Fantasy Hoops



*sits alone watching everyone*~Lily

The Problem:

Asked by: Lily_BMTH at 10:18:42 PM, Tuesday, August 12, 2014 EDT FLAG


You watch the people around you often? *smiles*

MasterTS Aug 12 2014 7:20pm FLAG

*Smiles crookedly* Sometimes

Lily Aug 12 2014 7:22pm FLAG
It's not a bad thing you know. You can learn a lot about people just by watching them interact with the world.

MasterTS Aug 12 2014 7:23pm FLAG
I guess so.

Lily Aug 12 2014 7:24pm FLAG
Well then I hope you have fun watching the little people run around *smirks*

MasterTS Aug 12 2014 7:27pm FLAG
*snickered, turning away and putting in headphones*

Lily Aug 12 2014 7:28pm FLAG
*licks my lips while performing a series of sexual acts in my head. This vibrant young....hehe extra young girl begging for my penis*

MasterTS Aug 12 2014 7:35pm FLAG
So lily tell me. Do you ever get a tingly butterfly feeling in your mid section when you see old wrinkly c*ck?

MasterTS Aug 12 2014 7:36pm FLAG
Thats one way to look at it TS... -leaning against a wall in the shadows-

Red Shadow Aug 12 2014 7:36pm FLAG
*spoke loudly over the music* Buh-bye now! 😬

Lily Aug 12 2014 7:36pm FLAG
If any of you really think those last 2 were me you are damaged in the head

MasterTS Aug 12 2014 7:38pm FLAG
(Nah, I know.)

Lily Aug 12 2014 7:39pm FLAG
Meh... it's kind of how I envision you being myself.

Anonymous Aug 12 2014 7:39pm FLAG
Nah, I was speaking of earlier post.

Red Shadow Aug 12 2014 7:41pm FLAG
You I wasn't worried about Lily, you watch people so you would know.

MasterTS Aug 12 2014 7:41pm FLAG
That's fine. The opinions of anons and fakers don't concern me.

MasterTS Aug 12 2014 7:42pm FLAG
The person who doesn't observe before acting is asking for trouble and complication

MasterTS Aug 12 2014 7:43pm FLAG
I watch people... from the shadows... you only know Im me when you see Red Shadow or INA, you have no idea who else I am.

Red Shadow Aug 12 2014 7:43pm FLAG
No but I have my idea, you see I watch people too and when you watch long enough you see a pattern. Though to be honest whoever else you might be doesn't really concern me much.

MasterTS Aug 12 2014 7:46pm FLAG
I could very well be one of your slaves TS. You would never know because unlike most idiots on here that use two diff 'people' I switch it up. Thats what seperates the brilliant and the stupid. If you hadnt already figured it out, Ive been two of your former slaves just to see how you did things from the pov of a slave. Its an odd way I figure things out.

Red Shadow Aug 12 2014 7:49pm FLAG
Then you are more intelligent than most and a welcome change. However if you were 2 different former slaves then that means you either left, were forced out, or disappeared 2 different times. I suppose you could claim you did it just to see how I acted with 2 different personality types and that's fine I appreciate data collection. But that then begs the question, what are you going to do with what you have learned.

MasterTS Aug 12 2014 7:54pm FLAG

Lily Aug 12 2014 7:56pm FLAG
Absolutely nothing, except be able to tell you apart from fakers and possibly use it against you if I ever find the need too. The first one I disappeared. The second one was forced out. By that alone, I figured out you didnt just accept anyone and you do enjoy sèxting occasionally.

Red Shadow Aug 12 2014 7:58pm FLAG
its like red shadow is a secret agent

future Aug 12 2014 8:00pm FLAG
As I have always said, I don't need to lie about my actions. But you are basically at this point a loose end with no clear intentions, what I do know is that you have some interest in me still otherwise you would be here bragging/warning me of all this. If I don't know your true intentions then I will just have to see you as a neutral, a non entity until you play your hand.

MasterTS Aug 12 2014 8:01pm FLAG
I have nothing against you at this moment in time. But the future can hold suprises, from both you or I.

Red Shadow Aug 12 2014 8:03pm FLAG
Why are you guys arguing? There's no point.

Lily Aug 12 2014 8:03pm FLAG
Assassin/Vampire @future

Red Shadow Aug 12 2014 8:04pm FLAG
We are arguing? Didnt even realize. @Lily

Red Shadow Aug 12 2014 8:04pm FLAG
haha this thread is too much lol

future Aug 12 2014 8:05pm FLAG
Too much what? @future

Red Shadiw -insert jackie chan confusion face here Aug 12 2014 8:08pm FLAG
This thread is basically summed up to being -battle of the pedos-

Anonymous Aug 12 2014 8:08pm FLAG
Im insulted @anon. How dare you call me a pedo!

Red Shadow Aug 12 2014 8:09pm FLAG
It's best you ignore them Shadow, pedo seems to be the only word they know like they are obsessed with it, you know it's not healthy to obsess over a word like that people might get the wrong idea

MasterTS Aug 12 2014 8:11pm FLAG
too much funny things being said. sorry to confuse you

future Aug 12 2014 8:12pm FLAG
@ red shadow

future Aug 12 2014 8:12pm FLAG
I knew what you meant. Its hard to tell sarcasm thru text @futre. Ikr @TS

Red Shadow Aug 12 2014 8:13pm FLAG
-shug- it's easy to ignore the shoes we wear as long as we are comfortable in them... amarite TS, wear them comfy shoes fella, wear em!

Anonymous Aug 12 2014 8:23pm FLAG
never heard that phrase before until now thanks anon

future Aug 12 2014 8:29pm FLAG
Well then I suppose judgement resentment and idiocy are all shoes you are very comfortable with, keep on rockin them shoes bub

MasterTS Aug 12 2014 8:34pm FLAG
Go to my new post guys ,jeez!!

BlacK~TuXEnemy Aug 12 2014 8:57pm FLAG
Lol, the master fella loses his composure when he is confronted as a pedophile.

Anonymous Aug 12 2014 8:58pm FLAG
Give advice:

