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Are Bloods Pussies?

Question: Are Bloods a.k.a slobs bitch azz pussies?
Created by: lopi at 12:21:19 PM, Wednesday, February 09, 2005 EST


f*ck all bitch azz slobs out there. Its Cris 4Life

loFeb 09 2005 7:54pm

Anyone who feels the need to associate with a "gang" is someone with no courage to stand on his own. Mostly uneducated (by choice), these people usually don't mature in time to prevent permanent damage to themselves & their families.

DonFeb 10 2005 10:19am
total kunts

AnonymousFeb 22 2005 9:39pm
#0005 - (Fri.) * 8/17/07

UpdateAug 17 2007 9:03pm
Who give a F**K there all scum bags. In fact the only good thing about them is they never be in a place of real power. All they can do is pick on the poor & the old & sell dope to children

HufAug 27 2007 11:00am

1Jun 09 2015 2:09pm
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