Fantasy Hoops



Why did the chicken cross the road?

The Problem: .

Asked by: firefalcon10 at 04:19:07 PM, Wednesday, August 20, 2014 EDT FLAG


JERRY FALWELL. Because the chicken was gay! Isn't it obvious? Can't you people see the plain truth in front of your face? The chicken was going to the other side. That's what they call it -- the other side. Yes, my friends, that chicken is gay. And, if you eat that chicken, you will become gay too. I say we boycott all chickens until we sort out this abomination that the liberal media whitewashes with seemingly harmless phrases like the other side.

ff Aug 20 2014 1:19pm FLAG

GEORGE W. BUSH. We don't really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to know if the chicken is on our side of the road or not. The chicken is either with us or it is against us. There is no middle ground here. AL GORE I invented the chicken. I invented the road. Therefore, the chicken crossing the road represented the application of these two different functions of government in a new, reinvented way designed to bring greater services to the American people. COLIN POWELL Now at the left of the screen, you clearly see the satellite image of the chicken crossing the road. HANS BLIX We have reason to believe there is a chicken, but we have not yet been allowed access to the other side of the road. MOHAMMED ALDOURI (Iraq's former ambassador) The chicken did not cross the road. This is a complete fabrication. We don't even have a chicken. SADDAM HUSSEIN This was an unprovoked act of rebellion and we were quite justified in dropping 50 tons of nerve gas on it. RALPH NADER The chicken's habitat on the original side of the road had been polluted by unchecked industrialist greed. The chicken did not reach the unspoiled habitat on the other side of the road because it was crushed by the wheels of a gas-guzzling SUV. PAT BUCHANAN To steal a job from a decent, hard-working American. RUSH LIMBAUGH I don't know why the chicken crossed the road, but I'll bet it was getting a government grant to cross the road, and I'll bet someone out there is already forming a support group to help chickens with crossing-the-road syndrome. Can you believe this? How much more of this can real Americans take? Chickens crossing the road paid for by their tax dollars, and when I say tax dollars, I'm talking about your money, money the government took from you to build roads for chickens to cross. MARTHA STEWART No one called to warn me which way that chicken was going. I had a standing order at the farmer's market to sell my eggs when the price dropped to a certain level. No little bird gave me any insider information.

ff Aug 20 2014 1:21pm FLAG
XD Are you alright, ff??

Lily Aug 20 2014 1:24pm FLAG
Isn't that interesting? In a few moments we will be listening to the chicken tell, for the first time, the heart-warming story of how it experienced a serious case of molting and went on to accomplis life-long dream of crossing the road. JOHN LENNON Imagine all the chickens crossing roads in peace. ARISTOTLE It is the nature of chickens to cross the road. KARL MARX It was an historical inevitability. VOLTAIRE I may not agree with what the chicken did, but I will defend to the death its right to do it. RONALD REAGAN What chicken? CAPTAIN KIRK To boldly go where no chicken has gone before.

ff Aug 20 2014 1:24pm FLAG
I'm never "alright" @lily

ff Aug 20 2014 1:24pm FLAG
BILL CLINTON I did not cross the road with THAT chicken. What do you mean by chicken?

ff Aug 20 2014 1:28pm FLAG
Firefalcon. Some people may believe that what this chicken was doing was wrong but what I think is that this chicken is doing great for man kind it's providing America with no eggs because the chicken's other "side" means of course the rooster side. One day there will be no chickens and when there are no chickens there are no eggs when there are no eggs there are no cakes when there are no cakes there are no fat gay fcked up versions of American, in conclusion this chicken is doing us a great favor, a favor that will benefit the united states of America.

ff Aug 20 2014 1:39pm FLAG

ff Aug 20 2014 1:40pm FLAG
A little boy wanted $100.00 very badly and prayed for weeks, but nothing happened. Then he decided to write God a letter requesting the $100.00. When the postal authorities received the letter to God, USA, they decided to send it to the President. The president was so amused that he instructed his secretary to send the little boy a $5.00 bill. The president thought this would appear to be a lot of money to a little boy. The little boy was delighted with the $5.00 bill and sat down to write a thank-you note to God, which read: >>> Dear God: Thank you very much for sending the money. However, I noticed that for some reason you sent it through Washington, DC, and those crooks deducted $95.00 in taxes.

ff Aug 20 2014 1:43pm FLAG
George: Condi! Nice to see you. What's happening? Condi: Sir, I have the report here about the new leader of China.

ff Aug 20 2014 1:46pm FLAG
George: Great. Lay it on me. Condi: Hu is the new leader of China.

ff Aug 20 2014 1:46pm FLAG
George: That's what I want to know. Condi: That's what I'm telling you.

ff Aug 20 2014 1:46pm FLAG
George: That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China?

ff Aug 20 2014 1:48pm FLAG
Condi: Yes.

ff Aug 20 2014 1:49pm FLAG
George: I mean the fellow's name. Condi: Hu. George: The guy in China. Condi: Hu. George: The new leader of China. Condi: Hu. George: The Chinaman! Condi: Hu is leading China. George: Now whaddya' asking me for?

ff Aug 20 2014 1:49pm FLAG
Condi: I'm telling you Hu is leading China. George: Well, I'm asking you. Who is leading China?

ff Aug 20 2014 1:49pm FLAG
Condi: That's the man's name. George: That's who's name?

ff Aug 20 2014 1:50pm FLAG
Condi: Yes...

ff Aug 20 2014 1:50pm FLAG
George: Will you or will you not tell me the name of the new leader of China? Condi: Yes, sir. George: Yassir? Yassir Arafat is in China? I thought he was in the Middle East.

ff Aug 20 2014 1:50pm FLAG
Condi: That's correct. George: Then who is in China? Condi: Yes, sir. George: Yassir is in China?

ff Aug 20 2014 1:51pm FLAG
George: Then who is? Condi: Yes, sir. George: Yassir? Condi: No, sir.

ff Aug 20 2014 1:51pm FLAG
George: Look, Condi. I need to know the name of the new leader of China. Get me the Secretary General of the U.N. on the phone.

ff Aug 20 2014 1:52pm FLAG
Condi: Kofi? George: No, thanks. Condi: You want Kofi?

ff Aug 20 2014 1:52pm FLAG
Condi: You don't want Kofi.

ff Aug 20 2014 1:52pm FLAG
You've lost your mind, hahah

-M Aug 20 2014 1:53pm FLAG
George: No. But now that you mention it, I could use a glass of milk. And then get me the U.N. Condi: Yes, sir. George: Not Yassir! The guy at the U.N. Condi: Kofi? George: Milk! Will you please make the call?

ff Aug 20 2014 1:53pm FLAG
George: Milk! Will you please make the call? Condi: And call who? George: Who is the guy at the U.N? Condi: Hu is the guy in China. George: Will you stay out of China?! Condi: Yes, sir. George: And stay out of the Middle East! Just get me the guy at the U.N.

ff Aug 20 2014 1:53pm FLAG
Condi: Kofi.

ff Aug 20 2014 1:54pm FLAG
George: All right! With cream and two sugars. Now get on the phone.

ff Aug 20 2014 1:54pm FLAG
(Condi picks up the phone.) Condi: Rice, here.

ff Aug 20 2014 1:55pm FLAG
George: Rice? Good idea. And a couple of egg rolls, too. Maybe we should send some to the guy in China.

ff Aug 20 2014 1:55pm FLAG

Lily Aug 20 2014 1:57pm FLAG
Oh didn't see your comment there and yes, I've gone insane. @M

ff Aug 20 2014 1:58pm FLAG
Goodbye now .______.

ff Aug 20 2014 1:58pm FLAG
It crossed to the other side to die!

Anonymous Aug 20 2014 5:35pm FLAG
Give advice:

