Fantasy Hoops



i wanna be a singer

The Problem: i want to be a famous singer really bad but im olny .My voice already develuped and im verry perffeshinal.Whenever i sing on stage when i come off i cant turn all the way around without people telling me how good i was.Any advice

Asked by: i want shawn m. at 11:25:08 AM, Monday, January 03, 2011 EST FLAG


maybe you should post videos of your self singing on youtube maybe usher or someone famous will see it and like ur voice

go for it Jan 09 2011 1:48pm FLAG

thank you.i posted 1 video on youtube of me singing crazeir taylor swift but i might post some justin bieber, i cant post right now though because i just got over strep and my singing and even just tallking will crack

me Jan 11 2011 4:45pm FLAG
You're ugly and i like potatoe's. I have big d*ck with a giant wart.

Safina Mariano. Jan 29 2011 3:58pm FLAG
@ Safina Mariano: why would u put u have a giant wart thats disgusting. @i want shawn m.: Maybe you should get into some of those groups like ren singing groups and maybe some talent seeker will one day spot you :D

S and A: The Psychologists Mar 06 2011 11:42am FLAG
hey! good singer dont mean age!!thats exuse!...try to open ur openining ur mouth as much & from deep abdomen....not from nose....i hope u understand!!!

abizaks! Apr 04 2011 2:24am FLAG
No one understands your ridiculous post abizaks, you ridiculous ! And don't think this is just aimed at little abizaks here. This is directed at all you foul smelling little s! THINK THERE'S A GIANT NUMBER 3! SHOUTIN AT KIDS!?! MAYBE YOUVE BEEN SMOKING TOO MUCH GUNGA MATE!

SIR SCROTUM Apr 27 2011 12:06pm FLAG
If you need to get out there me and 3 of my buddies are in the forgotten and were lookin for a singer If tou live in oklahoma or utah

caleb Aug 05 2011 10:18am FLAG
im jb

justin beaber Aug 30 2011 1:01am FLAG
u r not justin beiber . this website is not even recognized

u r not jb Oct 29 2011 10:15am FLAG
OMG i never knew there were homos on this site . please do not say youre justin beiber. it is an insult to yourself

buttercuopy Oct 29 2011 10:18am FLAG
someone wants 2 say they are justin beiber when they r spelling his name wrong

horrorfan Oct 29 2011 10:18am FLAG
im 10 and i want to be a singer too im a female too (:

(: Mar 31 2012 9:16pm FLAG
Give advice:

