Fantasy Hoops



Hotel Party

The Problem: !!

Asked by: Party Planner at 10:23:30 PM, Saturday, October 18, 2014 EDT FLAG


Everyone gets there own room unless you want to share there's a bar a arcade a movie room and a pool and a restaurant

Anonymous Oct 18 2014 7:24pm FLAG

*wearing neon green v-neck and black and white design leggings with my hair in a side braid,neon purple converse and neon green shades with my bow and arrows tucked over my shoulder*

Delicate Oct 18 2014 7:27pm FLAG
Cool bruh, *heads to the arcade*

Delicate Oct 18 2014 7:28pm FLAG
×grabs a bat× hehehe open up! ×smashes thee door "Room 4× hhahah!!! ×throws a beer bottle×

Enemy Oct 18 2014 7:28pm FLAG
×throws a beer bottles everywhere×

Nate Oct 18 2014 7:30pm FLAG
Bruh who do you think you are? Do you think that's cool? Because to make this clear, I'm the coolest thing ever created-.- hands down

Delicate Oct 18 2014 7:32pm FLAG
Shame how you think your lower level is cool compared to a higher self steem attitude.

Ultimate Oct 18 2014 7:37pm FLAG
You are not cool , you act stupid enough to prove me right , cleary you are not worthy of being so called "cool".

UltimatePyschologicalSage Oct 18 2014 7:38pm FLAG
Ahh but am I supposed tolisten to some popular slut on the internet like you? I THINK NOT? Mama told me not to listen to strangers opinions so bruh bye.

Delicate Oct 18 2014 7:40pm FLAG
Like that made anysense ""Bitch" as i call barking like that to a higher rank of higher standards then a pitiful thoughtful meaningless , piece of shït that's so called "Cool". Bye you slut.

Ultimate Oct 18 2014 7:42pm FLAG
You need the Grammer "Skill" developed but anyway if "mama" said don't talk to strangers , you're really smart to still talk after that.

Ultimate Oct 18 2014 7:44pm FLAG
walk into the club like what up i got a yellow dog

lolcatz Oct 18 2014 7:46pm FLAG
and walk out of the club like oh sh*t theres a fight

lolcatz Oct 18 2014 7:47pm FLAG
Lol hey Lolcatz

Enemy Oct 18 2014 7:48pm FLAG

lolcatz Oct 18 2014 7:52pm FLAG
Give advice:

