Fantasy Hoops



KIK Me! -- Elijah

The Problem: .

Asked by: Big E at 12:50:25 PM, Sunday, July 31, 2016 EDT FLAG


MaxMax0.1.0.1 (NO periods in the actual username). Looking to chat with some nice girls, see what happens! I'm not a creeper like 99% of the guys here, just looking to talk and stuff.

Elijah Jul 31 2016 9:50am FLAG

Goodluck with that, 99% of the guys here aren't desperate as you are, grabbing girls' attention. 6 4 % of peple that come and go are just like you, lonely and just very pathetic. Gtfo ^_^

Anonymous Jul 31 2016 11:59am FLAG
10% of people would have used correct grammar when trying to roast someone, but you fall in the remaining 90% that do not.

Anonymous Jul 31 2016 8:37pm FLAG
Kik me if u are interested in sending some ... exotic photography's (tsawsum)

jaj Aug 01 2016 6:56am FLAG
^ i'll send a picture of squirrel nuts ._.

Momo Aug 01 2016 9:27am FLAG
Wtf dude. Not desperate. Just looking to talk to someone, have a conversation. It's fun to meet new people, learn about different experiences instead of sitting in your own little bubble of wherever you live. Experience people's perspectives on the world. You're just an as.shole

Elijah Aug 01 2016 2:21pm FLAG
Sounds like every douche bag would say for the ladies.

Anonymous Aug 01 2016 2:38pm FLAG
I'm gonna butt into this, because it's the internet afterall. If it is "Fun" to meet new people then why would it matter on who you talk to? Male and Female likewise? Shouldn't you just talk instead of trying to making yourself look good online by saying "I'm not a creeper like the 99% of the guys here." Even if it is online you're bound until someone else complain like a bitch. Besides me! XD plus I like the drama anyway

Enemy Aug 01 2016 2:48pm FLAG
Give advice:

