Fantasy Hoops



Sirvlad AMA

The Problem: Ask, and you shall receive a likely convoluted answer that has something to do with the question.

Asked by: sirvlad at 11:26:58 PM, Friday, October 17, 2014 EDT FLAG


What is love.

Jack Oct 17 2014 8:27pm FLAG

For those that are unaware, AMA: Ask Me Anything.

sirvlad Oct 17 2014 8:28pm FLAG
Shrek is love..... SHREK IS LIFE

sirvlad Oct 17 2014 8:28pm FLAG
I know the answer just i wanna know what you think about it. I

Jack Oct 17 2014 8:28pm FLAG
@jack. A chemical reaction taking place in the brain that has a large amount of physical and mental reactions. It increases heart rate, voice pitch, body temperature, and in males, it increases aggression.

sirvlad Oct 17 2014 8:29pm FLAG
Same question, what is love? And no Shrek is not love, he is life

Meph Oct 17 2014 8:29pm FLAG
Son of a... I should've known that someone would be faking. Good thing I... Never mind.

sirvlad Oct 17 2014 8:29pm FLAG
XD I saw shrek is love shrek is life well anyway did you know love isn't from the heart it's from the brain?

Jack Oct 17 2014 8:30pm FLAG
Though my faker does have a point, maybe I've spent top much time on 4chan. I dunno.

sirvlad Oct 17 2014 8:30pm FLAG
@Jack. The brain is the source of all conscious and unconscious thought (save reflexive actions, that's your spinal cord). Your heart is simply a complicated and powerful muscle responsible for pumping blood.

sirvlad Oct 17 2014 8:31pm FLAG
whats ur view on gay ppl

miles5 Oct 17 2014 8:31pm FLAG
And people say you only use 1 0% of your brain power but you do use all of your brain just not at once...

Jack Oct 17 2014 8:33pm FLAG
@miles. Although I am heterosexual myself, my view is live and let live. You enjoy members of the same sex? Cool. You like members of the opposite sex? Cool. You don't lime either? Cool. We are all humans.

sirvlad Oct 17 2014 8:33pm FLAG
@Jack. Correct, no part of your brain goes unutilized, but if your entire brain goes active at once, you have a tendency to have violent seizures.

sirvlad Oct 17 2014 8:34pm FLAG
why do u talk strangely

miles5 Oct 17 2014 8:38pm FLAG
Because he is smarter than the average homo sapien

Anonymous Oct 17 2014 8:39pm FLAG
@miles. I do not speak strangely, I just have the tendency to use more proper language than those around me.

sirvlad Oct 17 2014 8:39pm FLAG
What are some por n sites

moofins Oct 17 2014 8:41pm FLAG
@anon. "Smarter" is an understatement. I have to let my ego go sometimes, but I am smarter than 99% of people age fourt33n to eight33n.

sirvlad Oct 17 2014 8:41pm FLAG
@anon. Also, nice (un)intentional Yogi reference.

sirvlad Oct 17 2014 8:42pm FLAG
@moofins. Try using google for once. It actually works most of the time.

sirvlad Oct 17 2014 8:42pm FLAG
ok you could put it that way well im tired its like :50 over here so im out. PEACE

miles5 Oct 17 2014 8:42pm FLAG
U know any or no

moofins Oct 17 2014 8:43pm FLAG
@miles. Night.

sirvlad Oct 17 2014 8:43pm FLAG
@moofins. Before I was in high school, I used them a lot. But, contrary to popular belief, I am not an internet search engine.

sirvlad Oct 17 2014 8:44pm FLAG
What's your IQ?

Jack Oct 17 2014 8:48pm FLAG
@Jack. Somewhere between 0 and 190. Tests vary.

sirvlad Oct 17 2014 8:49pm FLAG
Not 0. Censorship. Should be one sixty instead.

sirvlad Oct 17 2014 8:50pm FLAG
For reference, one hundred is average, and two twenty is the very highest one can get.

sirvlad Oct 17 2014 8:52pm FLAG
My IQ is 1 03 that's average for. 1 2

Jack Oct 17 2014 9:00pm FLAG
*1 2 yrs old

Anonymous Oct 17 2014 9:00pm FLAG
@Jack. That is average for everybody. IQ has to do with the way the brain is layer out, it can fluctuate a few points, but that is usually due to difference in testing conditions. Age has no real effect on IQ.

sirvlad Oct 17 2014 9:03pm FLAG

sirvlad Oct 17 2014 9:03pm FLAG
:O your at least as smart as bill gates

Anonymous Oct 17 2014 9:08pm FLAG
Bill Gates is a wannabe. He just knew how to program quite well during the person all computer revolution.

sirvlad Oct 17 2014 9:10pm FLAG
I was looking on a IQ site and bill gates had an IQ of 1 60

Anonymous Oct 17 2014 9:20pm FLAG
Give advice:

