposed to the advancement of women in principle, it is difficult for them to resist something which they secretly get off on.

SusanNov 21 2004 10:41pm
Dawn is correct.

AnonymousNov 21 2004 10:42pm
i think its great that as men, we do not feel we have to be in control any more.I was made as a boy to play rugby,and typical male sports.I was made to go to university,and told to make sure i got a job and become the leader of my home.My dad passed the same ideas from his father to me,and once it was seen as the correct way of behaving,the woman at home,the man at work earning the money.I then met a very powerful woman who earned more money then me,and believed that the woman was the leader.And now as a full time house husband,i have never felt better.My wife is kind and loving,and goes out every day to work to advance her self,and i see a number of couples we know are the same.

liamDec 03 2004 4:00pm
You're absolutely right Susan. Female domination plays a major role in many men's heads these days. More than ever I presume. But I wonder how men will react when it comes to the point that women, encouraged by media and culture, really start expanding their power into society and politics. I for myself wouldn't mind at all! I think female domination is in every aspect extremely exciting, stimulating and liberating to both men and women. Time is coming for the women to rule the roost. Ladies first!

chrisJan 06 2005 5:03am
Well in some areas of life yes i agree.But at my firm we have only i think 2 fem managers out of at least 30,so still a hell of a lot of work to do.Would reckon plenty of areas of life like that to,may take many more decades to change,so why worry,better to get on with life and look out for your self and family and friends.

AnonymousMar 22 2005 3:26pm
Amen Susan! I've never had any delusions of dominating any of the Women that have been in my life. They all pretty much held the leash.

HERboyAug 30 2005 11:06am
I think I was born submissive.

subboyOct 08 2005 2:46pm
Hey Susan. I wanna be your slave.

john&paulOct 09 2005 3:54pm
As women break out of roles of the past, becoming more visible as authority figures, it allows a situation where more men feel comfortable as the submissive partner. For several years I did temporary work as a typist/secretary and many of my bosses were women. At first I resented it, but later came to realize I enjoyed it. At this point I think it's a requirement for me that the woman be the dominant partner in a relationship. Anything less just doesn't do much for me. I'm not into BDSM either--I just like being with a stronger woman. (10/30/05)

DROct 30 2005 5:25am
Susan is absolutley correct. I've always wanted to be submissive to women, but society says no, men are supposed to be in charge. I hope women like Susan get their way and turn this world around.

robertOct 30 2005 1:47pm
I think that that being dominated by a woman is a fantasy that many men have, i beleive that often these female charaters who display strength and dominance over their male counterparts in television and film story lines and created by men and for men, to induldge a deeper and more seedy fantasy, i dont beleive that women are becoming the dominant species as when it comes down to it in the real world men seek power and like to be in control and indeed have the vast majority of power which i seriously doubt they will ever let go...

anonymousDec 06 2005 6:14pm
Susan, do you think woman are becoming more aware of our submissiveness and embracing the role of leader by becoming more open and overt in expressing their power over men?

EdwinDec 22 2005 8:13am
Lets hope more and more women become aware of male submissiveness, and embrace the role of leader and ruler.

herslaveDec 23 2005 1:16pm
Hey Susan, you are the Boss!

submaleJan 15 2006 7:49am
Susan your post is 100% true, I'll give you that. I am turned on by women in taking over, yet I dislike it at the same time. And I never felt this way till I hit like 17 or so, just sorta happened. Maybe it's the TV, dunno what's going on really.

MichaelFeb 03 2006 9:52pm
I entered my relationship with my wife thinking that I would be the dominant partner. But, after my wife displayed above average emotional and physical strength, she assumed that role. Over the years, I have come to realize that she is stronger than me emotionally. I am probably more sensitive than most men and she is emotionally tougher than most women, so I guess that makes sense. She also is much stronger than me and can beat me up, although she only does so playfully. The combination of her emotional and physical strength makes her the dominant partner and I assume the submissive role. This is a natural process. I think that more women are emotionally and physically stronger than thier mothers and grandmothers. I think that couples are discovering that in many cases the modern women is the stronger partner, therefore, there is a role reversal. The women is the leader and the man assumes the submissive role. So yes, there is a greater tendency for men to be more submissive, because women have become stronger. It's sort of the law of the jungle. The stronger one takes control.

MikeFeb 14 2006 6:45am
Since women are so superior, let THEM fight the wars while us weak and stupid men stay home and enjoy life without women. Contrary to popular belief, us men can be very happy without sex. Being away from women helps us males to focus our minds and find true meaning. And save lots of money.

Kung Fu MasterApr 15 2006 10:17pm
The tendancy is of course there as it is natural for males to submit to Womyn.

Lou RollsJun 09 2006 12:30am

AnonymousJul 16 2006 7:02pm
Has anyone here read THE WAR AGAINST BOYS, by Christina Hoff Sommers? I just finished reading it, and it is excellent. There is a new poll on the topic of that book:

AnonymousSep 28 2006 11:57am
I am a mature divorced 54 year old male who discovered after my divorce true fulfilment in serving a woman's needs. I suppose the desire was there for quite some time and it just needed the right opportunity to express itself. I do not know exactly when it started to gain a foothold in my psyche or why or how? Suffice it to say, it is now who I am or have become sexually/psychologically and I have embraced my evolution. I am very happy with who I am and long to serve a woman who will nuture and encourage my desire to serve her.

shedirectsOct 25 2006 11:00am
My husband has become submissive after about two years after I joined a gym. I beat him at armwrestling and than wrestling. Now I have more muscle. He knows the truth and now is afraid of me because of my muscles. I show him in the mirror by comparing and it's now easy to see who has the bigger muscles... ME!

JanJan 13 2007 3:22pm
Sat. 2/3/07

Date UpdateFeb 03 2007 10:23pm

#Feb 07 2007 5:06pm
#0056 - (Sun.) 4/1/07

UpdateMar 31 2007 11:01pm
I believe the answer is No. There are simply more outlets for it to be expressed. Thirty-five years ago when I was in high school I had a crush on our school's best Female athlete. She had powerfully built arms and legs to go with a very aggressive manner. She played tennis, field hockey, and softball and I used to attend Her games and got excited every time I saw Her smack a ball with either Her racket, Her softball bat, or Her hockey stick. I used to fantasize that She would use Her same stroke on my behind. However, this was a private fantasy that I never admitted to a soul. Gradually society changed and twenty years later, when I met my future Wife, She was quite interested in keeping a servant whom She could discipline. But I certainly did not become "more submissive" in the intervening years. The world changed not me.

obedient husbandMay 24 2007 8:00pm
I have dated many women that were physically strong; there were several that were (much) stronger than me. As our respective relationships progressed, I became more open with these women, letting them know that I was especially attracted to physically strong women, "the stronger the better," I would tell them. Each one of these women welcomed the opportunity to explore her newfound position in our relationship, either subtly or overtly taking charge when she wanted. I was a willing mate, doing as I was told, acknowledging that I was weaker, and she could do with me as she pleased. It was enlightening to the women and a tremendous turn on for me (and them).

somethingaboutastrongwoman@yahoo.comJun 15 2007 9:14am
#0060 - (Wed.) 7/18/07

UpdateJul 17 2007 11:26pm
Michael, You may not have realized it but you said something very significant when you mentioned it happened when you were around 17. The desire to submit to women is very SEXUAL. When a man becomes aware of women and their sexual power, it's natural to consider what he would do to be with a women he desires. Add to this the fact that both men and women are (slowly) accepting the fact that women are superior, this adds to the desire and justification to submit female rule. Actually the fact that women are superior is a good thing, I would resist having to obey a lesser or equal being simply because of her sexual power. With women being the better half, it's, well, quite acceptable. The world is finally coming out of its ass-backwards ways. If we could just get the religious people of the world to accept they were given brains to use and question things, including doctrine, we'd finally have a world to be proud of.

Sorry a thousand times to those I've offended by speaking anything that goes against your cast in ancient stone beliefs.

STTGAug 17 2007 2:16pm
"Sorry a thousand times to those I've offended by speaking anything that goes against your cast in ancient stone beliefs. " Ah yes. You are a righteous crusader against the burning agony that tortures every woman every second of every day. By insulting you I am doing something wrong. Yet I can admit it without descending into my own inferiority complex. Can you ?. Of course not. Thats why you define everything externally in terms of absolute good and bad. Men bad, women good. Two legs bad four ,legs good.

FNOLOct 29 2007 7:18pm
I am neither a dominant nor a submissive, go figure.

an intelligent life formJun 10 2010 2:44pm
FNOL,once the pigs learned how to walk on two legs they changed it to Four Legs Good, Two Legs Better.

obedient husbandAug 15 2010 3:27pm
I don't know if submissive is the right word but once I realized that my wife that is bigger than me, older than me, better educated than me and that makes more money than me also was stronger than me I clearly became #2 in our relationship and actually let her take the lead. I am not a slave but I do what she tells me to, 90%.

Number twoSep 29 2010 12:16am
Being submissive can apply in a healthy marriage in specific but not necessarily all areas. My wife and I are complete equals everywhere but in the bedroom. There I am the submissive and it all started when we discovered wrestling.I am 8" taller and 70 lbs heavier than my wife. She however is in great shape strong quick skilled and never seems to get tired. Winning at wrestling is far more than size and strength. My wife has made me submit so many times I could not guess. Early in our matches I win a few also but I get gassed and she gets stronger. I usually get to the point where I accept the inevitable and she takes over. I then lay back and enjoy my medicine. Feeling rock hard muscles overpowering me is such a sexual turn on that some nights she just orders me into a hold to start and we skip the wrestling and go straight to the submission. Then of course in to the fabulous sex. Submissive and we both love it that way.

WrestleDadNov 14 2010 8:06pm
Women who enjoy being stronger might be better served in pleasing themselves and their spouse by wrestling the man into submission being mindful yo make it pleasurable to him rather than reveling in humiliating him. My wife enjoys submitting me more when she knows I enjoy it also. Make it a collaboration rather than a whipping.

WrestleDadNov 15 2010 10:53pm
My wife is stronger both in arms as well as legs than me [i'm suffering from a handicap which makes me thin & crippled ] but it is her maternal instinct which predominates in her whether towards me or to our various dogs & puppies ! just yesterday i rescued a pup from a cruel fate ---my stronger , academically smarter wife promised to be my good slavegirl & slut for ever withtears of joy in her eyes at the thought of the rescued pup now safely in our kennel ! she also allowed me to spank her shapely muscular ass to my heart's content ! She & i bothsee her as a loving Mother Goddess who even submits to a spanking from her naughty importunate son who will NOT take no for an answer !!! Both of us do NOT like leather-clad dominatrix !!!

A.G.Feb 09 2011 11:37am
Yes, and it's going to become even more pronounced in the years to come. Think about it, it's a survival instinct, one which women have had to live with for a very long time. Now, as women become the dominant sex, men have no choice but to become increasingly submissive. What choice do we have? In a few years from now, our bosses will be overwhelmingly female (and often younger than us). Many of us will depend on women's superior earning power (and a good number will leave the workforce entirely and become househusbands). In society at large, most of our lawmakers and law enforcers will be female. Under those circumstances, more and more men will simply look down and do what they're told. And women will make sure that once they're on top, they're there to stay.

RealistMay 12 2011 2:01pm
"Realist" is so right. I am taller, heavier, stronger, and older than my female boss, but all that means nothing. She is boss. If she "asks" me to do something I know its really an order and if I want to keep my job I have to obey her and be cheerful about it. At first I hated it but now I am used to it. I have developed submissive feelings toward her and other female bosses and this feels natural now. In time I think most men will feel this way.

Another realistMay 21 2011 10:24am
A piece of edrtuiion unlike any other!

bJBrylLAuDHSnaSqGSSep 30 2011 10:25pm
Yes, i think men become more submissive these days. But it is very surprising that at the same time women have becoming more dominant. It looks like society is slowly turning into a female dominant society. Women are now better educated und more successful and start turning the tables. More and more men stay at home and doing the chords, and women becoming the breadwinner. Men becoming depend on women and this will work on their egos. Women will wear the pants now and perhaps they insist it is time for men to wear skirts and dresses. This makes it more worse for men to act manly and make them more submissive. Maybe women start to dominate men in the bedroom and the strap on will become the norm.

AnonymousApr 07 2012 5:02am
Women are now better educated than men and will become the better jobs in the future. They will outearn men and become the breadwinner. Now women want men to stay at home and do all chores. To make this role reversal complete women insist its time for men to be nice and beautiful. Men must wear skirts and dresses and make up. Of course men will wear all the nice garments women must wear for a long time. In the bedroom women will always be on top. Perhaps women turn the tables and become the giver as men becomes the receiver. If you be a woman the future looks wonderfull for you.

AnonymousSep 05 2012 3:37am
Compliance without submissiveness, asertivness without dominance and duty without ego. there, hope that helps.

In Valen's nameFeb 06 2013 3:36pm
nothing has just want to get in your pants as always....they just act submissive so that you will not be intimidated.

TomStudJul 01 2013 7:23am
Media molds men's minds to accept female superiority and eventual female rule. News is regularly delivered by beautiful sexy intelligent women or metro-sexual males who have been feminized. Real men are constantly denegrated as the "problem". Sitcom after sitcom portrays real men as complete idiots who must be set straight by the women in their life. Dramas are built upon the brutality of men while strong confident female characters save the day and metro-sexual males are steeped in guilt for the crimes of their gender. Even pornography has a subtle slant toward women worship in concept and in content. How many pictorials emphasize male subservience to dominant women with camera angles forcing the male viewer to look up at the nude female, as if on his knees to please her. Males are being indoctrinated as to their proper place in this world - we are idiots who need women to guide us - we are the ugly source of all problems including crime and war - we are lucky if women keep us around at all - we had better make ourselves useful to them by offering an obedient will and an obedient tongue.

NosfemdomusSep 16 2013 6:17am
In late pre-teen and teen years, boys are frequently under the authority of women - babysitters, female teachers, female Vice-principals and principals, school nurses, etc. (yes mothers and older sisters are on the list but let's not go there to protect moral sensibilities - though step-mothers and step-sisters can and often do figure into these situations). It reads like a "Who's who in boys fantasies". These situations are not necessarily sexual (I'm giving the women involved the benefit of the doubt here), but are perceived as such by boys discovering their sexuality. The babysitter spanks (perhaps his bare butt naked)and bathes the young boy(obviously naked perhaps even undressed by her), with the incidental contact becoming sexually meaningful to the boy. The boy learns that there are significant consequences to not obeying her. His surrender to her is linked to the pleasure he feels from her touch as he is bathed. He also learns that even a female just a few years older than him can wield this power - contributing to his feeling of powerlessness and need to comply to "a girl". The female teacher judges, scolds and (in the old days) spanks the young boy (perhaps again his bare butt naked) - again significant consequences for not pleasing and obeying a female authority. Female Vice-principals and Principals are also female authority figures that wield punishment, figuratively or (in the old days) literally (remember the "Board of Education"). The young boy learns that failure to please/obey his teacher will put him at greater peril with an even more powerful female. School nurses, while not sources of punishment, are sources of pain and embarrassment. We are ordered to remove our clothes by a uniformed female stranger. The uniform indicates her authority over us. We are completely naked and exposed and subject to her gaze, her touch, her probing (does anyone remember the "turn your head and cough" sessions?) her measuring (Do they still weigh and measure boys completely naked or measure a boy's intimate anatomy?). We feel a loss of control (disorienting drugs and medical restraint) and infliction of pain (with scary needles, and other frightening medical equipment). Add to this the non-sexual authority of the mother or older sisters or implied sexual authority of a step-mother or older step-sisters and you have a boy's world utterly dominated by women of authority who are older, bigger, and far more powerful than them. Even if these women commit no sexual violation, the incidental contact and message is that the boy must obey women and do his best to please women in authority over him. In an adolescent boy heading for, or going through, puberty these experiences become "sexualized". On top of this, most female authority figures are in their 30's, at the height of their sexual power and attractiveness. Boys just entering the sexual world are at the height of their sexual need and confusion, ill-equipped to deal with the visual and pheremonal stimulation they are bombarded with daily. How many boys develop "crushes" on their female teachers? (and how many female teachers sexually prey on young boys under their authority?). Incidental genital contact during spanking (between a boys genitals and the woman's thighs, whether the boy is naked or not, inextricably links sexual stimulation with pain and humiliation at the hands of a powerful women. When a female authority figure forces a boy to pull down his pants and "assume the position" for spanking or paddling or, even worse, takes physical control of the boy, forcibly pulls his pants down and forces him into "the position" for corporal punishment, she is training him to be submissive to her and all other women. Perception becomes reality for the boy even if every female authority figure acts innocently. I think these factors are the leading causes of male submissiveness. Our need to please and obey women becomes a comfortable role we play out again and again as we date (with the reward of sex for proper submissive behavior) and eventually marry (Yes,dear - need I say more?). Add to this mix a woman or women who do enjoy humiliating, punishing or controlling a boy for their sexual amusement or fulfillment of some sort of power trip, and you would have a chronic male submissive that may take it to the extremes of humiliation, pain, and enslavement. This has an exponential effect as generations are fed by the submissive males and complicit females who drive the media.

Dr SubmaleOct 16 2013 11:23pm
Estz8r Im thankful for the article post. Much obliged.

lgganSJjNyOct 26 2013 7:20am
mrziMC Really appreciate you sharing this blog.Really thank you! Want more.

sZVnFzgHOZNQJan 17 2014 11:02am
FNk7Af Thanks for the blog article. Fantastic.

ZvNOWHRVmsJlFdQJan 31 2014 3:20am
FOzgDJ I loved your article.Much thanks again. Cool.

rspTTWfQMar 22 2014 4:18am
iQXzwH Thank you ever so for you article post.Really thank you! Keep writing.

fCoFYMAlsTcjBssYdRkApr 01 2014 4:42am
The reason females are becoming more dominant is because they're are many chemicals around that are diminishing testosterone in males. Also gay Hollywood is pushing it with their programming, but is mostly the chemicals destroying testosterone. Stats show that the testosterone of males today is over half less than males 50 years ago, and their Jones'(penis') has even shrank by an inch. This un population control, or greedy corporations cutting corners, damned the results.

kwame.ajamu@gmail.comApr 14 2014 1:50am
Russia is the only modern country still promoting male/ female sexual relations, so if I were a white man, I would leave the west and join Russia, I would take the losses of so-called freedoms, but freedom, like all things is relative, sure you can "say" a lot of things here in the west, but we can't organize anymore, just look at what the police forces did to occupy wall street. First, they only did this to Blacks, now to anyone, and they are moving any upwards mobility to their government, brainwashing, college, institutions. America is the main engine in feminizing the world and exporting homosexuality. If I were a white man I would go to Russia, check it out, forget about the bubble gum freedoms of the U.S.A that mean nothing in real life, where they want to make homosexuality as the default conditions of life, and destroy male virility.

kwame.ajamu@gmail.comApr 14 2014 2:16am
One thing that we(men)do that women don't, is that when we get enough of a untenable situation, we just walk off, or comeback and kill everybody in sight. Keep this instinct men, they are trying to wean us off that, but that might be our last card to play, as force is ultimately, the final say, don't let anyone fool you on that.

kwame.ajamu@gmail.comApr 14 2014 2:31am
1nKUAC I cannot thank you enough for the article post.Really looking forward to read more. Great.

jYJsFXzOAMay 11 2014 3:42pm
8cwTIT A round of applause for your post.Really looking forward to read more. Fantastic.

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JxdqIZdOXcHclkDNJun 11 2015 3:51am
XcNvGM Really informative post.Really thank you! Keep writing.

TojhlQORBEJul 01 2015 10:39am
Women are becoming better and better at everything which obviously means they are becoming better than men at many things including strength and sport. Naturally this makes men more submissive whether they like it or not.

StephanieJul 14 2015 5:22am
jaTUBj Wohh exactly what I was looking for, appreciate it for putting up.

NNmqlOwFEdaUAug 04 2015 3:37am
gpoCFL Thank you ever so for you article. Cool.

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C7Tv1R pretty useful stuff, overall I consider this is worthy of a bookmark, thanks

BbXZLKrSjUEbnOhRpxNov 09 2015 7:44pm
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toEtDZKkNov 28 2015 12:10am
The reasons for the increasing Female superiority are easy. Most of the young male teenagers respect the stronger gender of the Female and feel "Sissy"! They are attracted by big and strong dominant elder women and wish to be well trained and disciplined under their harsh commands! In this modern times the old decency rules for good behaviour have been established again. For instance, a docile Sissy-boy is kneeling in front of his Mistress, crossing his hands on his back and face to her feet! At her command he bows down and gives her a submissive kiss on her feet and also on the insoles of her pumps when he's ordered to remove her shoewear! So the Mistress keeps a tight rein over him and he obeys! And by the way - no Female should do lower chores at her feet - that's only males duty! For normal a Sissy-boy has no problem with that because he loves women's feet and he acts as an obedient foot servant. He sniffs the smell of his Mistress feet and inhales it willingly for giving her the respect she deserves. And for a deeper humiliation it's also usual that he has to suck all the sweat which transpirates out of her nylon toes and lick in between for her pleasure. For doing a good work he will earning a "Good boy" - but when not he must feel the whip! Being beaten up by his Mistress is very painfull and it hurts a lot but it's also absolutely important for a good education and disciplining. Many submissive male teens think so - and they agree with strict Mistress treatment.

subboy at feetDec 30 2015 1:01pm

GeOeFyBZfOlwfcDec 31 2015 2:55pm
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