Fantasy Hoops



Freeze !

The Problem: Whip ! Go to jail ! Whip ! xD ._. LivelikeDavis is hexta funny tho lmao idek why im here right now at this hour erryones probably sleeping o_o because its 2am xD how did that ratchet song go again. _. Have no idear chicken. Stawp ! Dont grab my door. Only you gon need 5 dollars more... Gas money.. Gas money 🙌 I have hexta energyxD iI think im turning ghetto o_o probablys xD ratchet for sale is what my aunt once said.. Now teacher I dont give a fück about this class cuz you said your gonna fail me so im like.. Suck my áss alright im done._. Gonna go be an all-nighter LMAO I wrote too much o_o nobody gives a shįt anyways xD im probably gonna have a life again tomorrow shooting my neighbors with Nerf guns but probably gonna be lazy.-. No school tomorrow Dx why anyways bye xD until later bye Felicia •~• Mexicans say BYE FELIPE probably gonna start saying that now xD

Asked by: KillerHamster11 at 05:05:32 AM, Monday, February 16, 2015 EST FLAG


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