Fantasy Hoops



XD I almost threw my cactus at this little girl o_o

The Problem: XD

Asked by: Turtles:3 at 06:57:07 PM, Sunday, November 23, 2014 EST FLAG


hey bestie XD and why?? abusing little gurls

PUNCAKE :3 Nov 23 2014 3:58pm FLAG

lol here have a cactus *throws cactus*

miles5 Nov 23 2014 3:59pm FLAG
Hi XD and because she kept knocking on my door asking if my little brother was here I was like no go away and then she kept knocking im just like thirsty ass hoe you cant my brother XD

Turtles:3 Nov 23 2014 4:00pm FLAG
XDXD oh my, i was on cod earlier and there was this gurlll and i was "ohhh im a gurl too" then she was like "yea sure" and more sh!t i was just there like ".... bitch"

PUNCAKE :3 Nov 23 2014 4:03pm FLAG
cant what ur brother wait nwm idwk

miles5 Nov 23 2014 4:03pm FLAG
XD this one time I was at my aunts house and she was playing cod with her guy friend and a girl joined and she told him to tell her to leave cuz she dorsnt like playing with girls idunno why and then her hamter was drinking water and I called him a thirsty hoe and my aunt thought I wad taking about her XD I was like what the duck you hecka stupid lmao

Turtles:3 Nov 23 2014 4:07pm FLAG
where i live theres no doorsbso you can just barge right in lol we also dont have a xbox but we have a very entertaining broken paddleball if u get bored at that u can always watch whats on the wall lol

miles5 Nov 23 2014 4:09pm FLAG
Oh o_o

Turtles:3 Nov 23 2014 4:11pm FLAG
one eyed pete stole the posters so we cant see much

miles5 Nov 23 2014 4:14pm FLAG
that sucks o_0

PUNCAKE :3 Nov 23 2014 4:14pm FLAG
Davey Jones locker o_o

Turtles:3 Nov 23 2014 4:17pm FLAG
_sings_ i have ebolalalalala......everybodys getting it now go with da flow XDXD

PUNCAKE :3 Nov 23 2014 4:19pm FLAG
im going to bed, night guys

PUNCAKE :3 Nov 23 2014 4:21pm FLAG
Give advice:

