Fantasy Hoops



Anyone on here a songwriter I need some help.

The Problem: Hi. xD

Asked by: Regret xD at 10:57:18 PM, Sunday, August 23, 2015 EDT FLAG


Well yeah depends on what music type.

Enemy Aug 23 2015 8:05pm FLAG

I'm not a songwriter but I could help xD

NB3 Aug 23 2015 8:06pm FLAG
Mines mostly about Angry issues and Moody moody moody feelings

Enemy Aug 23 2015 8:06pm FLAG
I'm not really sure I'm just starting I've started a chorus and I'm having trouble sorting it out I have a lot of like lines i just don't know how to organize them and what order to put them in

Regret Aug 23 2015 8:07pm FLAG
Mine would probably be about shit... litrally.. shit ._.

NB3 Aug 23 2015 8:08pm FLAG
I'll write the lines out and if you an help great if you can't well

Regret Aug 23 2015 8:09pm FLAG
What are the lyrics (in the order you have them) at the moment?? :3

NB3 Aug 23 2015 8:09pm FLAG

Enemy Aug 23 2015 8:11pm FLAG
Try to fit the longest (repeat) as a main chorus ya know after the intro and interlude

Enemy Aug 23 2015 8:12pm FLAG
My first love broke my heart for the first time and I was like baby baby baby ohhh like baby baby baby whoooaa like baby baby baby ohhh I thought you'd always be mine♪♪♪ .-.

NB3 Aug 23 2015 8:13pm FLAG
1.) I wish that I could forget each one of my regrets 2.) But my regrets are my secrets that eat me up inside and you know what I'm sorry that I lied 3.)just stop get outta my head can't we meet up in hell instead 4.)regrets and secrets what's the difference I can't tell so stop no more I'm already going to hell 5.) my regrets and my secrets they are all the same and yes I know I'm the one to blame. Bleh I know it's bad it's my first one sorry if I make you lose brain cells

Regret Aug 23 2015 8:14pm FLAG
0_0 I have no fucking idea xD

NB3 Aug 23 2015 8:16pm FLAG
Try to compare the ones you think that connects then ya know until it's like a tower. Then make a line that falls all down and then back up

Enemy Aug 23 2015 8:17pm FLAG
Make a comparison

Enemy Aug 23 2015 8:18pm FLAG
Okay thanks for the help

Regrets Aug 23 2015 8:20pm FLAG
Try making THREE-PARTS first and see what you can you do. Then that will give you a better idea of where it will go like a Vendiagram

Enemy Aug 23 2015 8:22pm FLAG
I will I'll be back with the finished result I still have like 2verses

Regret Aug 23 2015 8:29pm FLAG
Okay np

Enemy Aug 23 2015 8:33pm FLAG
Hope your mum has cancer ;)

Anonymous Aug 23 2015 9:51pm FLAG
1) Sing without anything in the back "i'm sorry that lied" let the background sound drop in there

ff Aug 24 2015 1:36am FLAG
3) that's the chorus

Anonymous Aug 24 2015 1:37am FLAG
4) "i'm already going through hell" stretch out the words

ff Aug 24 2015 1:38am FLAG
5) Say it quietly

ff Aug 24 2015 1:39am FLAG
That doesn't help you at all I know but that's for if you sing it out loud ._.

ff Aug 24 2015 1:40am FLAG
My mom already died of lung disease sorry to disappoint

Regret Aug 24 2015 8:19am FLAG
Give advice:

