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What is the best reason to vote Democrat in the upcoming mid-term election?

Question: There are distinctive differences between the Democrats & Republicans. If you choose to vote for Democrats, Which is the best reason for that choice?
Created by: Donald at 12:10:53 PM, Sunday, November 05, 2006 EST


I would say all of the above if it were a choice, but if I have to choose one I definitely would say I wish to pay higher taxes. We need more social welfare programs because it is the government's obligation to provide for the people.

StanNov 05 2006 5:18pm

How about setting the Republicans back to their traditional platform as small government along with responsible budgets and getting religion back out of politics where it never belonged in the first place.

AnonymousNov 16 2006 7:00pm
Anybody who still supports the Bush administration is either gullible or a religious zealot. They are far more corrupt than the Nixon administration and they have destroyed American credibility world wide.

AnonymousDec 17 2006 8:02am
Anyone who supports the Bush administration is a patriot with a strong sense of duty and country. It is a shame that this generation is so vulnerable to the far-left propaganda in the 24 hour "news cycle". Most of these liberals are not even aware they are supporting organizations which are funded by people who wish harm on our country.

non amusApr 28 2007 9:55am
Does duty to your country mean turning a 250 million surplus budget into a deficit budget of 1/2 trillion just to oust a weak and irrelevant disctator? Does it mean you ignore terrorists in Afghanistan in order to turn your attention to Iraq. Why? Headlines I suppose. It sounded better than admitting they can't even find bin Laden. Does patriotism mean remaining mute and blindly obedient as the dollar loses 60% of it's value against ALL other major currencies in the space of a whopping 3 1/2 years under this incompetent ignorant administration. You want propoganda? Bush was president on Sept 11, 2001 and you still think he's always done everything in his power to combat int'l terrorism.

AnonymousOct 21 2007 8:40am
Whoever asked this question is a sadly misinformed fool who has been hopelessly enslaved by the propaganda on FOX news. The proof is in the lack of answers that accurately reflect the views of non conservatives.

fuck dems and republicansJul 28 2011 6:43pm
nothing wrong with fox news millionaires need to get there view point just a little scared that real people believe fox news.maybe if the welfare crowd made a news network people would believe them to and they could get there welfare checks up to 4000 a month.who no maybe it work people believe sorta sounds right maybe welfare just need right spin 24 hours a day.

AnonymousSep 18 2011 2:29pm
lol thats funny.i can here the unbiased welfare channel news guy....if we raise there checks to 5000 a month they could create 10 million more jobs....

AnonymousSep 18 2011 2:35pm

1Apr 16 2015 10:49am
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