Fantasy Hoops



what do you think of the main character in my book? - Vindictae

The Problem: Age: Height: 5’” Eyes: Green Hair: Brown Physical Description: Muscular, slightly malnourished. Close-cropped brown hair. Long straight scar running from middle of forehead through left eye to left cheekbone. WEARS EYEPATCH ONLY TO PUBLIC EVENTS. Additional scars in various places on his body, all different sizes and shapes. Burn scars on right arm. Often wears his favorite leather jacket over tight black shirt, dark or black jeans, black sneakers or boots. leather necklace with wolf pendant never gets taken off. Background: Lived in NorthTown with dad, mom and older brother(Jacob McAllister 4 years older) Nothing worth mentioning happens until Vindictae is 4, when his mom dies mysteriously. His dad went off the deep end, abusing both kids. Jacob turns into the father figure, taking care of Vindictae (His brother calls him Todd most of the time) and protecting him from their father. Jacob teaches him to fight using primarily two of the family swords, Lux and Tenebris, and with a bow. Also with most other types of blades. At age 8 their dad is killed by the Fox Guild, and they take Todd with them. He lived on the streets for 2 years until his tenth birthday when a wolf attacks him outside the City and a strange man offers him an alternative to his thief lifestyle. Vindictae takes up the name Mortem and begins training with the Wolf Guild, a group of thieves and assassins with a “justified” cause based in SouthTown. Social/Personal Traits: Not very friendly to new people. REALLY NICE TO PEOPLE HE’S KNOWN FOR A WHILE. Often grouchy or depressed. Doesn’t sleep much. When he’s really stressed he rubs the wolf pendant on his necklace. Good sense of humor, sarcastic. Lazy if something doesn’t interest him. Has a catchphrase. Says “I like those odds” whenever they are posed and against him, as they often are. Good work ethic, doesn’t like to see a job or an order go unattended to. Follows his orders and contracts completely, only differing when personal gain is available. Loyal to the superiors in his guild. Deep and furious hatred towards the Fox guild.

Asked by: Vindictae at 08:47:46 PM, Wednesday, January 06, 2016 EST FLAG


He is an fejit

ff spoderman Jan 06 2016 7:59pm FLAG

but tbh he sounds like hillbilly in a motorcycle gang with explosions happening everywhere he goes

ff Jan 06 2016 8:02pm FLAG
Soo kinda like Trevor

BELLEND Jan 07 2016 12:10am FLAG
Give advice:

