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Should America do away with capitalism?

Question: We all thought that there was going to be a revovery in this unprecedented economic disaster. But as we see, the economy is continuing to tank because there continues to be greed and corruption. So is capitalism a failure? Should america do away with capitalism at its core?
Created by: Ifhhjdjd at 04:50:39 AM, Wednesday, January 27, 2010 EST


Capitalism seems to be working better in undemocratic regimes such as China or Russia! However it seems to be failing in democratic countries. So it could be too much freedom?

AnonymousJan 27 2010 10:05am

it took us a decade to get out of our depression and it took Japan a decade to get out of theirs

AnonymousJan 27 2010 11:40am
Capitalism and Communism/Socialism are just two sides of the materialistic hydra we should get rid of the both of them.

AnonymousJan 27 2010 12:23pm
Abandoning the free market is a great idea if you wish to live under tyranny and oppression.

WilliamJan 27 2010 3:46pm
Democracy is what is failing. China is about to overtake the US as the most powerful economic force in the world. They are no democracy by a long shot. Russia? they may have a open market now. But they are no democracy at all. And they are holding the purse strings as is china. the problem with that as China and possibly Russia overtake the US as the main powerhouse, the perception will be that authoritarian rule is more successful! If that happens and the US economy is still ailing, with heavy China influence, there could be a change in the political system in the US. Democracy can only work if you have restraints, otherwise its the law of the jungle that rules. And thats exactly what happened in the USA!

AnonymousJan 28 2010 3:54pm
An open market is not necessarily a democracy.its simply an economic system or tool. A system that respects human rights is. China and Russia caught onto that. Unfortunately, we didn`t

AnonymousJan 28 2010 4:09pm
You only have the freedom to express your point of view because you are enjoying the benefits of the system you are trying to tear down. Perhaps you would prefer to live in a society where you will be subjected to corporal punishment and imprisonment for saying what is on your mind. Try moving to China, and see if they welcome you there.

UnanimousJan 29 2010 10:42am
People in the U.S.A. are MIGHTY LUCKY!!! But they are also SPOILED ROTTEN!!! Throughout the ages, there were those in other parts of the world who were SHOT for saying what is on their mind.

One WHO NEVER FORGETS!!!Jan 30 2010 2:30am
capitalism has natural cycles that cleanse out imprudent behavior. These cycles can be mildly painful in the dips and valleys. The attempt to over regulate the market has taken mild pain and by imposing rigidity caused bubbles and major pain when the bubble bursts. There are also groups who seek to focus on the natural dips and use this mild pain to convince others that the system is not working and needs to be further regulated. This causes bubbles to grow artificially large and cause massive pain when bursting. 1990 - 2002 Tech Bubble 1970 - 2008 Real Estate Bubble The real estate bubble was encouraged to grow to unbelievable extents by artificially regulating the market.

SteveFeb 06 2010 2:14pm
The Real Estate Bubble happened because of a law from President Jimmy Carter that forced banks to give loans to lenders who were bad credits risks.

Truth ManFeb 06 2010 8:06pm
You neo-cons try to blame democrats for everything. george bush caused the financial crisis and the debt we are in. president obama inherited the deficit and is now trying to fix it.

social science majorFeb 06 2010 10:10pm
Americans can't do away capitalism. Because they are communist but let the people think that they are communist. But the voting is not fair they don't look how much people vote for President A or B but states. And there is no open market they are deciding what people are allowed to have/do and what not.

AnonymousFeb 09 2010 6:31am
EDIT: Because they are communist but let the people think that they are CAPITALISTS.

AnonymousFeb 09 2010 6:32am
social science major, are you nuts? the dems got control of congress in 06...economy puked....think facts...stop drinking koolaide. you sound like one of those idiots on MSNBC

LELGTFeb 09 2010 8:29am
The Democrats never had control of anything. Bush was in office until the end of 2008. The republicans have run things like a nazi dictatorship ever since they stole the election in 2000. Get your history and your facts right before you go shooting off your mouth.

social science majorFeb 09 2010 3:35pm
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