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Do you trust a government which signs legislation into law without even being aware of its contents?

Question: It is now known that when congress passed the stimulus package, which Obama signed into law, not a single one of them ever read the bill. Do you trust a government that would let this happen?
Created by: noaig3 at 06:43:32 AM, Wednesday, March 25, 2009 EDT


It turns out members of congress and the president were well aware of the bonuses awarded to AIG executives, and in fact provided for them in the stimulus bill which they pushed through without even having time to read it. That means the whole controversy adds up to mock outrage by the same people who created the situation. This administration is dangerous, and the worst part is so many people are unconditionally supportive of it. They don't even know what they voted for, but they vote anyway.

GeneMar 25 2009 10:54am

I agree totally with Gene it's such a farce

donMar 26 2009 12:49pm
Congress just passed a bill calling for the mandatory inscription of children to serve in a uniformed public service corps. Does anyone else see the parallel to such organizations such as the Brownshirts, the SS, or the Hitler Youth? Did you raise your children to serve the government and submit to indoctrination? If you voted for "change", you are about to get your money's worth. Those who don't learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

SamMar 26 2009 3:11pm
A lot of Democrats are beginning to realize this is not what they had in mind when they supported Obama.

AnonymousMar 27 2009 9:16am
#0005 - (Fri.) * 3/27/09

UpdateMar 27 2009 12:47pm
It does seem like this administration is rapidly expanding the reach of a more intrusive and dictatorial government. When they get around to taxing everyone for global warming (while we have spring snow storms), the standard of living will decline across the board. They campaigned on the premise of helping the lower class, and what they are actually doing is systematically stripping the population of wealth and freedom. A 12 dollar a month income tax cut for 95% of the people? Meaningless when you consider all of the other ways they are coming after your money. We will know for sure we are headed for tyranny when the gun ban comes up. that's what's next.

BernieMar 28 2009 2:04pm
Obama now says he is willing to consider signing a budget which excludes the lower and middle class tax cuts the used as a campaign slogan due to objections from Democrats in Congress. So much for the promises he made to 95% of the population. He is a liar just like any other ordinary politician. He has done more damage to this country in his first 100 days than the last 20 presidents combined. That may seem like an exaggeration, but the statistics actually back up that statement. will the people be stupid enough to re-elect him?

AnonymousApr 01 2009 1:51pm
Yes. They were stupid enough the first time. Most of them don't even know what's going on.

DanApr 01 2009 1:54pm
It's the NEWS MEDIA, if they report to U.S....don't worry it going to be OK...he's doing it for our own good, a lot of U.S. dumb asses believe them, no questions ask and the European are just as dumb, if not worse they act like he's some kind of rock star. And his firing the president of GM and leaving the banking CEO fools alone, giving them the chance to Fu*k US over again when most of them should be going to prison (yes, that also includes the wall street a$$es)deregulation don't work look at your cable bill..are your gas and electric bills...if you think it does. The rich will come together when it come to F-n the middle class & poor our of their money.

RayApr 01 2009 10:04pm
#0010 - (Thu.) * 4/2/09

UpdateApr 01 2009 10:06pm
Boob-Bo above (class & the poor OUT of their money)

RayApr 02 2009 9:33pm
Obama has duped an entire nation into believing he has compassion for the average not-so-wealthy citizen. The hidden agenda has quickly emerged, which is to expand the reach and power of the federal government while stripping the population of wealth and personal freedom. By making people dependent on the state, they increase the power of the state. Most Democrat voters are so emotionally invested in this president that they are in denial of what they see before their own eyes. He got himself elected by convincing the masses that he would cut taxes for "95% of the people", when in fact he will enormously increase the cost of living with ridiculous energy and global warming taxes. It is April, and the majority of the country has snow on the ground with freezing temperatures. Yet they still insist on taxing us to prevent the earth from burning up. The temperature of the earth has actually cooled over the last decade, but the people have already swallowed the propaganda. Now he has completed his tour of Europe where he has apologized for the American people for causing all the problems of the world. He has weakened our position and sold us out. And because the Democrats have control over both houses of congress along with the executive branch, they can pass any legislation they want to without one Republican vote. It is too late for the people to wake up, and the damage has just begun. The radical Islamists are cheering because this is exactly what kind of weak leader they have been waiting for. It is not a coincidence that North Korea launched a weapon while all this was going on. They are testing to see what kind of reaction they will get. The U.S. is extremely vulnerably now.

BobApr 06 2009 1:29pm
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