Fantasy Hoops




The Problem: Hey

Asked by: good boy at 10:01:48 PM, Friday, May 13, 2016 EDT FLAG


Go to my sleep over (:

Destiny May 13 2016 7:02pm FLAG

Nvm doosh bag is on so I will gmail u

gb May 13 2016 7:02pm FLAG
Lol. If you're gonna talk me say it to my face. Douchebag

LionHeart May 13 2016 7:11pm FLAG
Assume much

gb May 13 2016 7:15pm FLAG
Ur name never came outta my mouth so take ur happy ass else where

gb May 13 2016 7:16pm FLAG
There's literally only three people on here...

LionHeart May 13 2016 7:17pm FLAG
I could be talking about a video game or face book lmao

gb May 13 2016 7:18pm FLAG
Yea? Cause that definitely coexists with likelike

LionHeart May 13 2016 7:20pm FLAG
There's other websites guy stfu everythings not about you so stop ur really annoying with ur ish acts leave me tf alone and ill leave u alone its that simple

gb May 13 2016 7:21pm FLAG
Stop getting so mad lol. You're the one talking about somebody behind their back. I think that give me the right to respond. So, really, take your own advice buddy

LionHeart May 13 2016 7:24pm FLAG
No I won't lol bcz if its not u why should u respond

gb May 13 2016 7:25pm FLAG
Because as soon as I make my presence known, you want to get off the website. It's a bit coincidental, don't you think? That my arrival times perfectly with your desire to leave?

LionHeart May 13 2016 7:27pm FLAG
No not reqlly I was off already and my friend told me to come on damn stop talking to me really.

gb May 13 2016 7:28pm FLAG
Stop raging. It's not that serious. And if your friend told you to come on, why wouldn't you just continue to talk in private, instead of in public where not only is your chat history visible, but you knew you could run into me?

LionHeart May 13 2016 7:30pm FLAG
Re read that to yourself tell me why you keep responding after I asked you to stop

gb May 13 2016 7:31pm FLAG
Because I know that it bothers. Why don't you be the bigger man and stop the conversation yourself? It'd seem like common sense, wouldn't it? I guess I shouldn't expect that much out of you. My fault for assuming that much

LionHeart May 13 2016 7:34pm FLAG
That's all your ever good at

gb May 13 2016 7:36pm FLAG
What? Being right?

LionHeart May 13 2016 7:37pm FLAG
No assuming

gb May 13 2016 7:38pm FLAG
True. The only thing I am sure of is that I'll never get an intelligent conversation out of you

LionHeart May 13 2016 7:40pm FLAG
Are you done?

gb May 13 2016 7:45pm FLAG
Not really no

LionHeart May 13 2016 8:11pm FLAG
Ok well u keep going

gb May 13 2016 8:16pm FLAG
ugh first the bull ¢r@p with diox and now this

rustypunch 2.0 May 15 2016 4:57pm FLAG
Give advice:

