Fantasy Hoops



Oh crap I might die >_<

The Problem: So my parents got a new fridge today then they went to dinner I drank a bunch of water from the fridge when they came back I went to get some more then my dad said dont drink that I said why then he said its unfiltered I said oh then poured it out and just now I looked up how dangerous it is o.o goodbye world

Asked by: rainbow jack at 09:52:47 PM, Monday, October 27, 2014 EDT FLAG


You'll be fine. Even if you do get sick, hospitals exist.

sirvlad Oct 27 2014 6:54pm FLAG

Ehh I hate hospitals

Jack Oct 27 2014 6:55pm FLAG
I don't think anyone really enjoys them. I just spent enough time in them to get used to it.

sirvlad Oct 27 2014 6:56pm FLAG
I'm pretty sure I have been in the hospital a million times even before I could remember I found some scar a few years ago it looks like they took something outta me O.o

Anonymous Oct 27 2014 6:58pm FLAG

Claptrap jack Oct 27 2014 6:58pm FLAG
I'm type one diabetic, so every month, I have to go in and get a blood test and I usually get a full physical, just because I can. Not to mention every day I have to jab myself with a ton of needles. That too. Haha.

sirvlad Oct 27 2014 7:00pm FLAG
xD lol *kicks u all*

A Oct 27 2014 7:01pm FLAG
Oh. @vlad o.o CALLL NINE ONE ONE!!!!! @ A

Jack Oct 27 2014 7:02pm FLAG
Nah, its fine. Remember, I'm in JROTC. We learn how to kick ass. Whooping A wouldn't be a problem for me.

sirvlad Oct 27 2014 7:03pm FLAG
o.o but u cant hit a girl

A Oct 27 2014 7:04pm FLAG
no idea what that is but Im a red belt in karate o,o

Jack Oct 27 2014 7:05pm FLAG
im a bunny o.o

A Oct 27 2014 7:06pm FLAG
@A. You hit first, self defense. I have no problem wiping the floor with you if you hit first. @Jack. Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, essentially the military, but for high school students.

sirvlad Oct 27 2014 7:07pm FLAG

Claptrap Oct 27 2014 7:08pm FLAG
Ohh o.o I probably don't want to mess with you

Jack Oct 27 2014 7:08pm FLAG
My sisters husband was a sniper in the army now he is a recruiter but pretty soon he is retiring

Jack Oct 27 2014 7:09pm FLAG
Well, let's just say that if you hit first, you're going to have a bad time.

sirvlad Oct 27 2014 7:09pm FLAG
Also, oh my, I hate recruiters. I mean, they're just doing their job, but damn, they are annoyingly persistent.

sirvlad Oct 27 2014 7:10pm FLAG
*gets in my truck and runs over jack* o.o yay!:D

A Oct 27 2014 7:11pm FLAG
@A. *pulls you out of the truck and busts your jaw*

sirvlad Oct 27 2014 7:13pm FLAG
we're all ferked

A Oct 27 2014 7:13pm FLAG

sirvlad Oct 27 2014 7:14pm FLAG
xD *faints*

A Oct 27 2014 7:14pm FLAG
@(・●・)@ you can't kill a koala D: (╥﹏╥)

claptrap _| ̄|○ Oct 27 2014 7:16pm FLAG
xD*gets me ak47 n shoots u*

A Oct 27 2014 7:16pm FLAG
You forgot one thing, soldiers never die. We just go to hell and regroup. Either that, or heaven won't take us, and hell's afraid we'll take over.

sirvlad Oct 27 2014 7:18pm FLAG

jack the Chinese solider Oct 27 2014 7:19pm FLAG

Jack Oct 27 2014 7:19pm FLAG
xD why?

A Oct 27 2014 7:19pm FLAG
Give advice:

