Fantasy Hoops



Anybody on that I know -2

The Problem: All these new people 😬😅

Asked by: BasedGod at 10:57:50 PM, Saturday, October 18, 2014 EDT FLAG


Oh dear, if you think I am new, you must be an old user.

sirvlad Oct 18 2014 7:59pm FLAG

I haven't been on in a good month or 2 so I don't know half the ppl on here now

2 Oct 18 2014 8:03pm FLAG
Oh, then you probably don't know me, I recently got back on last month, though I've been on the site for a good few years now.

sirvlad Oct 18 2014 8:04pm FLAG
Cool. It suck now don't it? It was fun asf on here "back in the day" lol

2 Oct 18 2014 8:06pm FLAG
Yeah, it used to be so active, but now, its been reduced to but a few people, which is saddening, but it also !sans that there usually isn't a new thread ever five friggin seconds.

sirvlad Oct 18 2014 8:07pm FLAG
Yeah true but at least you always had someone to talk to. And everybody back then was chill asf

2 Oct 18 2014 8:11pm FLAG
Sucks to be you XD

Turtles:3 Oct 18 2014 8:14pm FLAG
Give advice:

