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Why dont peepz like raverz?? =0(

Created by: glowgurl at 07:50:04 AM, Thursday, June 22, 2000 EDT


as a pierced and tattooed person, what i am going to say is from the heart...ravers would be cool if they didn't act like *ssholes and jackasses when in public. even I get annoyed at them trying to be so loud and show off. being yourself isn't bad, but trying to be the crowd is sad. get a life and stop doing drugs.

XraverJul 24 2000 7:21pm

I just recently "lost" I guess you could say my best friend ever. He's still alive and everything, but he got a new job where alot of "ravers" work and ever since, he has completely ditched me for the raves and most of all because I refused to do all of the drugs he started using. I hung out with him and his "raver friends" once and honestly it disgusted me. They were on all sorts of drugs and just hooking up with the closest person to them whether male or female. And I don't know if it goes for all "ravers". But the few I know, concentrate mainly on drugs, they spend all their money on drugs..everything is about drugs, and that is just flat out pathetic to me.

that one girlJul 24 2000 7:21pm
Does drugs classify someone as a raver? What if they just dress differently and are pierced and tattooed? And probably not all have attitudes, right? I don't know much about this.

LaDiosaJul 24 2000 7:21pm
What makes you a raver is going to and participating in raves, buddy- participating being the key word. That means sai and sai screws with your head. Down with cliques.

PeerlessOct 13 2001 6:19pm
No, drug use makes you and idiot, and a loser.

MeMay 31 2002 8:04pm
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