Fantasy Hoops




The Problem: *pulls out my knife*

Asked by: good boy at 10:00:44 PM, Thursday, May 19, 2016 EDT FLAG


*pulls out flowers* What's up bro??

Enemy May 19 2016 7:02pm FLAG

Nothing *looks at u and back down*

gb May 19 2016 7:03pm FLAG
*sits on my human chair* Tell me what seems to be the problem, you can feel free to kik me if you like. To feel more private.

Enemy May 19 2016 7:04pm FLAG
Nothings ing wrong damn *walks out and slams the door putting my headphones in and walking down the street*

gb May 19 2016 7:06pm FLAG
I leave my phone behind and u notice on my screen that my uncle died

gb May 19 2016 7:06pm FLAG

FML May 19 2016 7:08pm FLAG
Who r u

gb May 19 2016 7:09pm FLAG
im just a girl who feels like the title

FML May 19 2016 7:12pm FLAG
Same except ima guy

gb May 19 2016 7:13pm FLAG
Ptfff bro I did not flirt yo I didn't even do anything

Eney May 19 2016 7:23pm FLAG
Ik just in generll tho

gb May 19 2016 7:24pm FLAG
I'm going to bed

gb May 19 2016 7:24pm FLAG
Night brother

Enemy May 19 2016 7:27pm FLAG
Drama queen like tf. "Nothings wrong" -slams door walks outttt uncle diedddd- whatever

K May 19 2016 8:07pm FLAG
K u should really stfu u have no clue what's going on in my family right now so you have no room to talk

gb May 20 2016 3:12am FLAG
I dont really care whats going on in your family. Im saying stop acting like a drama queen and an attention whore

K May 20 2016 3:27pm FLAG
I'm not kid lmao its not attention if its actually happening so stfu damn u really don't know me. So if I were u I would stfu and get over the fact that people have stuff going on in thier own life rather then accusing them of being an attention whore or a drama queen I didn't start with you hell idek u so don't start with me bitch

gb May 20 2016 4:13pm FLAG
Um no. Attention is when you flaunt about your life to others so that they will notoce you. Oh everyone has something going on with their life. Including me. But am i trying to tell the world? No. Am i making a scene? No. And thats what makes you an attention whore. And im not gonna stfu sooo..

K May 21 2016 9:28am FLAG
Lmao clearly y are if u keep responding hrs later

gb May 21 2016 11:40am FLAG
Learn how to spell

K May 21 2016 2:12pm FLAG
Lol does it matter kid

gb May 21 2016 2:47pm FLAG
Thought so

gb May 25 2016 12:03pm FLAG
sorry for your loss gb

rustypunch 2.0 the one who cares Jun 05 2016 5:10am FLAG
Give advice:

