Fantasy Hoops



I want to die

The Problem: is slicing your throat an easy death

Asked by: heavenn at 08:27:51 PM, Tuesday, August 22, 2017 EDT FLAG


No need to do that.

Shreve Aug 22 2017 6:22pm FLAG

Nope, the wrist is. But still, don't do it

Aug 22 2017 6:22pm FLAG
lol y not

Heavenn Aug 22 2017 6:36pm FLAG
because taking your own life isnt the way to fix your problems. it will only cause more problems for the ones close to you. (even some people you may think dont care about you)

Zer0 Aug 22 2017 6:44pm FLAG
Wrist seems more practical lol but I advise against doing it either way :p

:p Aug 22 2017 7:13pm FLAG
if you people advise against committing suicide, stop giving your advice on which method is more "practical" whiskey tango foxtrot you s

Zer0 Aug 22 2017 7:17pm FLAG
ty for the advice about the wrist

Heavenn Aug 22 2017 7:48pm FLAG
please dont

Zer0 Aug 22 2017 7:49pm FLAG
Just ignore her/him Zero.

Shreve Aug 22 2017 8:24pm FLAG
This kind of crap makes me sick

Zer0 Aug 22 2017 8:25pm FLAG
I know. But this just looks like some attention seeker. Were they really looking for a suicidal option they could just simply google it instead of coming to a dead site. -_-

Shreve Aug 22 2017 10:08pm FLAG
Well Mr. Zer0 I cant exactly tell the asker what to do. If theyve set their mind on self harming, my pity words wont make them have a change of heart. I really dont need some 19 year olds who role play to lecture me lmao but I appreciate the sentiment regardless. They asked a questioned, I answered. All I can do is suggest they not do it since its up to them to decide what they want to do with their life. Also Shreve, "dead" would imply that it is no longer in use but there are still people like the OP who use LL for its purpose: Asking for advice. Yeah some people are sickos and weird, some are loners who have nothing better to do than get on this mustard site....but it still has people posting stuff so no, it is not dead :p

:p Aug 22 2017 10:42pm FLAG
Oh yeah. Its not dead since theres been more then 3 people on here for about a week or two.

Shreve Aug 23 2017 6:33am FLAG
Why are you still on a dead site shreve?

Sandwich Aug 23 2017 9:55am FLAG
Give advice:

