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strong women. Womens strength.

Question: I live in a family of 5, 3 guys, my brother and dad, and 2 women, my mom and sister. I have grown up believing women can be the stronger sex. My mother was a competitive bodybuilder and for all my life to this day she has easily been the strongest member of my family. My sister now grown has followed my mom and is now the second strongest. To me this is normal as i have lived with women being stronger all my life, but i have come to learn that some people view this as abnormal and wrong. I believe in todays society families and people should be accepting of women who are physically stronger. Do you think that it is belittling for men or their is anything wrong with a family in which women are stronger?
Created by: bobik598 at 05:10:34 AM, Friday, August 04, 2006 EDT


Nothing wrong with it.. women are stronger in many ways, physical superiority is just another example.

Personal observation: For my own personal taste in women, I don't find those who go "too far" (in my opinion) to be attractive but even then, it's up to the individual. There's a fine line where I find a strong, sexy, muscular woman very attractive but when some body builders go what I call "too far" and they start to look like men (especially in the face), I find them unattractive.. just being honest without passing judgement.

STTGAug 04 2006 3:22pm

We think as one STTG.A Womyns personality and will should be strong and they don't neccesarily need to be physically strong to dominate a male. However there is a certain frisson when i see strong Womyn in sport shot putters javeline throwers etc.But i agree all that testosterone in a Womyn can only be a bad thing.My wife is always saying there is to much testosterone in the world as it is without Females taking it.My Wife is happily physically stronger than me as well as mentally,intelectually and has a much stronger will.She is a tall fat Womyn whereas i am a tall thin male.i am thinner than i was as She thinks it attractive if men are slim.She also says that the Patriarchy tries to co erce Womyn into being thin and thus weak.So She put me on a diet and gave me plenty of exercise over and above the hard work i do for Her. Control of when and what i eat is in her remit as is everything else.At the other end of things when i go to the toilet is also under her supervision.

Lou RollsAug 04 2006 4:34pm
Strength is just one aspect. So, I really don't think that a woman happening to be stronger is anything to be concerned about. More important are intelligence and emotional balance. However, I do object to chemical enhancement fobbed off as natural strength. And I don't like the dangerous side-effects that such chemical intrusion can have on women.

A dime a dozenAug 05 2006 2:08am
Culture is changing. my wife and I have our own home gym room and while I'm at work, she works out. Now after a couple of years she is the one with the muscles and superior strength. I do work out when I get home but she is stronger. I don't mind it being this way and frankly I do not have the genetics to beat her at this.

AnonymousAug 05 2006 9:00am
Bobik, you can * NOT * find a true answer to your question from this web site, because this web site is dominated by: female ultra-muscle fetishists, woman-domination fanatics, and male chastity-device lunatics. STTG, Lou Rolls and Big Brenda are among the worst offenders -- listen to them, and they will give you a VERY distorted view of reality. If you really want an answer to you question, try asking your question in 20 different AOL chat rooms, selected at random. Most important of all, the men in your family should be seriously bodybuilding in order to catch up to the girls.

Reality CheckAug 05 2006 7:24pm
bobik598 you must talk to people in the real world if you want the truth not people on the internet.

Samurai PsychiatristAug 05 2006 10:10pm
Thanks for the comments. As for working out to catch up to my mom and sister, I do workout regularly and im not a weakling. But to compete with women in the category they are in who devote a lot of time to the gym with discipline and consistency requires a huge effort which I, and most people, dont have. My dad and brother are the same. They simply havent got the motivation to put that much effort into workingout. Also I'm not particularly looking for answers. I already have my opinion as stated in original post. I have grown up with the knowledge that my mom is stronger than anyone else in our family and have become used to it. I think that it is ok and am accepting that women do not have to be the weaker sex. As i have grown I became aware that my mom was an exception to the rule and realised that most other people viewed this as strange. I am interested in hearing peoples opinions on whether they think that such a situation is strange or perfectly ok. How would they react to such a scenario? Admittedly growing up with such a woman does change your perspective on things and does give rise to certain dilemma's most people dont face.

bobik598Aug 06 2006 6:05am
The general purpose of my post is to gauge the general social view towards strong women, especially in a family setting.

bobik598Aug 06 2006 9:03am
bobik598 please explain to me why the women can the motivation to develop their muscles to the maximum but not the men? This question is not about muscles it is about the mind.

Samurai PsychiatristAug 06 2006 10:00am
Dear Gary, bobik598, When you get a chance, could you email a pic(s) of your mother and sister? Please email at: Thank you!

Curious1Aug 06 2006 10:06am
Samurai Psychiatrist, I agree with you 100%. I'm not saying that women are the stronger sex and men cant be strong. Generally many men naturally have physiques that if trained will exceed a womans. But many men like you say dont have the mental mindset to dedicate that much effort to training. A woman who does dedicate to training will surpass a man physically if a man does not train. This is a fact. Obviously there are always exceptions but I am speaking generally. If a man trains also then the matter will come down to a question of genetics. I know of instances when men and women train but a womans body is more suitable to build muscle or responds to the training much better. Of course there are instances where the opposite is true. In my case, I simply havent got the motivation or desire to train that much. If I did then the question would arise of what capacity my body has to develop. As to why the women in my family are motivated to train that much, this is a matter of psychology. Why does anyone put effort into certain pursuits and not others. My mom and sister enjoy bodybuilding. I know that they both like the way their bodies look and how it makes them feel. Please note they are not steoroid bodybuilders. For me being weaker is not a motivation to start training hard. Im a normal guy who happens to live with exceptional women. I am fine with it and dont feel inferior or intimidated. This is the root of my question. I think its perfectly ok if a woman is stronger. Alot of people have said to me I need to work out more to catch up or exceed my mom and sister. What there really saying is that they are uncomfortable with a woman being stronger than a man. I beleive this is an insecure view. If a man really beleives that then they need to ask themselves whether they beleive women are equal to men? This question extends to other forms of power also. This is the question I grappled with growing up and came to conclusion through experience that woman truly can be equal to or exceed men in all areas. Its not a matter of male or female that determines someones potential to be strong, but it is the individual.

bobik598Aug 06 2006 6:40pm
Mr. Bobik: [1] How much time has passed since your sister started bodybuilding? [2] How old is she now? [3] How has her behaviour towards you changed since then? [4] How has her behavior in general changed since then?

Samurai PsychiatristAug 06 2006 9:18pm
To Reality Check: I have not, nor did anyone else on this poll bring up chasity or domination. A question was asked and commented on. Why do you consider people with differing opionions, open-minds, or greater experience in life than yourselve to be fanatics or lunatics?

To bobik598: As I mentioned, nothing wrong with living with physically stronger women. While most men deal with living with the sexual power and non-physical strengths of women, more and more will find themselves in your position. You're correct, women can exceed and are exceeding men in all areas... and I don't see anything wrong with it. It's the men who have to come to terms with it.

STTGAug 07 2006 9:51am
My family is a similar to yours, bobnik598. My mother and sister compete in judo. My mother has a 2nd level black belt while my sister has just passed her blue belt. Because we come from male-dominated iran, my mother learned judo secretly and did not tell my father until she was a black belt. he actually found out when my sister wanted to train and he said no, because judo is not a sport for women. He ordered my mother to stop judo and she said that she would if he could make her. He failed miserably - she beat him in two or three seconds. While he is fit from running, he does not have her skill in judo or her strength (he found out that she lifts weights too). Both women train in judo and with weights while we run. While we are all fit, clearly the women are the stronger sex in our house.

mohammedAug 07 2006 10:16am
You should hide your face in shame Mohammed! No self respecting Muslim allows a woman to defeat him at anything. You should cover your face when you leave the house, like an old woman!

SandeepAug 07 2006 10:19am
Mohammed, how did your mother keep weight-lifting secret from your father? Wouldn't your father notice that your mother's muscles are growing, and suspect? Also, I never realized how many people from exotic foreign countries read this web site until I saw the comments from Mohammed and Sandeep.

Curious1Aug 07 2006 1:03pm
Samurai Psychiatrist. My sister began gymnastics at about 5 or 6. At about 14 she started working out but only lightly. She started training seriously with weights at about 19. She is 23 now. I am 22. My sister and I are very close. Her behaviour hasnt changed immensely because as ive said, we both grew up with our mom being the strongest in the family and encouraging my sister that she equal to boys in all areas. For this reason my sister was never like a normal girl growing up. My mom was her role model so she alway beleived she would grow to be strong and acted as strong as she could growing up. She never thought because me or my brother were guys it meant she was the weakest. Strength I beleive is half psychological. Because we had my mom as a model, none of us saw my sister as weak and indeed even as a young girl I would have trouble telling you who was the strongest of us. As she hit the teens and became more serious about pursuing her bodybuilding aspirations, she moved into a different strength class than me. She never mistreated me but her attitude did change as it became apparent that she was stronger than me. It did not change to make her snobish, but the knowledge that she was stronger led her to act in different way. I can give you specific examples but it makes more sense to say that when a woman is stronger, the knowledge of her strength causes her outlook and behaviour to change in alot of different areas of life. For one it made her alot more confident. The best way I can explain it is that a kind of role reversal takes place. Thats not to say she acts like a man, but physically when a woman is stronger, physical aspects of a males personality that most men have from feeling stronger than women become part of a womans personality. I know this is true because I have seen it in my Mom and sister. I hope that makes sense. I can give you examples if you like. But like I said my sister and I are really close, and although all our lives until this day we still horse around physically, we are both very aware of the strength differences between us, and because I am comfortable with it she does not try to hide it.

bobik598Aug 08 2006 6:14am
bobik598 said: << I can give you examples if you like. >> Yes bobik, I want to hear some examples.

Samurai PsychiatristAug 08 2006 7:04am
The examples that I am giving are meant to try and demonstrate how when a woman is stronger she instinctively assumes a different attitude. One such example is about a year ago when my sister and I were at a party. I huge fight broke out in which most of the people in the place were involved. Police ended up coming. As people were running into the fight my sister and I got out of the way and she instinctively pulled me behind her to protect me. After a while when the fight spilled to outside and it seemed it was safe to go, my sister grabbed my hand and led me out. There was still a lot of comotion inside so my sister led me out with an arm around me. It doesnt sound much and this is not some fantasy post where she beat up some guy; she was scared like me. But it is meant to demonstrate how the knowledge of her superior strength acts instinctively on her to behave differently. Since she is stronger, it was natural for her to act protectively of me in the situation. In such a situation a guy would normally take charge but that is not what happened with us. To further indicate how the women think in my family, when my mom found out about what had happened, she immediately comfronted my sister and said regarding me "you didnt let anything happen to him did you?" This is what I mean when I say that stronger women will automatically assume the physically dominant role in the family. At least that is how it is in my family. This outlook spreads to many subconciously to many aspect of my sisters and moms personality.

bobik598Aug 08 2006 8:28am
bobik598, your previous message was excellent, thank you. Please continue to talk about: << This outlook spreads to many subconciously to many aspect of my sisters and moms personality.>>

Samurai PsychiatristAug 08 2006 3:42pm
you folks must be wimps.women are not stronger than any men.

reality guyAug 08 2006 6:54pm
reality guy = The voice of ignorance!

AnonymousAug 09 2006 2:55pm
I'm still waiting for another response from bobik598, to my most recent question.

Samurai PsychiatristAug 09 2006 6:26pm
Samurai Psychiatrist. Another example of how a womans strength alters her attitude is the role they play in the family. Like I said previously, in my family it is more of a subconcious thing, although there are times where a obvious demonstration is given. In most families, although today there is a greater sense of equality, the male will still assume the leadership or dominant role due to their superior strength. Theres nothing wrong with this as it makes sense that the strongest will naturally be more ascertive. This is no different in my family. Although, like most normal families, there is no authoritarian relationship it is clear in the way our family runs and how we interact that my mom is the dominant one. To me there is nothing wrong with this. Like I said, it is logical that the strongest person will assume the highest position in any system, and in this case it is my mom. Please dont get the idea that I mean she is some kind of bossy woman giving everyone orders. My dad is still a normal dad and works the most and so forth, but because of the open fact of my moms vastly superior physical strength, she naturually radiates a dominant personality. Most of it is subconcious as I have said. Here is another example. Its a small thing but I hope it emphasises what I am saying. Im 5 10', my mom, sister and dad are the same height and my brother is slightly taller. When my mom and sister wear high heels they are the tallest in the family. This just adds to their obvious physical presence. Years ago when my brother, sister and I were still young, we had a family portrait that hangs in our house. Im sure your familiar with the type. I didnt think much of it at the time but looking at it now, it is so obvious from the photo that my mom has assumed the dominant position in the picture. All the children are sitting down with my mom and dad standing behind. My mom is stands taller than my dad and you can tell her physique is superior. She is standing slightly behind my dad with her arm around him and the kids. You can see she is the most imposing figure and is assuming the dominant role. I noticed this later when I saw many other family portraits in which the fathers are usually standing in that position. The funny thing is that not long ago when I turned 21 we had another family portrait. I observed quite suprisingly this time that without any arrangement my brother, dad and I are in the seated position with my mom and sister standing behind us. At this stage we all knew my sister was the strongest behind my mom. It confirmed what I had thought when she automatically assumed the dominant position standing with my mom and my father was seated. Its not a huge thing, but we have all commented on it and realised later that the photo looks quite different. It has replaced the other portrait. This is just one example of how my mom assumes the family head role and how my sister naturally has assumed a similar position.

bobik598Aug 10 2006 7:35am
Thank you bobik598, your responses are highly insightful and thought-provoking. Do you know the exact measurements of your mother and sister? For example, do you know for sure how many inches are their biceps, calves, etc? Do you know how many pounds they use to for biceps, bench press, etc? Also, I am interested in hearing more from Mohammed (scroll back 11 messages). Maybe I'm wrong about this, but Mohammed's family seems to not have the love and unity that your family has, bobik598. Also, it seems to me that Mohammed's mother does not love or respect her husband. At the very least, she seems to love Judo more than she loves Mohammed's father. I would not be surprised if Mohammed's father initiated the divorce process, nor would I blame him.

Samurai PsychiatristAug 10 2006 6:41pm
Sandeep, I think that you are a very naive man with your beliefs. If you said these things to my mother or my sister, either one would beat you senseless.

mohammedAug 10 2006 7:40pm
you guys here are pathetic! slap down the woman and show who is boss.

rodAug 11 2006 9:05am
Mohammed's recent remark does not surprise me. Everyone knows that Muslims love violence. Now we know that their women love violence also.

Baptist MinisterAug 11 2006 10:23am
Everyone knows that Christian fundies are nutjobs.....

Anti-Christ.Aug 12 2006 2:03am
Muslim fundies are nutjobs. Christian fundies are stupid.

AnonymousAug 12 2006 8:21am
I suspect Mohammed's mother and sister trained for many years in secret so they could become terrorists. But I'm not worried, Bobik's mother and sister will stop them!

Baptist MinisterAug 12 2006 7:59pm
Baptist Minister, please STOP making off-topic remarks! We want Mohammed to tell us more about his muscular female relatives without being harrassed by your insensitive and irrelevant remarks.

Samurai PsychiatristAug 12 2006 11:58pm
Mohammed, you are an infidel. If you uttered these words of blasphemy in the homeland you should be put to death. Allah is forever.

SandeepAug 14 2006 5:43am
How many people attend schools where girls are strong, or have friends or relatives in those schools?

Samurai PsychiatristAug 14 2006 7:18pm you really think that way?

lelgtAug 14 2006 7:21pm
And you have no faith of your own? Yes, I am true to my faith.

SandeepAug 14 2006 10:02pm
sandeep, no god wants anyone to kill anybody. thats the problem in that part of the world right now.

johnAug 15 2006 2:42pm
Sandeep, Lelgt and John: Where you live, what are the muscles of the women like?

Samurai PsychiatristAug 15 2006 5:45pm
bobik598, yes it is belittling to many men but times are changing. I'm married to a very muscular woman who became a great athlete. We have daughters who are great athletes, who are now going to collage as athletes, not to mention they have perfect grades. I have no complaints and my strong wife has always been a wonderful partner, best lover ever and a mother of strength. She produced awesome daughters with physical strength that is somewhat amazing. I consider myself blessed. All this arguing over "GOD'S VIEW" is a waste. Most of the beliefs are really only cultural power trips and have little to do with how strong women really are physically or what their true potential really is. So many men live miserable lives being the big dog, pumping up their phony gods just to stay in charge. I will take a woman of strength over your weak beaten females any day. They are usually smarter as well and make far better wives IF you give them love and respect.

AnonymousAug 15 2006 6:25pm
There is no point in speaking of this issue. Women are inferior and weak. As a man it is one's duty to Allah to keep the proper order. Such thoughts as seen here are contrary to the laws of Allah.

SandeepAug 17 2006 5:16am
sandeep, do you think a small thin male can over power a taller big boned athletic woman? if you are in denial

lelgtAug 17 2006 8:40am
Sandeep is typically a Hindu name. So what makes you the expert on Islam? You're probably just a Muslim-baiting RSS sympathizer.

Girl who could beat you upAug 17 2006 9:32am
You know nothing of my name or background, yet you pretend to have insight into these things. It is typical of western culture that when you have no argument to make, you attempt to assault and discredit your opponent. This is why your governments are in chaos. You only discredit yourseves. And you are indenial of the fact that women are inferior.

SandeepAug 17 2006 12:15pm
You know nothing of my name or background either, despite your presumptions. I have at least as much "insight into these things" as you have. You are simply a sexist, communalist pig.

Girl who could beat you upAug 17 2006 2:24pm
Our family is very much the same as the fellow who created this poll. My wife has always been the strongest person in our family. When the kids were young, she was the one who I relied upon when some muscle was needed. Our two sons grew up knowing that she was the stronger parent, and they admired her for that. Even now that our sons are grown, she can still beat them in tests of strength, even at age 49. As for me, I have always admired her for her both her physical and emotional strength.

Weaker HusbandAug 17 2006 4:20pm
Sandeep, be careful!! "Girl who could beat you up" may be the sister of Mohammed.

AnonymousAug 17 2006 7:18pm
Miss Girl who could beat you up, I invite you to send me your pic: Thank you! Curious1

curious1Aug 17 2006 7:20pm
As I have previously stated, you are compelled to attack me and call me names because you have no logical point to make. You have unwittingly demonstrated that my point of view is correct. This is common amongst your population. This is why your leaders have no negotiating ability. This is why your government is destined for failure.

SandeepAug 17 2006 9:10pm
Bibik698, I was very interested in the story of the new family photo. Youmentioned that it had been commented on - can you tell us what kind of comments were made in the family? Was it the women claiming their position of dominance or the men pointing it out or what??

barryAug 17 2006 9:56pm
Around the early 1990s, the three teenage childen of a famous top female bodybuilder were interviewed on a television talk show -- without their mother. I believe it was 2 boys and 1 girl, but after so many years I am no longer certain. One son accused their mother of loving her muscles more than she loves her children, and nobody disagreed with that. One of the boys (might have been the same one, not sure) denied that he had a problem with the fact that his mother is stronger than him, but the nervous way he made that denial seemed to make it clear that he had a problem with his mother being stronger than him. I don't remember what the daughter said.

Samurai PsychiatristAug 17 2006 10:14pm
How can you blame a top female bodybuilder for loving her muscles more than she loves a bunch of useless, whining, weakling kids who can't even bench press their own body weight? Just think of what an embarassment those puny, weak, girl-man "sons" of hers must be to her! If our children were so weak and our friends found out about it, we would die of shame!!

Hans and Franz from Saturday Night LiveAug 17 2006 10:19pm
My first wife tragically died a few years ago leaving me and my son. I am a rather short and slim man, 172cm and 61 kgs and my now 15 year old son looks a lot like me. 3 years ago I remarried a woman my own height but 15 kgs heavier. She has always been into sports and is powerfully built with big muscles both in her upper and lower body. She claims she has always been very strong. As you can guess she is way stronger than me. Her daughter is 16 years old and built a lot like her mother, only taller at 176 cm. She has been working out with her mother since childhood, was a great gymnast until she became too big, she is into track and fields, basket and a lot of other sports. My son and I plays table tennis. So, I can relate to the theme here, living in a family where the women is bigger and stronger. It is a perfactly normal relationship but the people around us often have comments, my male coworkers and friends tell me to start building muscle to become stronger than my wife. It is a rather intersting subject, many people in our society feel threatened just to see a couple where the woman is physically stronger than her husband. Rather stupid but common. Thanks

David LAug 18 2006 2:15am
If there was a family where the two 90-year-old grandmothers looked younger and prettier than the 18-year-old grandaughters, would that be normal? Would that situation be comparable to women being stronger than men, since both are a reversal of normalcy? Would the grandaughters be humiliated, like men who have less strength than women?

Samurai PsychiatristAug 24 2006 6:35pm
Samurai Psychiatrist, sorry for delay in post. My mom and sister are workout partners but I work also, so I do go to the gym with them sometimes. I dont know there exact measurements but they are quite muscular. Like I said in a previous post they dont use steoroids so have not achieved the muscularity of pro bodybuilders, but they both have very toned physiques. Also muscle size is not an indication of strength. They both can lift more than me in all exercises. I know the general weight they can lift because I workout with them quite regularly. I wont tell you the weights for all exercises but a good indicator of upper body strength is bench press. I bench 75-80kg for 7-8 reps. My sister does about 95kg for 7-8 reps. My mom does about 105-110kg for 7-8 reps. Bicep curls are a good indicator of arm strength. I do 25kg for 10 reps. My sister does 35kg for 10 reps. My mom does 40kg for 10 reps. Squats are a good indicator of leg strength. I do about 80kg for 8 reps. My sister does 100-110kg for 8 reps. My mom does 120kg for 10 reps. These are average figures and not best lifts.

bobik598Aug 25 2006 6:51am
Its interesting to hear from other families in which the females are physically stronger than the men. Im interested to hear how families react to this situation. I know from experience that it poses alot of questions and dilemma's in ones life, mainly because of the social norm. Im interest to know how strong mothers behave in relation to their children and vice versa. How do boys in general deal with there mom being stronger than them? It can have certain psychological effects on boys in this situation. Similarly with fathers who have strong daughters. It raises many personal issues for fathers and sons in these situations, especially if the women are not only naturally strong but are bodybuilders. This is because bodybuilding is a visual display and announcement of strength.

bobik598Aug 25 2006 7:02am
Bobik, this is an unusual situation, but, to answer your question, I personally don't think there's anything wrong with it. You are a happy family and that's the main thing. Can you elaborate on the psychological effects you mentioned? For example, what is the physical comparision between your father and sister, what age did she surpass him in strength, and how have they both reacted?

SteveAug 26 2006 12:39pm
This has become the most amusing of these boards at I seriously doubt that Sandeep is real because he/she/it is such a good parody of everything that is wrong for those who claim to follow the Prophet. The women behind the veils are probably physically stronger than their males give them credit for. Downtrodden, suppresed and abused - there is no doubt about that. In too many societies where people pretend to follow the Prophet women are little better than the family pet only because they bear children. Islamic pretenders freak out when anything shatters their misguided vision of what the Prophet came to teach them. They didn't learn and now they are paying a huge price for their ingrained, institutionalized ignorance. It starts with thier caveman like views of women (the sad part is they are the wives, mothers, daughters and sisters) and finishes with their perception that somehow western governments are weak. Their minds are weak and in the case of Mohammed's parents the father is physically AND mentally weaker. Those women who speak out are to be admired for what they have endured in and out of the Islamic countries. Those who have taken positive action are sometimes risking thier lives when they do it within the borders of retarded governments. That is a kind of strength that most of the cowardly men of those countries can not match. Give them a gun and they are brave so long as no one is shooting back. Ask them to do what the women do to receive a small token of justice and they show their true colors. The day of reckoning is fast approaching and there will be no place to hide when it arrives. Your missuse of The Prophets holy Word will cause you to suffer indescribeable agony. It is not our governments that are in trouble - it is yours. You are not Islam. You are cowardly beasts whose souls are poisoned with your vile hatred and ognorance. You are blind and ignorant and your sick ideas that you are somehow superior to women because you are male tells me just how sick and degenerate your governments and society have become. You can't win. You can't win in your own house so how can you win anyplace else?

Rocks In My HeadSep 02 2006 7:32am
Dear Bobik598, I apologize for not responding sooner to your most recent messages. *****POINT 1: You said that you lift 75-80kg, comparedn to you sister who lifts 95kg. Your sister is only 20% ahead of you!! My advice: Read every book about weight lifting and bodybuilding you can find and start eating the diet of a bodybuilder. Within a year (approximately) your lifts should equal those of your sister, and in two years (approximately) your lifts should be ahead of hers. You will SURELY feel happier when that happens!! It will help you psychologically more than creating 100 polls on this web site. *****POINT 2: I believe that you are in what psychologists call DENIAL. You want to believe that your sister's muscles do not threaten you, but deep down inside of your mind -- they do threaten you. Denial is very common; we all do it. *****POINT 3: About 10 years ago, a top female bodybuilder remarked that her brother does not talk to her anymore. I assume this is because she is stronger than him. Relevantly, she was one of the "more feminine" female bodybuilders who emphasized proportion and lines instead of massive muscle size and maximum strength. Yet even that seems to have been too much for her brother to handle. I do not know if she beat him up or not. Sincerely,

Samurai PsychiatristSep 03 2006 1:09pm
alsalam aalikom , for all people who claims that they know islam or they are real muslims please read more about islam thanks

a muslim manSep 09 2006 4:28am
About mothers being stronger than their sons I can relate a story. When I was in my late teens a good friend of mine that lived alone with his mother told me that his mother had stated that whenever her son could beat her at armwrestling he could move out and live alone. The problem was that his mother was big and strong, she had wrestled us boys down many times when we were younger. But now when my friend was almost 20 he really wanted to have his own apartment. (At that time you were an adult at the age of 21). One evening when I was there as a witness the "moving out match" was to take place. His mother was now close to 50 but still looked very strong with wide massive shoulders, a big bust, thick neck, big upper arms and a big lower body to match. She probably had 15-20 kgs on my friend (I guess she was close to 90 kgs). I can tell you it wasn't a match. She could still slam her son's arms down, both left and right. She ended this show of strength with challanging both of us. Down on the floor she wrestled my left arm (my strongest) and her sons right at the same time! She could press both our hands down to the floor. My friend stayed with his mother until he was 25, he didn't move out because he could beat his mother in an armwrestling match though, he moved in with his new girlfriend that is now his wife. By the way his wife looks a lot like his mother and I am not sure he is the physically stronger in that relationship either. Thanks.

Down memory laneSep 13 2006 2:15am
Down memory lane, that story makes me feel like vomiting.

Male Disgusted By Stronger FemalesSep 13 2006 5:18pm

AnonymousSep 20 2006 6:21pm
The world would be a better place if women had the brawn, they already have the brain. There are plenty of strong and agressive women in the world but they very seldom kill other people. Stupid men do a lot of stupid things, always picking fights instead of talking, starting wars instead of negotiating, etc. Women will in the future be better educated then men (if you look at what is happening now in modern societies), the difference in strength will become smaller, the women will be tougher and they we won't tolerate any abuse from men. Male Disgusted By Stronger Females will have a big problem in the future when cave men will be pushed back in the caves. By us women! I am not disgusted by stronger men, or weaker. I am a woman, and because of that I am stronger.

Powerful femaleSep 27 2006 9:00am
I was really hoping this forum would stay on topic. Females and males are not superior to each other. It depends on the individual.

bobik598Sep 27 2006 9:13am
Sorry for delay in response, ive been away. In response to Samurai's comments. I cant speak for my dad but I know from my experience that I was not bothered growing up because it seemed natural. To answer Samurai's question, im not in denial. I am aware of the differenes in the relationship with my mom and sister as I grew older because I realised it was not a social norm. I will admit though that there strength makes me uncomfortable only in the fact that most people and society in general view our situation as strange and im probably perceived as a wimp. The fact that the girls are stronger in my personally doesnt bother me, its only when i view it in social context that i feel a bit embarassed. But I have come to learn that i cant reject something just because it is the social norm, so i am proud of my mom and sister and would not change them at all.

bobik598Sep 27 2006 9:28am
Steve asked an interesting question regarding the psychological effects of having strong women in the family. In regards my dad and sister they are roughly the same height but my sister is much more built and muscular than my dad. She is easlily stronger also. My dad never worked out regurlarly. When their bodies are viewed together it is very obvious my sister is the stronger one, her body is much more imposing than his. Im not sure when she became stronger but ever since she passed 18 she has acted like the more dominant one, especially when she began going to the gym regularly. The awareness in all of us that she had clearly surpassed all the males occured one summer when we first saw here in her bikini. This was about 2 years after her starting gym and her body had really put on muscle and shape. She was really happy with the attention and playfully showed off but it was very clear from her development that she was now stronger than us guys. My mom was the first to comment on it. Ill never forget what she said that day in our pool, "I think its clear who the second strongest in the family is." She said it jokingly but she was wrapped as was my sister. They both showed off by flexing and posing a bit and then decidied we should play shoulder wrestling with the men on the shoulders. It was quite strange as we had never played this before but it is now a common game we play at summer time in our pool. Usually its me and my sister vs my mom and dad but we do change the teams around. It looked and felt quite strange to be carried around on my moms shoulders and I can guess my dad felt equally as strange on his daughters. I would like to stress though that it was not embarassing for the men because as i have said we are acceptive of women being strong. Although its not embarassing my dad would have had strange emotions that day as my sister showed her superior physical strength. I guess he would have felt as any father would on realising his little girl is now stronger than he is. Again I believe that any problems he has are socially imposed. I know this because I feel a similar way with my mom. Eventhough I have grown up knowing she is stronger, as I got older and knew that socially speaking a mother shouldnt be stronger than her son, it does give me butterflies everytime her physical strength is displayed.

bobik598Sep 27 2006 9:50am
Thanks for your reply bobik. When you say she acted like the more dominant one, does this mean she is definitely number two in the house in terms of decisions etc? I'm not sure I understood that entirely. Another issue that might arise is whether this has meant some sort of reversal in the types of partners you and your sister look for-ie I assume she wouldn't want to marry a macho type.

SteveSep 28 2006 12:28pm
Bobik, what are you going to do when a girl you want to marry loses respect for you because discovered that your mother and sister are BOTH stronger than you? Maybe she will understand, but maybe she will think you are a stupid wimp. Many mother-in-laws hate their daughter-in-laws, so the last thing you future wife needs is the threat of a mother-in-law who can easily beat her up!

eruditeOct 02 2006 5:41pm
Hey Steve.Sorry for late reply.When I say my sister is the acted more dominantly, I dont mean she has replaced my dad in decision making. I refer more to her attitude. The knowledge that she is stronger than us guys makes her act in a different way. Maybe dominant is not the right word. She acts more confident and assertive. As regards the types of partners my sister looks for, I dont think she has a set type. Her previous boyfriends have all been average guys, not gym junkies.As for myself, if I am to be honest it requires me to reveal a fact that may seem a little strange, and is one of the reasons I stated earlier that living with women like my mom and sister poses dillemas for the average guy, especially myself. In terms of women I prefer I dont go for one type only and believe all kinds of women can be beautiful.But I do love female bodybuilders ever since I can remember. I think the athletic female look is attractive. Obviously this may seem strange in a family I live in and maybe my preferences are due to how I've grown, im not sure. But dont get me wrong, im not in love with my sister or mom. But the dillema lies in that my sister and mom are involved in a sport that is completely body oriented. In growing up and preparing me for what I would experience in her sport, my mom openly told me when I was a teenager and started going to shows and seeing what my mom did, that bodybuilding is the most sexual sport that exists. It is primarily concerned witht the body and involves showing as much flesh as possible in skimpy outfits and analysing all body parts. She told me there was nothing wrong if i felt aroused by watching it.Like i said, she was preparing me.As i have grown i unlike most people have been exposed to scenarios in which i have had to view my mother and sister in a sexual mannner. My mother has done quite a few modelling spreads for our national bodybuilding magazine which shows her in very raunchy situations and clothing.As a young man growing I have had to contend with not only the psychological implications of having strong women around, but also the sexual ones of having my mother and sister involved in a sexually oriented sport. It has forced me to view them in a different way.This is one of the main dillemas families with bodybuilders face.I guess its similar to having a pornstar in the family.You are forced to view them sexually especially with the extra curricular activities that female bodybuilders engage in like modelling and photo and video shoots. My sister is starting to experience this now.This is not confined to competition and photo spreads, because the amount of time my mom and sister put into their bodies means there not shy about exposing it and do so regualarly.At summer time, my mom and sister wear bikinis which are quite revealing.Like I said they put alot of time into their bodies and like to show it off.The dillema i face, especially because i am a fan of bodybuilding and like female muscle, is as a guy observing objectively there bodies are very attractive, and this opinion has been confirmed by many other people. But because they are my family I dont have any sexual emotions, but at the same time i am forced as a guy to acknowledge the visual effect they have. THis is one of the biggest dillemas one faces when living with female bodybuilders in the family. I know its strange but it is me being honest. As I said i often think how families of pornstars react to their profession.How does one contend with being exposed to their mom or sister that way?

bobik 598Oct 22 2006 9:02am
Bobik, I could be wrong about this, but I suspect that you might benefit from putting distance between yourself and your mother and sister. For example, move to a city 100 miles away from your mother for a few years. And move close to a gym so you can get big.

Samurai PsychiatristOct 23 2006 7:33pm
What about my question? Am I to be ignored?

eruditeOct 23 2006 7:34pm
What is the earliest age at which athletically active girls can have beautiful muscular legs that men like: (1) Age 18 (2) Age 21 (3) Age 25 (4) Age 30.

MiniPollOct 30 2006 12:43pm
There are even 12 year olds with legs like that but you'd be really sick to go after such girls unless you were a kid too.

AnonymousOct 31 2006 7:11am
How does a 12 yo girl get legs like that?

Anonymous500Oct 31 2006 8:21pm
I had a neighbor girl who was naturally muscular, athletic, and very strong from a young age. She played rough contact sports with the guys every day and reveled in dominating most of them. When she was 12 she had powerful bulging biceps that the boys in her class would have died for, and she had the most muscular butt I've ever touched on a female. Her legs were equally well-muscled and shapely. For a couple of years she was the envy of both the boys and the girls--the boys envied her for her strength and athleticism and the girls envied her for her body. Sadly, both the boys and the girls eventually surpassed her.

AnonymousNov 01 2006 5:51pm
My interest is men distracted from work [or school or gym] by beautiful women at the workplace, especially beautiful women at work with: sleeveless tops, short skirts and shirts that reveal cleavage or back. Also men who are distracted at work by women who are especially beautiful or busty or thin or muscular.

HSGNov 14 2006 8:46pm
Boys or men who work out to catch up to stronger girls or women:

AnonymousNov 18 2006 4:12pm
Is this poll dead or alive?

AnonymousNov 20 2006 8:22pm
Most female bodybuilders quit the sport after a few years. Bobik suffers from the rare misfortune that his female relatives have made lifetime commitments to that sport. I was a fan of female bodybuilding for a long time, but I don't like them much anymore. FBBs are good to admire from a safe distance -- like the internet -- but I would never want to live with one, or even near one.

LegFanNov 21 2006 4:38pm

AnonymousDec 06 2006 10:53am
I suddenly realized that women spend lots of time thinking of ways to control us men. What a fool I have been for not realizing that many years ago.

NathanDec 09 2006 5:53pm
I've thought about your last question, Bobik, and I guess I could say maybe your mother and sister should be a bit more considerate of the effect their bodies have and dress more modestly, but on the other hand even in 'ordinary' families it's fairly normal for both the women and men to see each other in swimwear at the pool or beach, for example. However, I do see your point that there's something very visual about a female bodybuilder and you deserve kudos for being honest about it being a little awkward when it's a relative- like the butterflies in your stomach that you mentioned. It doesn't sound like your mother and sister feel it's an issue. Do you all like to play strength comparison games like shoulder wrestling or is this something the women have to cajole you men to take part in? It sounds like your mother and sister enjoy proving their superior strength.

SteveDec 16 2006 1:33am
Hey Steve, thanks for the comment. The dilemma i have is not a major problem for me. I mentioned it to give an insight into what it is like living with women like this. You say most ordinary families see each other in swimsuits but some of the swimsuits i have seen my mom and sister in are like the ones you see on a centerfold model. But i have no problem with them wearing that. Like i said they work really hard and are proud of their bodies so i can understand why they show it off. My mom and sister probably could be a little bit more considerate because they both know I am attracted to female bodybuilders. I used to date one of my sisters friends who is a bodybuilder which gave my preferences away, not to mention she pretty much told my sister how into female bodybuilding I was. But like you said its not an issue for them. I think they know that even though I admire their bodies, I would never try to pursue anything in reality. As for some of the games we play which obviously emphasize the womens strength, its definately not something the women push us to play. These are just fun games that alot of people play, but in my family it makes more sense for the women to carry us guys on their shoulders. This comes back to what I was saying that strong women in the family will automatically assume certain roles. If you decide to play such a game with two girls that are obviously stronger than the guys, its silly for the men to try and act macho and assume the dominant position. When we played, its not even an issue. It was natural for the women to carry us. Your absolutely right that my mom and sister enjoy proving their strength. Usually it is done in unconcious ways as i have discussed earlier, but some times to horse around they do it playfully. But when you live with bodybuilders for whom alot of their lives is consumed with building muscle and strength, it is to be expected that they enjoy showing off that strength. Like I said my mom and sister both enjoy showing off their bodies and their strength. But i stress, it is not done in a manner that is demeaning to us guys. They would never do something if they knew it would embarass us.

bobik598Dec 17 2006 6:29am
I have a daughter away in collage. She has sports scholarships. Her mother was very athletic and 5'9" and I'm 5'10". My daughter is now 5'11" and 200 lbs. She is able to lift me up while sitting on a chair and press me overhead and I'm right at 145 lbs and my wife is 168 lbs. I'm not embarrassed by this.

AnonymousDec 17 2006 10:29am

AnonymousDec 28 2006 8:48am
My wife is stronger and is more muscular from her workouts at a gym. I once had larger muscles but she has them now. I don't know where her muscles came from but they are thicker next to mine.

BradJan 13 2007 3:26pm
Has anyone seen the episode of THE SIMPSONS where Homer Simpson's wife becomes a bodybuilder? I saw that episode twice, the second time around I noticed that the two nastiest scenes were edited out. The first deleted scene was when Mrs. Simpson is about to break a man's back. The second deleted scene was when she made the implied threat of violence if her husband failed to give her sex immediately.

Q2Feb 18 2007 8:38am
Working out with my wife, I can't believe how strong she is and she is gaining strength faster than I am. I'm still stronger but that ratio between us is changing! I can see her muscles developing and I'll admitt faster than mine have. It's a very real possibility she could out muscle me in time from what is happening. We are both 5'9" and I out weigh her by only 8 lbs. Her legs are stronger already by 25 percent while my upper body is about 10 percent stronger. She has closed in on me in the upper body and widened the lead in leg strength. She might match me in upper body by the end of the year and of course have stronger legs. Sheesh! I wouldn't have thought I'd be seeing this happen! She has good genes and her shoulders are a little wider than mine by almost one inch.

RichFeb 24 2007 10:58am
#090 - Mon. 3/5/07

UpdateMar 05 2007 11:56am
I see I'm not alone. I've been married for about three years and not long after we married, my wife started working out with me. She had always had broad shoulders from swimming in her school days. It was obvious that she was getting stronger and even more muscular but the other day in the mirror next to me it was visible that she was more muscular than me. I had come home from work and she had been working out during the day, something I just now discovered. She has been exercising while I was working and with me again in the evenings. Now she has compared other strength and proven to be far stronger in her legs and stronger in her upper body, something she had hid for a while. After the mirror incident we sat down and compared biceps,calves, and thighs flexing and feeling our muscles and now I admitted that she has out muscled me. A tape measure was the final proof of her bigger muscles with 2 1/2" in her thighs 1" in her calves and 1/2" in her biceps. Her biceps measured 15 1/4" flexed after she had worked out. Since it took me so long to just get in shape or add any size, I doubt I could catch up any time soon as she mentioned that this is just the beginning and that she is now gaining more muscle and strength than when she started. In the last six months or so her muscles became much bigger it seems and of course now showing me her strength too. It is possible that some women have muscles that some men can't compete with. It would seem that she has muscle development at roughly twice the rate that I have just by how she has built her muscles faster.

MarkMar 17 2007 9:22am

AnonymousMar 26 2007 7:43am
STTG I have been reading these boards for about eight months now and I always admired you as a male committed to the Matriarchy so I was shocked when you stated the some Female body builders "go too far". A Woman has the right to develope Her power and strength however She wishes. If we were currently under a Matriarchal government you would probably be sentenced to be a naked towel boy on the Female Body Building circuit and hopefully some of those massively muscled Women would use those muscles to apply firm discipline to your behind. But I still love your posts.

obedient husbandApr 15 2007 1:48pm
#0094 - (Tue.) 5/1/07

UpdateApr 30 2007 10:09pm
My wife has been working out for little more than a year, she beat me at armwrestling and has bigger muscles than I do now. I'm embarrised but facinated by what's happened.

AnonymousMay 13 2007 11:38am
Last week I was dropping off some clothes to my niece and as I was walking through the front door I heard her and a friend of hers discussing something. As I walked into the room my niece asked me if I still worked out. I said yes, about 4 days a week but at my age (49) I was not as into it as I used to be. She then proceed to ask me to "make a muscle" for a test. I asked "what kind of test". She replied that her friend said that her muscle was as hard as any mans muscle because she has been working out for about 6 months and she was rock hard. I looked at her friend who I've known for many years and said you look the same to me (but she had a jacket on). Her friend proceeded to remove her jacket which revealed a very muscular set of shoulders and arms(she was wearing a cut-off shirt). Her friend said "go ahead and flex your arm".I flexed my right arm very hard and she then grabbed a book bag and began to curl it to pump up her bicep. After about 15 reps she put down the bag and flexed her right arm; I almost passed out. It was lets say about 13-14" and it looked split. Her arm reminded me of Gina Farnsworth's arm. She then told my niece to feel her arm and mine at the same time to see who's was harder. I've been lifting for about 15 years but this 17 year olds arm was unbelievable. My niece said that it was about a tie (probably not trying to offend me). Her friend said "no way". She then felt her bicep and then mine. She said "his is hard, but not as hard as mine". So I said let me feel yours. She said "5 bucks". I said why? She said that her 14 year old guy friend who lives next door to her pays her to feel her right arm because he is in awe of the size of the muscle and its hardness. So i took out a 5 dollar bill and gave it to her. She said "wait" and proceeded to grab the book bag again and curled it about 15 times and then flexed her bicep, felt it herself and said go ahead you've got 30 seconds. It was like a piece of iron and after the second pumping I would say atleast 14-14.5 inches and full, peaked and split. I was trying not to shake as I squeezed it hard; It did not dent at all, and it was harder than mine. I asked her how she got so muscular and she repied that her older brother went off to college leaving behind a weight set which she proceeded to play around with and noticed that her arms grew after only 2 weeks of lifting and she liked the look and works out everyday and does arms 3 times a week. I then proceeded to ask if she would arm wrestle and she said "thats ten bucks". I said why? She said that her boy cousin cannot believe how strong she is and after his first loss to her, has to pay because she knows he is captivated by her muscular arms. So I gave her the ten and put my arm on the table. She asked me to "make a muscle for her again" so she could see what she was up against. I obliged and she gave it a good feel and said "not bad for and guy my age" and locked hands. She said we go on 3. I was shocked at her strength and was pushing her down; she then tried to twist my wrist but I was waiting for that and pushed her further down and in about 5 seconds beat her but it was not easy. She said that we should go again when I noticed how pumped her arm was and asked my niece for a tape measure. Her arm was tired; I could tell from all the flexing so she agreed to the measurement which was 14.75" and harder than before. We talked a little more about working out and she said to come back in a few weeks for a re-match. This is a true story.

AnonymousJun 05 2007 5:56pm
Yeah, and steroids are a problem amongst teens....Next.

YadaJun 11 2007 8:31am
Robin Norwood wrote "Women Who Love Too Much." Someone should write "Women Who Lift Too Much."

AnonymousJun 19 2007 12:29pm
Watch this woman and tremble... She's 6'2" tall, weighs 340lb, and squats 525lb

AnonymousJun 23 2007 3:36pm
Watch this woman and tremble... She's 6'2" tall, weighs 340lb, and squats 525lb

AnonymousJun 23 2007 3:37pm
June 25, 2007

AnonymousJun 25 2007 6:33am
Years ago Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote a story where Tarzan encounters a primitive race where all the Women are brawny muscular six footers while their males were thin five footers. Women hunted the inferior male in the jungle, clubbed him over the head and dragged him back to her cave for sex and breeding. There are scenes where a Woman throws a trembling male over her shoulder, the male trembles "in a paralysis of fear" knowing he will be abused and beaten while in the Woman's cave. There is a scene where "a huge Woman, broader and heavier(than other members of her tribe) wins a contest for a male with another Woman of the tribe and then drags the male to the entrance of her corrall and pushes him in accelerating his speed "with a final kick". Burroughs was trying to be satrical and this is a Tarzan story so ultimately Tarzan wins out but not before he has to flee from a Woman "wielding a bludgeon in her hamlike hand" and observing her "enourmous muscular development". Food for thought, or at least for fantasy.

obedient husbandJul 06 2007 7:37pm

AnonymousJul 16 2007 7:15am
What ever happened to Bobik ?

AnonymousAug 28 2007 7:37pm
i still chcek the board, but i havent really got anything else to say. Hoping others would share there experiences.

bobik598Aug 30 2007 8:18am
"Control of when and what i eat is in her remit as is everything else.At the other end of things when i go to the toilet is also under her supervision. Lou Rolls" Um... :confused: bathroom supervision? lol! What are you going to do? Sneak a file into the bathroom & saw your way out the window? lol! I'm sorry I don't mean to make fun, but... I mean...Why does she feel she needs to watch you go to the bathroom? What are you going to do in there? Steal all the scented candles? lol! (Sigh)...(thinks a moment) - OH! I'm sorry, WHEN you go... oh, okay I read it wrong & I apologize. So what do you do when you really need to go? Do ever cross your legs, or jump up & down? Oh, that's killer!...(another sigh). No seriously, I thinks its great that womyn are breaking all those stupid patriarchal stereotypes! If I ever get a girl (which, I probably won't, but that's what imaginations are for:) ) she'll DEFIANTLY be in charge of our relationship & marriage (lol, like anyone would ever want to be with me). I'd always hoped I'd become the fancies of a strong & (not too) muscular girl. It'd be a dream come true to be saved by a somewhat dominate, muscular, alpha female (bathroom supervision not :dreamy look in eyes: I get really turned on by the idea of being sexually overpower by a real dominate female that can offer her strength, protection & security. She'd fondle me at night during snuggling sessions & whisper in my ear. We'd always go to sleep bundled together & she'd always fall asleep with her had brushing my face. Maybe in the morning while I'm making breakfast she'll sneak up behind me, pick me up, wrestle me to the floor & we'll have morning breakfast sex. When she gets home from work she can sneak up behind me and wrestle me helpless, then she'll let loose & we'll have sex until dinner. Each dinner would be like a date. We'd get drunk telling each other how much we loved each other until we could barely talk anymore. That would always lead to tender moments, hugging, laughing, then play wrestling until we snuggled to go to sleep. As kissed each other to dream land, she'd bundle me in her arms tight & raise her head above mine. She'd press me to her breast & their softness would put me to sleep, while she'd gourd me in my dreams. If we ever went out in public, she would slip her arm behind my back & walk me to where ever we were going. She'd be the best dominate lover I ever had. Yeah I know, sh-tty dream. It'll never happen to me (sigh) :( Well, food always makes me feel better after I get all depressed like this. No hard feelings for everyone else though, please take care! :)

A very sad, very lost & very lonely guySep 05 2007 4:50pm

AnonymousOct 17 2007 8:16am
I want to hear Bobik tell us what happened with his father, mother, sister and him. What is his life like? Any changes?

AnonymousOct 27 2007 6:38pm
What would happen if men felt intimidated by muscular women?

XCLASSDec 30 2007 4:27pm
Hey guys sorry for not posting for ages. I appreciate all your comments and views. Ive been really busy and some interesting developments have occured which have prevented me from posting. I recently finished my arts degree majoring in modern society and have spent the last few months deciding what to do. I have decided to undertake a PhD in the area that interests me most; the changing role of women in society. My mom thinks it makes sense for me considering how ive been raised. I am going to write a thesis examining how womens roles have changed throughout history, with a main focus on how womens strength (especially muscular bodybuilding women) affects there role in society, how they percieve there own role in society, life and the family, how others around them perceive them, especially husbands, children and family. I will be delving deeply in to the phscology behind why a woman wants to be strong, an area that has always facinated me. Obviously these women know they are breaking social norms, so i want to understand the different motivations they have, eventhough it is much more acceptable today for a woman to be strong. I will be examining and writing on all aspects of muscular womens lives, how they view themselves, how they expect others around them to percieve them, how their strength affects there relationships. There are many interesting areas I want to research and write on. Thankfully I live in a family with female bodybuilders, which helps me a lot. My mom and sister will obviously have a prominent role in my research. I will be spending a lot of time with them and asking them a lot of questions, some very personal on there lives as strong modern women. My mom and sister will also be providing me access to other female bodybuilders that they know to question as many bodybuilders as i can. I will be spending a lot of time with them to gain access to there circle of female bodybuilder friends and competitors. My research will focus mainly on bodybuilders, but i will also try to research other strong women such as fighters. Im really looking forward to this project which will take about 3 years to complete. We know why many guys love female bodybuilders, but we have never really delved into why females like to be strong. Im hoping for alot of input from all kinds of people, male and female on there thoughts. I would espcially love input from female bodybuilders. I would love to hear thoughts on this.

bobik598Jan 15 2008 9:39pm
Ah, Amazons... I believe that women need to be strong in order to succeed in the trials and tribulations of life, such as dealing with pregancy, giving birth to, and raising children. This stems from our ancestral instincts. Unfortunately, today's society preaches that women must be weaker than men. This dates back thousands of generations. Women must be subserviant, depending on men for survival. This thinking has bred generations of women who are self-defeatists. Strong women, both physically and spiritually are attractive to me. Why? I couldn't say for certain. Is it because they breed strong children? Is it really that instinctual in me? Maybe. I've always admired women who are smart, and strong of character as opposed to weak-minded, ditzy "girls" who suscribe to societal norms, and use their femininity to pervert what women could acheive by perpetuating the perception that women should be catered to hand and foot. I do not believe this is the case. Struggle is necessary to survive as a species, and I an attracted to women girt for such endeavors, as are others like me. These are the real Men in my opinion. This applies to muscular women as well, as they are the avatars of such an ideal for me. I believe there is beauty to be seen in sculpted female muscles. It is not just for men. Many out there do not accept this. Men who are intimidated by a strong(er) woman are weak cowards that do not deserve such goddesses. There are women who do not accept them (they are in the majority) and know that such Women would end the perception of weakness they've grown accustomed to and relish. They fear change, even if it is for the better. However, as a man, I see myself as a warrior. I fight for my existance, and will die for it if necessary. I serve no one, nor will I ever. The woman I seek is not a dominatrix, one who controls me, for I am not to be controlled as such. What I seek is a woman who is an equal, a warrior herself. Weak little girls hold no intrest in me. I do not believe than women are stronger than men in ALL aspects, nor do I believe men are superior. I believe than men have their roles, and woman theirs. Women are better at being women than we are, and vice versa. These are views I've held for a long time.

NinaSt4rJan 16 2008 10:27pm

AnonymousJan 21 2008 10:01pm
bobik598 you metioned shoulder werstling earlier what is that i would like to try it with my sister.

a new personApr 04 2008 1:50pm
in some bloodlines, the females are the stronger sex. I know of one family where all the women were fairly average, but the men were all very small and meek. The women always wore the pants in the family. and it never changed from each generation. The reason is some genetic deficiency in the male chromosome that causes early puberty. all the males had their full height at 11, while the girls kept growing and getting bigger. So in this family the women are expected to be bigger and stronger than the men.

AnonymousApr 19 2008 1:15pm

AnonymousMay 09 2008 1:56pm
In America, I've noticed that women are slowly feminizing men. In the 1970's it was considered "manly" or "macho" for men to have a hairy chest. Now a hairy chest seems to provoke snickers and sneers and comments like "he needs to get his chest waxed". Manicures, facials, waxing, dieting, all these things that only women used to do, men are now doing at the encouragement of women. The next step is for women to demand and only choose men who are softer and more slender than they are.

AnonymousMay 29 2008 7:10am
I estimate that over the past two years, 90% of the new polls on this web site,, have been about women who are strong, muscular, dominant or superior. Also, this web site seems to be one of the biggest meccas on the internet for those topics.

STNG fanAug 03 2008 8:01pm
Athlete says sports steroids changed him from woman to man:

AnonymousAug 14 2008 7:59pm
bobik598 do you have a picture of your family you can post

brother of a strong FBBSep 26 2008 3:59pm

AnonymousOct 23 2008 4:01pm

AnonymousDec 04 2008 6:27am
My younger sister Lena pinned my shoulders to the living room rug one afternoon. She sat straddled up on my chest with her short mini skirt up around her waist and her blouse was unbuttoned. Her knees pinned my arms solid to the ground. She then made a bicep pose with her big tits heaving from her low cut bra. She told me she was the boss. She repeated this pose for at least ten minutes. I tried to buck out but she was to powerful. I nearly came in my pants. True Story ...

AnonymousDec 05 2008 11:21am
Fill any woman with a big hard c*ck, make her cum over and over, and she's done. I started early (13 years old) and learned fast. I'm only 5'3", but at 14 I destroyed 16 to 18 year old pussy regularly, much of which was attached to bigger girls. Size matters, but only in your pants.

keep em cumminMar 02 2009 8:36am

AnonymousMar 03 2009 11:30am
My little sister (13) beats me easily. She is taller and stronger than me and, usually plays with me crushing my head between her powerful tights. (I?m 25 years old, only weight 110 and 5?2") My sister (145 - 5?9") toys with me at home every day, and sometimes she knock me out with her tights and even forces me to kiss her big butt. What can I do?

weak for herMar 06 2009 8:41am
It's been a while, but I hope things are going well with your PhD Bobik. Have you learnt any new insights? Maybe even since you started the thread society has changed a bit more. I notice in the office where I work its mostly the women who are into exercise, and they seem amazingly disciplined about it. The gym seems to be just a normal part of young women's lives these days. I think what you're doing is really worthwhile because there's very little written on women's psychology as it relates to strength sports- instead, mostly by men, for men, about women. Nathalie Gassell is a big exception to this, as she gives her fascinating, often erotic motivations in great detail, but too bad her books are not translated into English.

SteveJul 12 2009 3:59am
Agree with you Steve. Was at the tube yesterday where two women around 40 were disussing their work outs. One of the ladies said she had a big progress since she had started to use free weights instead of the machines. She could now do reps with 60 kgs and had lifted 75 kgs once. She flexed her right bicep and told her friend to look at her muscles. Her friend felt the big muscle and said that she also wanted biceps like that. She flexed her own muscle that was not as big as her friends but at least the same size as mine and it looked harder. This is the modern woman of today. I have noticed the last years that many girls and women have been working out hard to get more upper body muscles. As long as I remember you have seen women with strong looking legs but biceps on a woman, that in the past was unfeminine seems to be OK today.

ObserverJul 14 2009 12:06am
Do karatewomen sexually dominate their men in bed? Do karatewomen rape men, too?

IndonymousDec 27 2009 2:24am
My theory in all of this. If all being equal, such as nutrtion, physical activity, women will end up bigger and stronger than the men. Even if you were as physically active as her, she would still be stronger. Women IMO are naturally built amazons, but cultural and gender norms stifles that development. I have known families where the girls were treated like the boys in the ares of athletics and nutrition. By the time they were adults, the girls had grown much bigger and stronger than the boys. I know one family personally. They consisted of 3 brothers and one younger sister. The younger sister felt a need to keep up with the older brothers, so she became a tomboy. She did everything her brothers did, including athletics and nutrition. She was never a big girl in childhood. But when she hit 12 she had growth spurt of almost a foot. At 14, she was 6ft tall and almost 200lbs. She was already the biggest strongest family member. The parents were puzzled by her size, since everyon both bloodines were average.. But my theory, if you let things be equal, she will end up being stronger

AnonymousDec 27 2009 12:12pm
My theory in all of this. If all being equal, such as nutrtion, physical activity, women will end up bigger and stronger than the men. Even if you were as physically active as her, she would still be stronger. Women IMO are naturally built amazons, but cultural and gender norms stifles that development. I have known families where the girls were treated like the boys in the ares of athletics and nutrition. By the time they were adults, the girls had grown much bigger and stronger than the boys. I know one family personally. They consisted of 3 brothers and one younger sister. The younger sister felt a need to keep up with the older brothers, so she became a tomboy. She did everything her brothers did, including athletics and nutrition. She was never a big girl in childhood. But when she hit 12 she had growth spurt of almost a foot. At 14, she was 6ft tall and almost 200lbs. She was already the biggest strongest family member. The parents were puzzled by her size, since everyon both bloodines were average.. But my theory, if you let things be equal, she will end up being stronger

AnonymousDec 27 2009 12:12pm

AnonymousJan 14 2010 5:40am

AnonymousJan 14 2010 5:40am
OK, this is my last resort! I haven?t been able to meet my strong muscle goddess in the gym because she, wherever she is, apparently goes to different gyms! Lol I haven?t been able to meet her online at dating sites. Clubs, bars, supermarkets, forget it. So I?m sending out my message in a bottle here! My name is Mike, 40, single, attractive (adorable I been told) and quite gainfully employed. I?m 5?6? 170 and I work out at lot so I?m built pretty well but I?m not a bodybuilder. But I DO love big strong, muscular curves on a woman who is also feminine and womanly! And I would love to meet one who is stronger than I am and loves to show it off to me. It?s not easy to find a woman, big and built who is flat out stronger than me, who loves guys who are not as strong as she is. But I know she?s out there! And if you are, contact me because you won?t regret it. I?m probably the kinkiest, most fun, yet well balanced guy you can expect to meet. And I?m cute to boot! I can be your man or I can be your little boy and anywhere in between. And roleplaying, if you?re into that, trust me will be mind-bendingly fun! So ?if you?re out there, toss your message into the bottle and send it out back to me at!

mike_14856Feb 05 2010 6:37pm
Bobik, I don't think there is anything wrong with the women in the family being stronger and the dominant physique personalty. It is just less common. My eperience with my wife, is similar. She is stronger than me and is developing a superior physique. This has changed us over time, as she has become more and more dominant and I have become more and more submissive. And with that, for us, have come many of the behaviors that you desribe in your family. As our kids grow up, they will experience the mom being the muscular one, the strong one, the dominant personality and the head of the familty.

KeithMay 29 2010 2:53pm
I love the fact ny wife is stronger.

little johnNov 03 2010 8:39am
My wife and I are about thesame height but she is 20 lbs. heavier. She and I started working out at a gym nearby about a year ago. About six months in, I had to go out of town on business and she started to go herself and became very into her work outs. I came home about every two weeks or so for about 3 months until I finished the job and was able to stay home. In this time I had noticed a slimmer more toned wife and I commented how good she was looking. She thanked me and said I am doing it for you!! I started going to the gym again but was only able to go once a week due to my work schedule. We went shopping one afternoon and picked up some items for the yard one was a bag of cement. At the store I struggled to pick it up and she just walked over and grabbed it and put it on the cart. She didn't seem like it was a big deal so I didn't say anything. When we got home she unloaded it and I had to say my god those workouts are paying off!! She laughed and made a muscle, it looked firm and next to mine they looked big. A little while later I was on the computer nad came across a file she had downloaded of lift and carry photos. Interesting I thought and later in the evening I walked up behind her and playfully lifted her for a few seconds. She laughed and said be careful you can't throw your back out again. I put her down and went into the living room to watch TV. She went upstairs to put on PJ.s and came down to watch TV. We talked for a bit and the subject of working out came up. She asked me if I thought she had been working out too much. I said No why? I am starting to get muscles and I don't want you to be turned off she said. She then took of the T shirt she was wearing and flexed. They were big and said I think you looked better than ever!! She giggled and I thought about the photos I had seen. Can I ask you something I hope you don't think I am strange, but could you lift me? She looked like she hadn't heard me but her eyes got glassy. I repeated it and said you don't have to if you don't want too. OK she said I can try. What to you want me to do? I said how about a piggyback? OK she said and stooped a little and I climbed on her back. I said you can put me down if I am too heavy. She stood straight up and said no problem, I kissed her neck and said this was hot!! She carried me for a little bit and said can we try something else? Sure, then she put me down she lifted me in a bear hug. She had me high enough that I wrapped my legs around her waist. She held me and we kissed for about a minute. She put me down I asked if she was tired she laughed nad made a muscle, I couldn't resist feeling it and told her how lucky I was to have a beautiful Amazon of my own. A cradle carry and another kiss was next. I am in heaven I said. She held me for awhile put me down and next thing I was sitting on her shoulders. How you aren't afraid of heights she laughed. She walked to the mirror and I asked her to flex, she did and I almost lost it right then. She sensed this and put me down. My god this is a lot of fun she said, I had to agree!!! We sat back on the couch and she said this has been one of my fantasies to lift and carry you. I said this was the most turned on I had ever been your strength and muscle are too much!! I stood up and asked ready for some adult time? She stood up and her being a little taller I put my arms around her neck and hugged her. Without saying anything she bend down and hoisted me over her strong shoulders in a firemans carry. I moaned as she carried me back to the mirror. As we stood there I said I wished I had a photo of this, better yet a video!! She gasped could we really make one? How about soon? I replied. She asked if I was ready, yes I said. To my surprise I was carried across her strong shoulders up the stairs and to the bedroom. When we got there I asked if I could have a fantasy. She looked puzzled but said OK. Carry me over to the drawers I asked. While over the shoulder I opened the top draw and asked her to take out the box. Holding me with one arm she did. I can't beleive it she said I have been wanting to use one of these on you forever!!! It was my turn to gasp. She laid me gently on the bed and strapped it on. She showed me her muscles again and proceeded to make love to me for about an hour. Ehen she was satified she held me in a cradle carry and we kissed. Then it was over the shoulder carry downstairs and she took me again. That was three years ago she is even stronger now and dominates and carries me whenever she wants!!

fredNov 03 2010 9:40am
I am 8" taller and 70 lbs heavier than my wife. She however is in great shape strong quick skilled and never seems to get tired. Winning at wrestling is far more than size and strength. My wife has made me submit so many times I could not guess. Early in our matches I win a few also but I get gassed and she gets stronger. I usually get to the point where I accept the inevitable and she takes over. I then lay back and enjoy my medicine. Feeling rock hard muscles overpowering me is such a sexual turn on that some nights she just orders me into a hold to start and we skip the wrestling and go straight to the submission. Then of course in to the fabulous sex.

WrestleDadNov 14 2010 7:56pm
Should I take my daughter out of karate class?

AnonymousDec 06 2010 3:35pm
My wife takes my erect Penis in her armpit & squeezes erotically with all the musclepower of her shapely upper arm. Meanwhile I inhale deeply apply a Root Lock Yogic Muscle Squueze [in Sanskrit it is called Moola Bandha] to the base of my Penis & silently chant the Mystic Formulae / Mantra " Jai Sri Lingam!Victory Sir Penis! Jai Sri ....." then I exhale my strong wife releasesmy erect Penis ;I silently chant "Jai Ma Yoni ! Victory Mother-Goddess Vagina ! Jai Ma....." Then again I inhale , She flexes arms , my gorgeous Penis feels the tight pleasurable squeeze .. I Root Lock the Penile Base / Svadisthana as before " JAi Sri Lingam ......." We can continue for hours ....I am absolutely self-controlled & have remained continuously chaste for 3 years without any ejaculatory orgasm or semen loss ----natural nightfall occurs to remove excess fluid ----I enjoy sexual tension , pressure from my lovely wife's sexy strong arms 'n muscles [ sometimes she squeezes my Penis in the crook of her elbow ] that is Practical pleasurable[Pressurable?] yogic Chastity without CB-2000 ,cuckolding ,key-holding ,castration ,creampies whatever & I still enjoy massive ,masculine ,erotic erections by Root-Locking & wife-locking me in her massive sexy armpits or elbows !!!so -------JAI HO !!!!!!!! HER MUSCULAR STRENGTH COMPLEMENTS & COMPLETES MY YOGIC WILLPOWER & WE DO NOT FIGHT DOMINATE OR HUMILIATE ONE ANOTHER BUT CO-OPERATE FOR BECOMING A HALF-FEMININE HALF-MASCULINE WHOLE ----THE ARDHANARISHWAR CONCEPT !!!!! YOGIC STRENGTH IS ALWAYS SUPERIOR TO MERE MUCULAR STRENGTH !!!!

ASHESH GHOSEFeb 01 2011 9:21am
well im 15(male) i have a friend (female) who is 2 years younger than me and 4 inche taller she is alot stronger she can lift me in so many ways she dominates me in wrestling and now embaresses me a bit in public like when we were arguing with her frinds she picked me up over her shoulder and started spanking my ass saying " you going to be good" i eventully submitted also i can sit on mer lap for hour she can sit on mine for 2 mns before my legs cant take it. she sometimes bullys me like when i went to baby sit she said if i beat you in wrestling i get to stay up i accepeted but when i lost i said DEALS OFF! so she lifted me over her shoulder i struggled but couldnt get down i was shattered after 10 mins of struggling she wansnt she kept me on there for 50 minute til her parents car pulled up then she THREW ME ON THE SOFA and ran to her bed i was shatterd and sweating from struggling then her mom said hey toby you alright you look a bit hot SHE HAD NO IDEA she threw e in the pool then jumped in (although im a good swimmer she is better) she held me against her chest and swam on her back at that poin she said ahhhh little tobys got cramp she got out the pool and lifted me over her shoulder she keeps doing it but i am turned ON by it

tobzMay 12 2011 11:41am
Ur gay ur weak ur whors u hav no balls u spermless ass monkeys ur fags ur pervs u need to shut the f*ck up im sick of this bullpoo feed your hormones elsewhere u all need to suck a DICK f*ck u f*ck u and the he'll with f*ck u too god put spineless f*cks like u on this earth to fill some space not to piss the the people who are worth anything off so go f*ck urself or rape a girl no one gives a poo u dirty f*ck

AnonymousJul 10 2011 7:02am
Hello i am a young boy 15 years old 5'10 161 lbs i go to the gym for 14 months but i am alot stronger and bigger than the boys at my age. At my gym there are a fbbs and i liked them so much oneday one of them asked me if i can help her with her training i was shy but i accepted after we finished she suggested to take me home and my gym was away from my house about 45 mins so in the car we were talking about the competetions and power , suddenly she asked me if i want to test my power against her i was really confused but she said " oh come on dont be shy " i accepted the challenge then she took me to her home and then she pushed me on the bed and she told me if she want to be cool or hard i told her as she wish so we started im on the top and i get her in a hard headlock after 10 mins that was controlled by me now i felt that she was a tank and started to squeeze me first she got me in my ribs i felt that they will get broke i tapped out we took 2 mins break i felt i have no strengh but when we get back she was controlling me at a damn headlock then i was so angry because no body overpower me before so i escaped from her lock and pulled her on her back and sat on her and locked her hands on the bed she couldnt move then she tapped. Then we sat to have fresh drink she told me that i am the strongest boy she ever met i thanked her and asked her about her weight and height and she was 5'4 156 lbs 15.5 inch biceps 39 years old. then i called a taxi to get me home that was the greatest day of my life. All the i have to say that she is alot bigger than me and older by 24 years and i won her but her legs strengh was 3x of mine but my upper body and arms were stronger and my arms only 14 inch . Sorry for my bad english. Male is the strongest sex. I USE STEROIDS. So please me is that possible to beat her or she was foreplay with me or she was just weak?

BastianJul 30 2011 4:19pm
Hello i am a young boy 15 years old 5'10 161 lbs i go to the gym for 14 months but i am alot stronger and bigger than the boys at my age. At my gym there are a fbbs and i liked them so much oneday one of them asked me if i can help her with her training i was shy but i accepted after we finished she suggested to take me home and my gym was away from my house about 45 mins so in the car we were talking about the competetions and power , suddenly she asked me if i want to test my power against her i was really confused but she said " oh come on dont be shy " i accepted the challenge then she took me to her home she invited me to sit on the chair to armwrestle her so we started the match i started hard but i felt that she trying hard too after 5 mins i got tired and then she put my arm down hardly that my hand knocked the wooden table very very hard she was sorry for that but then we challenged with left ( i was lefty and shes righty )then i get her down by 20-30 seconds she was confused so much then she pushed me on the bed and she told me if she want to be cool or hard i told her as she wish so we started im on the top and i get her in a hard headlock after 10 mins that was controlled by me now i felt that she was a tank and started to squeeze me first she got me in my ribs i felt that they will get broke i tapped out we took 2 mins break i felt i have no strengh but when we get back she was controlling me at a damn headlock then i was so angry because no body overpower me before so i escaped from her lock and pulled her on her back and sat on her and locked her hands on the bed she couldnt move then she tapped. Then we sat to have fresh drink she told me that i am the strongest boy she ever met i thanked her and asked her about her weight and height and she was 5'4 156 lbs 15.5 inch biceps 39 years old. then i called a taxi to get me home that was the greatest day of my life. All the i have to say that she is alot bigger than me and older by 24 years and i won her but her legs strengh was 3x of mine but my upper body and arms were stronger and my arms only 14 inch . Sorry for my bad english. Male is the strongest sex. I USE STEROIDS. So please me is that possible to beat her or she was foreplay with me or she was just weak?

BastianJul 30 2011 4:23pm
Hello i am a young boy 15 years old 5'10 161 lbs i go to the gym for 14 months but i am alot stronger and bigger than the boys at my age. At my gym there are a fbbs and i liked them so much oneday one of them asked me if i can help her with her training i was shy but i accepted after we finished she suggested to take me home and my gym was away from my house about 45 mins so in the car we were talking about the competetions and power , suddenly she asked me if i want to test my power against her i was really confused but she said " oh come on dont be shy " i accepted the challenge then she took me to her home she invited me to sit on the chair to armwrestle her so we started the match i started hard but i felt that she trying hard too after 5 mins i got tired and then she put my arm down hardly that my hand knocked the wooden table very very hard she was sorry for that but then we challenged with left ( i was lefty and shes righty )then i get her down by 20-30 seconds she was confused so much then she pushed me on the bed and she told me if she want to be cool or hard i told her as she wish so we started im on the top and i get her in a hard headlock after 10 mins that was controlled by me now i felt that she was a tank and started to squeeze me first she got me in my ribs i felt that they will get broke i tapped out we took 2 mins break i felt i have no strengh but when we get back she was controlling me at a damn headlock then i was so angry because no body overpower me before so i escaped from her lock and pulled her on her back and sat on her and locked her hands on the bed she couldnt move then she tapped. Then we sat to have fresh drink she told me that i am the strongest boy she ever met i thanked her and asked her about her weight and height and she was 5'4 156 lbs 15.5 inch biceps 39 years old. then i called a taxi to get me home that was the greatest day of my life. All the i have to say that she is alot bigger than me and older by 24 years and i won her but her legs strengh was 3x of mine but my upper body and arms were stronger and my arms only 14 inch . Sorry for my bad english. Male is the strongest sex. I USE STEROIDS. So please me is that possible to beat her or she was foreplay with me or she was just weak?

BastianJul 30 2011 4:24pm
reality guy,you must be very stupid.To say no woman is stronger then any man.There are a lot of weak man who would be beaten up badly by even teen girls.i don't say a woman is stronger then any man,but there are woman/girls who are strong enough to beat up a lot of males.

anynomous1Sep 28 2011 11:38pm
I am 172 cm, 61 kgs of manly muscles. I have 12 very close friends, 8 women and 4 men. I am stronger than two of them, one is a woman one is a man. We have over the years been armwrestling, leg wrestling, thigh wrestling and even wrestling. I have been weaker than the girls (except for one as I wrote) all the way since we were teenagers. We are today 30+. The strongest of us is a big man but nr 2-4 are women. They work out like nuts and are realy strong. I have tried to armwrestle the strongest woman with two of my hands against her weakest arm and lost. I work out as well but only once a week. Jogging to work almost every day keeps me slim and with good endurance, raw power is not my middle name. Of course there are plenty of strong women that can be too much for us men that aren't that big. I am not ashamed of loosing to a strong girl or woman. It is rather stupid to think that all men are stronger than all women, just have a look around you and you realize that this is stupid.

BennyNov 05 2011 1:57am
Bobik, if you're still around, do you have any updates to give us, such as how your PhD on the changing roles of women in society went?

SteveNov 13 2011 1:31am
Been reading these polls for awhile about strong muscular bigger women etc. Think most are very bogus myself. Am a professional white male, 50 years old 5'10" 190, athletic not a bodybuilder tho. Am here by challenging any big strong muscular woman, bodybuilder, powerlifter, whatever, bigger the better, stronger the better. Challenge is to any female who will come meet me here in oklahoma, and literally use her full size, strength, muscle and power to lift me, crush me with full strength, lift, carry, throw me around the room like a rag doll, bodyslam etc, without regard to injury to me. Seriously using ALL her full size, power and muscle on me for 2 hours. No mercy asked, will sign injury waiver as well or release of liabilities to you etc. Any women takers, all you have to do is contact me at and put likelike challenge in your subject line. Cash prize if you come to do this and claim it is 2500 dollars. Will make a nice Christmas if any really tough or muscular women exist in real life besides these stupid polls. I am extemely serious. Lets see if any really huge big strong or muscular powerful women exist, or if they just talk talk talk.

sjsh99Dec 01 2011 7:34am
DATE 2011-12-31

DATE 2011-12-31Dec 31 2011 5:07pm

1Jan 26 2012 5:54am

1Jan 26 2012 5:54am

-1'Jan 26 2012 5:54am
i am amale. average height, moderately muscular, but very strong. i have never met a woman stronger than me. i have 4 sisters and all of them together could not win against me playing tug of war. it depends on genetics. in your case maybe the warrior genes are dominant in the women of your family, in my family its men who inherit inmense strength

AnonymousFeb 22 2012 4:46pm
Bastian your story was great until you mentioend you use steroids. im a dude and i bet i can beat you at wrestling and i use no steroids, jsut clean old strongman training

AnonymousMar 12 2012 10:21pm
I am totally attracted to stronger women. If you would like to chat with, meet possibly more with a single professional guy email me. I will appreciate your power.

Chris PMay 04 2012 8:30pm
I am 52 year old and my wife is 27 she was a musclegirl already when we got together but for about 4 years ago she forced me to wrestle her as she told me for fun .i had not a chance agaisnt her she throw me down and got ontop of me . i really struggle and tryed to get her off me but she only laughed and pinned me down to the floor . the thing is when i finely had to submit i saw in her face that all the wrestling had made her hot and we had the best sex after that. she is still working out at the gym and is a buff women today and she still force me to fight her and she has begin to dominate me too. i really love her and i have at last begin to like it even if i really got embarrest in the beginning

mixwrestguyJun 11 2012 1:10am

1Jul 04 2012 2:11am

1Jul 04 2012 2:11am

-1'Jul 04 2012 2:11am

1Jul 14 2012 5:10am

1Jul 14 2012 5:10am

-1'Jul 14 2012 5:11am

1Jul 18 2012 10:22pm

1Jul 18 2012 10:22pm

-1'Jul 18 2012 10:23pm
Why post all these ones?

SteveAug 14 2012 12:24am
o2JkdB Im grateful for the blog. Awesome.

MWMLKmaJJVZQzyJWMar 20 2013 11:37pm
HLWI5m Appreciate you sharing, great blog article.Really looking forward to read more. Awesome.

DPOrCqfvlTMay 13 2013 8:37pm
R1q3bI Great post.Really looking forward to read more. Much obliged.

imUMyLqsMay 25 2013 2:41pm
olfoQB I truly appreciate this blog. Fantastic.

ofFJaTAbbyJEQZSAwMay 27 2013 9:40pm
I2Hjae Really enjoyed this blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Really Great.

ksUEjnmLjXSyIdpLJIAMay 28 2013 3:39am
sY6JuP Thanks for the post.Much thanks again. Much obliged.

MkUfUuKjEnPOct 15 2013 11:14am
o7TUFc Thanks again for the blog article. Will read on...

MwhiedEjxDeXyZkpuOct 24 2013 4:08am
Cory everson is best bodybuilding champion jujitsu and judo black belts and a boxing champion 47 boxing matches 47 will all knockouts

Cory fan clubJan 26 2014 1:26am
t6REOQ I think this is a real great post.Much thanks again. Cool.

zawPBrsRSGlvbBmJbblMay 11 2014 7:07am
My wife like a lot of women nowdays got interested in working out. I didn't mind and after awhile she really started to show some results. She had a six pack and she actually had biceps now. She is about an inch taller than me and weighs about 25 lbs more, I am around 145. She had some girlfriends that also worked out and would tell me stories of how they had beaten their men in arm wrestling or had wrestled them and won. I told her that I didn't mind her getting in shape in fact it was great. She asked if I thought she was stronger than me now. I said you just might be. She flexed and I did too. Her arms were bigger no doubt. I said yep I think you are the strongest of us now. She pulled me to the kitchen table and we arm wrestled. I was surprised that she beat me with her right arm and she frowned when I won with the left. She said that makes me all the more determined to win with both arms next time. It got us both hot and we didn't make it upstairs before we made love on the couch. She was more aggressive now and after we were done I kissed her arms which she seemed to like. After a couple of months we went out to dinner for my birthday and when we got home we were a little buzzed. She asked if we could arm wrestle again. As we started I could see her biceps were even bigger now. She won the right hand easily and then put my left down too. She giggled as she did a double bicep pose. I raised her arm and said I surrender to my Amazon! It was great to hear her so happy. As she sat on the couch, I laid across her knees and said time for my birthday spanking. She grinned as she pulled down my pants and gave me a really good spanking by the end I was in tears. She said that was hot I could get used to it! I said me too. It was strangely a turn on. She asked if I was ready for my birthday sex. I said I can't wait and as she stood up next to me we looked in the mirror and I said babe you look awesome so strong! I look like a weak boy next to you. She then said I am really excited now let's go. I then replied honey throw me over your shoulder and carry me! She looked at me and said I may be strong but I don't think I can lift you. I said give it a try I know you can. She kicked of her heels and bent down. I draped myself over one shoulder and told her to just stand up. I felt my feet leave the floor as she raised up and with no problem I was dangling over her broad shoulder. Holding me there she said babe you are really light, I can hold you like this easily. She carried me over to the mirror with little effort and I said my Amazon wife you are awesome. She held me with one arm and I saw her bicep pop out as she flexed with a giggle. She carried me up the stairs and said this is going to be our best night ever. We made love with her on top and my legs wrapped around her hips. As she came she put her muscle in my mouth and I did too. I lay on her chest and after we recovered she lay there stroking my hair. I said I have one more birthday request for you. She said anything for you birthday boy! I said go in the bathroom and look in the towel closet and well you will know what to do. I heard her open the door and make a little gasp and then giggle. You sure hon? She asked. Oh yeah babe I think we are gonna love it. She came out after a minute or so with the strap on fastened around her hips and the lube in her hand. Are you ready for your Amazon little boy? I nodded yes as she put me on my stomach and put a pillow underneath me. She lubed me up and mounted me. She was gentle at first but picked up the pace, thrusting me hard. She pulled me up and put me in a full nelson telling me this was the way she was going to make love to me from now on. She held me close as she shuddered with the biggest orgasm of her life. With her toy still inside me she reached around and as soon as she touched me I did too. I fell limp in her arms. She held me up and gently dropped me on the bed and lay on top of me. Still wearing her strap on she got off the bed and pulled me into her arms. I was amazed at how strong she really was. She cradle carried me to the mirror again. As we looked at each other I said this would be a great Christmas card! She said babe you are so light how about this and to my surprise she raised me up in an overhead lift. I am truly amazed my Amazon Queen! She said as she lowered me down across her shoulders in a fireman's carry, I want to do you again. The best birthday ever I said as she carried me back upstairs.

NickJul 11 2014 1:22pm
The lady bodybuilder andrulla blanchete judo champion wrestling champion

AaaaJul 12 2014 12:35am
duzSYd wow, awesome post. Keep writing.

CrKQjBuUptJytubINJDJul 18 2014 5:54am
2HigTY Im thankful for the post.Really looking forward to read more. Much obliged.

hHXraqxCMeLKVuzxlMAug 05 2014 8:42am
aY9DO3 This is one awesome post. Cool.

zHNUlkemUgAug 06 2014 12:35am
Ex spice girl melanie chisholm strong lady

CarlAug 19 2014 1:39am
All Spice Girls are stronger than me.

dkAug 19 2014 7:44am
Melanie chisholm is weak and too scared to fight leggy celine dion,celebrity queen miss miniskirt will find melanie whereaver she goes and bait her till she cyber fights.leggy celine is waiting,dressed in her shortest tightest dress,to sort it out between them.

nickSep 13 2014 3:08am
Some years ago I regularly went to the local garden centre and ordered very large bags of compost.The male staff used a trolley to take the bags to the car . One day the girl behind the counter wh o looked well built said she would take the compost to the car. She proceeded to lift with one hand the very large bag tossed it over her shoulder and went t o the car . I was astonished at her strength. I mentioned it to the male staff who laughed and said you have not seen her biceps which bulge and no one can beat her at arm wrestling. That has always convinced me how strong are some girls .

StanSep 15 2014 12:30pm
DcU2Bz Thanks , I've just been searching for info approximately this topic for ages and yours is the best I have came upon till now. However, what about the conclusion? Are you sure about the supply?

aYiWWchRfqPwmYctDec 21 2014 6:25am
Mel.c would knock celine dion out

HarryJan 10 2015 4:39am
Mel.c a judo black belt

HarryJan 10 2015 4:42am
Mel c beaten fair and square by leggy celine.come and fight your ugly melanie against miss miniskirt if you dare!

nickJan 10 2015 7:40am

AnonymousApr 09 2015 12:28pm
In the photos dipicted at and you can see the same woman in two different outfits and she is the important one the man is simply seen as an example in reality he would be much thinner and frailer than the man seen here but wearing the same kind of clothes. Also this type of clothing would not only hide his frail body effectively but also give him an illusion of power as well. So in effect instead of seeing weaker guys going up against women in just shorts and vests they would use their abundent authorative clothing to not only hide their weak bodies but also to intimidate the lightly clad female. In the second photo she is wearing a one piece gold outfit. Now imagine her in the first photo disarming the suited guy throwing away his gun because she has no need of it or for that matter the knife she has strapped to her thigh that's only for fighting other women and bigger guys than this one. Guys like this she prefers to deal with using her bare hands. After she's ovecome him she hoists him over her shoulder in a fireman's lift. Now all this would naturally leave the guy pretty demoralized, but it would also have an effect on any other guy seeing this because he is naturally going to be sexually aroused by this girl in her revealing attire. Indeed in the second example you can even see the hint of her pubic hair. So any male onlooker's attention would be focused on her not only holding this guy like himself but also on her sensual regions as well. So just one woman not only demolishes one guy completely but also demonstrates her power to a number of others into the bargain.

hymatApr 12 2015 2:52am
Leggy celine dion is top celeb girlfighter.celine stronger and fitter than mel c.celine defeats mel

top girlMay 02 2015 5:59am
Any catfight fans like to cyberfight their favourite sexy celeb against my favourite leggy celine dion?celine will fight in cropped mma top and jaw droppingly short sports skirt. boxing,wrestling or just femstyle,tooth and claw! Get in touch.

AnonymousMay 11 2015 4:09am
Girls these days have muscles, get over it.

AmandaJul 03 2015 4:22am
Obedient husband,if you get back on this thread,id love to know which tarzan book it was with the amazon tribe,that you mentioned earlier! What you were describing is exactly my fantasy,where much stronger warrior women are in charge,and roles are reversed.i cant imagine anything hotter than watching two huge strong half naked warrior women locking horns and fighting over which has the man for sex

dpAug 06 2015 6:04am
I have an issue with my mom, since she is both bigger and stronger than me. She is almost 6 feetand I bearly reach her should. I don't know why, I just stopped growing few years ago or gaining any mass. Tried working out, nothing helped, but my mom got interested and she is so much better than me. She has big ripped muscles, her biceps is 17 inches! Compred to mine, which is only 8, with no definition. Mom likes to show off a lot, makes me feel puny next to her, but I am too afraid to say anything.

Weak sonAug 20 2015 8:40am
In meiner Schulklasse hatte ich ein Mädchen, die viel stärker war als ich und teilweise auch die anderen Jungs. In der Sportstunde hat sie meistens die Jungs geärgert. Sie hatte ja viel mehr Kraft. Sie hat mit uns gekämft und uns in allen möglichen Varianten hochgehoben und Griffe angewendet. Im nächsten Schuljahr, als wir in die 8. Klasse kamen, haben wir wieder neue Schüler auf die Schule bekommen. Das eine Mädchen, die dann in die 7. kam, war bestimmt einen halben Kopf größer als das aus meiner Klasse. Die beiden konnten sich von Anfang an nicht leider. Einmal trafen sie dann aufeinander und das Mädchen aus meiner Klasse wollte ihr dann zeigen wer das Sagen hat. Als ich die beiden dann sah, konnte ich es nicht fassen. Das andere Mädchen hatte so große Muskeln, ich sah daneben aus, wie ein kleiner Junge. Das Mädchen aus meiner Klasse sah auch aus, als hätte sie Geister gesehen. Sie hatte auch keine Chance gegen sie. Für mich war es unfassbar, wie leicht das jüngere Mädchen mit ihr fertig wurde. Und noch beeindruckener war es, wie sie das Mädchen hochgehoben hat, über ihre Schultern gelegt hat und mit ihr Runden gedreht hat. Sie hatte sie bestimmt 5 Minuten auf ihren Schultern, bis sie sie runter gelassen hat. Sie hat sie danach noch ein paar Mal hochgehoben. Das Mädchen aus meiner Klasse hat sich danach nach Möglichkeit sehr weit weg von ihr gehalten. Das war echt ein unglaubliches Erlebnis.

ArnoNov 11 2015 9:45am
Als ich etwa 12 Jahre alt war hatte ich meiner Klasse ein Mädchen, dass zu Hause viel mit Gewichten trainiert hat. Sie hat öfter mal Jungs und Mädchen hochgehoben und durch die Gegend getragen. Sie war total stolz auf ihre Muskeln und hat sie auch immer präsentiert. Sie war zu der Zeit bedeutend stärker als ich.

axDec 03 2015 10:15am
Mel.c would beat celine dion mel.c a judo expert

AnonymousJan 08 2016 6:10am
Celine stronger and fitter,would beat mel up and make her cry

AnonymousJan 26 2016 2:55am
Mel.c would knock out celine

AnonymousFeb 04 2016 5:30am
Mel.c is stronger

AnonymousFeb 04 2016 5:33am
Celine vs mel c.wrestling.celine beats mel with backhammer.breaks mels arm! Celine would beat up mel anytime

AnonymousMar 05 2016 7:10am
Leggy celine punch out mel c.celine stronger and fitter.

AnonymousMar 07 2016 5:01am
Ein Mädchen aus der Nachbarschaft war damals auch sehr, sehr stark. Ich war 15, fast 16, und sie war 14, als wir uns kennengelernt haben. Sie ist mit Ihren Eltern und ihrer kleinen Schwester in unsere Siedlung gezogen. Wir haben uns, mit den anderen Kindern aus der Siedlung, immer am Spielplatz getroffen. Mir ist als erstes ihre Größe aufgefallen. Ich war etwa 1,75m und sie war bestimmt 1,80m groß. Zu ihrer Figur konnte ich da noch nichts sagen, weil es Winter war als sie eingezogen sind, und wie wir alle sehr dick angezogen war. Wir haben aber immer viel rumgealbert und etwas rumgerangelt. Da viel mir schon auf, dass sie für ein Mädchen, dass auch noch jünger war als ich, sehr viel Kraft hatte. Als es dann wärmer wurde und wir endlich wieder Sommerkleidung tragen konnten, habe ich erst ihre Figur gesehen. Wir waren diesmal alleine am Spielplatz, weil die anderen da unterwegs waren oder andere Sachen zu tun hatten. Sie hatte ein ärmelloses Oberteil an und eine kurze Hose. Sie hatte extrem breite Schultern und dicke Arme, an denen ich die Adern am Bizeps und Unterarm sehen konnte. Ihre Beine waren auch sehr durchtrainiert. Sie hatte auf jeden Fall viel mehr Muskeln als ich. Zu der Zeit wog ich gerade mal 62kg, war also eher schmächtig, aber ich hatte auch einen recht guten Bizeps. Ihr ist aber auch mein Blick auf ihren Körper aufgefallen, sie hat dazu aber nichts gesagt. Wir haben dann wir immer etwas gequatscht und waren wie immer. Dann fragte sie mich, wie viele Klimmzüge ich schaffe. Da hatte sie mich, ich konnte gerade mal einen. Ich sagte ihr, ich kann 5, und versuchte dann das Thema zu wechseln. Darauf ließ sie sich aber nicht ein und wollte dass wir das hier ausprobieren. Also musste ich ja doch ran. Ich stellte mich an die Stange am Spielplatz und habe versucht alles zu geben. Mit Mühe habe ich gerade mal einen Klimmzug geschafft. Sie lachte mich aus und sagte, ich zeige dir mal wie das geht. Sie ist an die Stange gegangen und hat 10 Klimmzüge gemacht. Ihr Bizeps war so aufgepumpt, das habe ich noch nicht mal bei den sportlichen Jungs aus meiner Klasse gesehen. So wie das aussah, hätte sie locker noch weitere 10 geschafft. Dann kam sie zu mir und sagte, wusste ich doch, dass ich viel stärke bin als du kleiner. Ich konnte darauf gar nichts sagen, so schockiert war ich. Dann wollte sie mit mir wrestlen und zeigen wie viel stärker sie ist. Ich habe versucht von ihr weg zu gehen und gesagt ich muss nach Hause, aber sie hat mich aufgehalten. Ich hatte nun doch etwas Angst vor ihr. Als ich gehen wollte, kam sie von hinten bei mir an und griff um meinen Bauch. Dann hob sie mich hoch und trug mich zum Sandkasten. Auf dem Weg sagte sie noch, du bist ja noch leichter als ich dachte und wollte wissen wie viel ich wiege. Als ich ihr dann mein Gewicht sagte, lachte sie nur und sagt, das sind ja über 10kg weniger als ich wiege und schmiss mich in den Sand. Dann stand Sie mit den Händen in den Hüften über mir und sagte, dass ich aufstehen soll. Nun standen wir uns gegenüber, sie größer, schwerer und bedeutend muskulöser. Sie meinte, darauf habe ich schon seit unserer ersten Begegnung drauf gewartet. Ich hatte zwar schon im Fernsehen Wrestling gesehen, aber ich wusste nicht was ich machen soll und vor allem bei dem Gegner. Sie kam auf mich zu und wir packten uns an den Händen. Ich war sofort auf meinen Knien und hatte den Kräftevergleich verloren. Sie ließ mich wieder hoch und nahm mich in einen bearhug. Ich konnte meine Arme nicht befreien und meine Beine baumelten in der Luft. Ich habe kaum noch Luft bekommen und mir tat alles weh. Wie konnte sie nur so stark sein? Sie ließ mich wieder in den Sand fallen und ich konnte mich kurz erholen. Ich versuchte wieder aufzustehen, aber da griff sie mir schon am Bauch und hob mich kopfüber hoch und trug mich durch die Gegend. Sie ließ sogar einen Arm los und trug mich dann so weiter. Sie hob mich mit einem Arm noch höher und fasste mit dem anderen Arm an meine Schulter und schmiss mich so in den Sandhaufen. Ich war jetzt schon k.o., aber sie hatte gerade erst angefangen. Ich sag zu ihr hoch und sie spannte ihren Bizeps an. Oh mein Gott, ist der groß, dachte ich nur. Ich hatte ja auch einen Bizeps, aber im Vergleich zu ihr war der mickrig. Ich hatte 31cm Oberarmumfang, aber sie musste mindestens 36 oder 37cm haben. Sie hat mir wieder hochgeholfen und dann mit einem Arm zwischen meine Beine gegriffen und mit dem anderen an meine Schulter und mich hochgehoben und ist mit wieder eine runde gelaufen, als wenn wir Zuschauer haben, und hat mich wieder zu Boden geworfen. Das macht solchen Spaß, sagte sie dann zu mir. Ich wollte eigentlich nur noch weg und hatte Angst, was sie mit mir anstellen will. Ich hatte gegen ihre Kraft null Chance. So was habe ich noch nie erlebt, noch nicht mal die starken Jungs aus meiner Schule haben so viel Kraft wie dieses Mädchen. Sie hat mich wieder hochgezogen und mich dann mit dem Rücken nach unten auf ihre Schultern gelegt. Das tat so weh, aber ich konnte mich nicht wehren. Zum Glück hat sie mich dann wieder in den Sand geschmissen. Ich habe die ganze Zeit gebettelt, dass sie aufhört und ihr gesagt, dass sie gewonnen hat und viel stärker ist als ich. Sie lachte nur und zog mich wieder hoch. Sie packte mich mit beiden Armen unter den Achseln und hob mich mit ausgestreckten Armen hoch und hielt mich da. Dann sagte sie zu mir, das machen wir jetzt öfter mein kleiner und ließ mich wieder ein Stück runter, um mich dann wieder hoch zu heben. Sie machte das ein paar Mal, um ihre Kraft zu beweisen. Dann setzte sie mich wieder ab und hob mich wieder auf ihre Schultern. Sie sagte, jetzt will ich mal was ausprobieren und fasste zwischen meine Beine und an meinen Brustkorb. Dann hob sie mich noch höher, bis sie ihre Arme durchgestreckt hatte und ich nun über ihrem Kopf hing. Panisch griff ich nach ihrem Arm, der sich unglaublich muskulös anfühlte. Sie lachte und ließ mich wieder zu Boden. Dann sagte sie, spann deinen Bizeps an und ich tat was sie wollte. Sie lachte über meine Muskeln und sagte, so sehen Muskeln aus und spannte ihren Arm an. Ein dicker Bizeps füllte ihren Armen und dicke Adern kamen zum Vorschein. Wir verglichen unsere Arme und ich kam mir wie ein kleiner Junge vor. Ihr Arm war so viel muskulöser und größer als meiner. Ich konnte es nicht glauben, ich wurde so gedemütigt von einem Mädchen, einem so starken Mädchen. Zum Schluss zog sie mich noch einmal hoch und fasste mit einer Hand an meine Kehle und mit der anderen unter meine Achsel. Und dann hing ich schon wieder in der Luft, sie hielt mich nur mit einem Arm am Hals fest und lachte. Dann schmiss sie mich in den Sand und sagte, ich freue mich schon auf das nächste Mal. Dann spannte sie zuletzt ihren Bizeps an und ging dann los.

GeorgMay 02 2016 12:50pm
Celine beats melanie

AnonymousJun 02 2016 4:19am
Yes, there is something seriously wrong. The men should be weightlifting to keep ahead of the girls, if not they deserved what they get.

Dayam !Oct 02 2016 4:18pm
If a woman/girl wants to be strong she will be, and there's nothing we can do about it.

TurncoatOct 17 2016 4:34am
Good for you Turncoat, nothing you can do about your women getting stronger and muscular than you are. Woman rule💪🏻

Wife Woman Feb 09 2017 5:29am
If a woman think she can beat man in fight i would fight her and show her her place.she would not talk rubbish again.if such a woman exist,face me and challenge

mohammedFeb 15 2017 10:53am
Wife woman will you

AnonymousFeb 15 2017 10:55am
Why you're so angry mohammed? Where do you live? I live in a Turkey. Waiting for you.

Wife Woman Feb 17 2017 4:14pm
Ex spice girl Mel c a arm wrestler and judo expert

AnonymousFeb 20 2017 9:15pm
Wife woman we talked on a few different polls! You told me how you like to f*ck men with a dildo! Have you done that a lot lately?

SuganMar 08 2017 8:09pm
"Been reading these polls for awhile about strong muscular bigger and Amazon women etc. Think most are very bogus myself and are women who jus love to run their mouth. Am a professional white male, 50 years old 5'10" 190, athletic not a bodybuilder tho. Am here by challenging any big strong muscular woman, bodybuilder, powerlifter, whatever, bigger the better, stronger the better. Challenge is to any female who will come meet me here in oklahoma, and literally use her full size, strength, muscle and power to lift me, crush me with full strength, lift, carry, throw me around the room like a rag doll, bodyslam etc, without regard to injury to me. Seriously using ALL her full size, power and muscle on me for 2 hours. No mercy asked, No limits, no restrictions on you to unleash ALL your power size and strength. will sign injury waiver as well or release of liabilities to you etc. Any women takers, all you have to do is contact me at and put CHALLENGE in your subject line. Cash prize if you come to do this and claim it is 7500 dollars. Will make a nice cash prize if any really tough, big, strong or muscular women exist in real life besides these stupid polls. I am extemely serious. Lets see if any really huge big strong or muscular powerful women exist, or if they just talk talk talk and are really sissies in real life. And NO I will not fight back or anything else if any woman interested." Any one else knows any big muscular or tall amazons, pass this on!

sjsh99@Lycos.comApr 06 2017 7:41am
Woman are you one strong lady aswell?

GrootMay 20 2017 1:32pm
CELINE would beat up mel

AnonymousAug 21 2017 3:06am

tNov 13 2017 1:57pm
Mel.c would easy beat celine

AnonymousJan 23 2018 1:00pm
celine is done for...

sue from kansasJan 31 2018 5:42pm
Melanie C a judo expert

AnonymousMar 23 2018 6:24am
YES she is, but I am from KANSAS, AND I RULE MEN EVEN AT 70 YEARS OLD!!!!

SUE FROM KANSASMar 29 2018 1:07pm
Miniskirt milf celine challenges mel c to fight.celine will beat the cr.p out of mel.come get some mel .

CelineJul 02 2018 4:57am

LEGGY CELINESep 08 2018 5:07am
It seems that melanie is not as hard as she says.fair fight mel anytime youre ready.the miniskirt girl will beat shxt out of you

AnonymousSep 25 2018 1:46am
he2l0x Modular Kitchens have changed the idea of kitchen nowadays because it has provided household ladies with a comfortable yet a sophisticated space in which they will invest their quality time and space.

ioyIfVOkkJLqSOAcDDec 21 2018 1:45am
SD3xBT My brother suggested I might like this web site. He was entirely right. This post actually made my day.

cIvhRTbPbEeODOKQjPMar 26 2020 1:21am
Actually i was grown up with the opinion that men are stronger. When i was in school i met some girls who were stronger than most boys. My first serious relationship i had a girlfriend who workout. One day she challanged me for an arm wrestling match and she beated me pretty easy all the time. Later she also wrestled me with the same result, i was no match for her. Later i had girlfriend and she was interested that my girlfriend before was stronger than me. She also started to workout in a gym and she surpassed me as well after few month. She loved to show me that i‘m the weaker one. I ran away from her because she become more and more violent. Nowadays my current girlfriend is working out too and we both know that she is clear stronger than me. Against my formerly opinion i can say, i never had a girlfriend who was weaker than me exept the one who started workout later but she surpassed me as well. So it is a fact, all my previous girlfriends and also my current girlfriend are stronger than me.

Henni May 10 2020 1:58pm
It's lovely. I am 47 year old mother from Sweden. My sons are 21 and 24 and they put together arm-wrestle me. So 2 against 1, but it's still very easy for me.

Sofie, SwedenJun 08 2020 2:02pm
This was to protect them from ghosts and demons. Peace,

iNwzxNmYntWqPovbxOJun 09 2020 6:54am
Sofie, are you also stronger than your husband? My girlfriends mum and her sister also started working out some months ago and they‘re already stronger than the men in their family including me. Obviousely that women nowadays become incredibly strong thanks to their workout. My girlfriend can defeat me and her dad at the same time while arm wrestling, we are not strong enough even together.

Henni Jun 14 2020 7:14pm
Henni, yes I am much stronger than him as well. I mainly arm-wrestl 2 together, my sons together or father-son together.

AnonymousJun 17 2020 3:44pm
Henni, yes I am much stronger than him as well. I mainly arm-wrestl 2 together, my sons together or father-son together.

Sofie, SwedenJun 17 2020 3:44pm
How does the men in you family deal with it that they are all much weaker than the woman? Do there are other women in your circle who are generally stronger than the guys?

Henni Jun 17 2020 4:11pm
They used to it now. It's in every part of life now. Like in meal times also, they normal eat sallads and I eat big heavy biffsteks. Yes, my best friend Frida are very strong also. In fact her dotter is 14 age and already winning against my sons

Sofie, SwedenJun 18 2020 12:23pm
Do the men in your family eat salad to stay slim so it’s the trend nowadays? How do they changed their behavior in your presence? More respect and are they more submissive? I had also a 14 yo girlfriend some years ago when i was 19. She workout in the school gym class like many more girls as well. One day she wanted to compare her strength with me. Unnecessarily to mention that she was much stronger than me. I had absolutely no chance. Whatever, my current girlfriend is 22yo while i’m 28. She’s already much stronger than me even though she workout since some months. But she told me she has an athletic background same as her sister who is also already stronger than me. Are you visible muscular?

Henni Jun 18 2020 12:57pm
Yes, slim and also they appetit is very weak of course. My meals are very big filled from lot of protein. Yes, they are very submissive of course. Yesterday I was doing sun bath and during that they came to me to ask for arm-wrestle. I did all 3 put together. It was quite relaxing. Yes I have musclles

Sofie, SwedenJun 18 2020 11:34pm
I think the male energy consumption is much lower if they are slim and do only little sport to stay fit. I could imagine your muscles are much larger then their muscles. When you arm wrestled and defeated your 3 men, you must thought they are weaklings, isn’t it? What’s about your friend Frida and her daughter? How does your sons reacted when they were smashed down by arm wrestling with a girl. May i ask you for some stats? I’m always curious how much stronger and bigger women become thanks to their workout compared to men.

Henni Jun 19 2020 3:16am
Yes, I was lying on nice long chair in sun bath and reading. And all 3 together were arm-wrestling my one arm. They cannot move it. Yes, Kajsa the 14 yr girl she defeats my both sons together easily. I am 184 cm, 90 kg.

Sofie, SwedenJun 19 2020 12:32pm
Wow, you are pretty tall and big. I can imagine most men around you are smaller and weaker not only the men within your family. Do you workout together with Frida and Kajsa? When Kajsa can already defeat your both sons together, she’s obviously already stronger than most men or are your sons far under average strength level? Whatever when i’m in my old gym, i often i see girls or young wo are more developed than many men. Nowadays a lot of them are pretty tall and also pretty muscular. How i wrote it already in a previous post all my girlfriends were stronger than me, I was always lighter, thinner with small muscles and even though i’m not short but my girlfriends loves to wear high heels so i was also shorter than they. What’s with you Frida and Kajsa? What’s with the men around you?

HenniJun 20 2020 2:17am
By the way i’m 186cm but weigh only 72kg. This means i’m also smaller than you. My bicep is around 36cm and my lifts are: Curls 10kgx12 or bench 65kg x10. Squats i do only with 40kg. I think for an average man it’s not bad but compared to girls and women who workout nowadays i’m pretty weak.

Henni Jun 20 2020 2:38am
Yes, most women in gyms are much stronger than men in gyms. My bicep are 46 cm, I do curl wth 50 kg, bench of 160 kg, squat is 205 kg.

SofieJun 20 2020 11:31am
Wow, you are more than 3 times stronger than me. No wonder that you can beat the men so easy in you family all together. You are right, since some years the gyms are full of girls and women who are workout pretty serious for strength and bulk up. Do you know some stats of Frida and Kajsa? I could imagine Kajsa is bigger than me and because of she can beat both your sons together i think she she’s doing workout in school gym like many other girls.

Henni Jun 20 2020 6:48pm
For exempel, in gym I go to, we sometime have group weightlift class that is only women. It was too hard for men, so the owner (woman) organised a much lighter class for the men. The gym owner, she told that the men's workouts are usually just warmup for the womens. No, I don't know stats of them. But me, Frida and Kajsa enjoy working out.

Sofie, SwedenJun 21 2020 1:00am
Yesterday we had nice summer day sun baths and food. It was my family and Frida family so Kajsa her brothers and father also. It is lovley difference of strength and appetite power

Sofie, SwedenJun 21 2020 1:07am
I agree, there are many weight lift classes who no of us men can participate because we’re much to weak. My girlfriend joined such a weight lifting class 6 month ago. Meanwhile she joined even a higher class. How do you, Frida and Kajsa show to your men that they are much weaker than women? Are the men are smaller than you women and also Kajsa? I’m lighter than most of my female friends who workout and have bigger muscles but my eye level is a little over theirs. But actually because of many women and girls around me wear often high heels so basically i have to look up to them. I’m almost always shorter than women in heels the same like most other men as well. And because we men have often much smaller muscles and we’re also much weaker it’s obviously that women are taller and also bigger. Looking the men are also petite around you?

Henni Jun 21 2020 3:28am
Yes, in gym normally after women put down dumbell after exercise, we see it took 4 mens to carry it. But that is just good group class dumbells for us. Well, for example once my older son punch Kajsa in stomach and got pain in his hand for 4 weeks. Also our meals are so big compare to their.

Sofie, SwedenJun 21 2020 5:26am
Uh, why he did this? What did she to him after he hit into her stromach? I think i would not du those because i know that i‘m much weaker and if she hits back she could violate me very badly. May i ask you how tall are Frida and Kajsa and how tall the men? Do you think the men are all smaller than you women. For example because of my height i‘m a little taller than most of my female friends. But regarding my body weight i weight only 72kg. Most women who workout weigh more than 80kg. In relation to body mass i‘m smaller than most women and also my body is obviousely more skinny compared to women what means my muscles are clear smaller. Compared to you my muscles are also tiny and corresponding to this i‘m much weaker than you as well. In any case i cannot curl a 50kg dumbbell. For such a weight i need really help from a second men and it’s still pretty heavy. If you’ve used two of those dumbbells it needs really 4 men to move such weight. Does Frida and Kajsa also use such heavy dumbbells for bicep curls?

Henni Jun 21 2020 7:45am
In sunbathing when Kajsa was lay down in the chair, she tease my son and said sure he can do boxing to her stomach and try. He tried lot but Kajsa was busy with her phone and he end up with bad pain in hand. Yes, Frida and Kajsa of course use also heavy dumbells. In late night once in metro Kajsa bra was touch by some guy, It was group of 4 guy. She slap them. They falled down unconscious and woke up hospital next day.

Sofie, SwedenJun 21 2020 9:37am
Does Kajsa like to show men how strong she is? Do you or Frida like to show it? I think it’s the own fault of these men. First no man should touch a girl at any privat part except she want it and nowadays since you can see that many girls and women workout it‘s common that they‘re often stronger than men. In my old school there were a gym class only for girls. The girls worked out pretty hard and they surpassed nearly all boys and later even the male teachers. Sometimes i‘m happy i’ve learned this lession early in my life. For me it‘s normal to be submissive to girls and women because i know as man i‘m weaker. But the way to this understanding was also for me hard.

Henni Jun 21 2020 2:16pm
Sofie, i had a talk with a friend and she told me, that still nowadays some men don‘t accept that they generally weaker than women who workout. Do you made already such an experiense also? Some years ago i had also still the opinion that men are stronger but my first girlfriend who workout sat me to my place. She was so much stronger than me, she could pretty easy do with me what ever she want. My next girlfriend has started workout after we met us first time. She surpassed me and she has loved always show to me that she is much stronger. She wrestled me often or gave me something, i should lift it but it was much to heavy for a man. One day she has started to beat me up and sometimes she beated me also to the hospital until one day i ran away from her. Also my current girlfriend is stronger than me and in most couples we know, the girl is the only one who workout as well and is nearly always also clear stronger than the man. Anyway, if a men next to you have a big mouth and don‘t believe that men nowadays generally weaker than trained women. What would you do with him?

Henni Jun 23 2020 8:19am
It seems there is any prob with this website, if it not work please try it a few minutes later again...

- H -Jun 23 2020 9:39am
Obviousely solved... Sofie, are you still there?

Henni Jun 25 2020 9:43am

SUEJul 21 2020 11:28am
Hello Ms. Sue.

Henni Jul 21 2020 1:50pm

SUEJul 23 2020 1:28pm
Yes Ma‘am! In the last few weeks i realized again and again that women wants to dominate men. Around 4 weeks ago i run away from my girlfriend because she became more and more violent. Next to her i‘m much to small and much weaker so i couldn‘t defend myself against her. The next girlfriend is not that strong i thought but i realized she can easily lift twice the weight i can lift but when i lift my max weight i can lift it only some times and i have to struggle because it‘s so heavy. She also left me eventhough she go for weaker and smaller men but obviousely i was not small enough and at the same time i‘m to weak for her she maybe thought. Anyway last week i met again a girlfriend i saw her years ago last times. She invited me to her place and when i arrived she opened the door. She has changed, she has gained much muscle mass because of her workouts. She wore heels and therefore i‘m shorter than her. But overall i have also more narrow shoulders and thin arms and legs. She said from her perspective nowadays i‘m a small cute guy. She hugged me then lift me up and carried me into her living room. There was her husband and obviousely she has well educated him because when she has entered the room with me on her arm he stood up to welcome me.

Henni Jul 23 2020 10:51pm
SO! a high heel woman... well HENNI, those kind of women are more likely to DOMANTE men. AS for me, and the stories are all true, i DOMINANTE my husband, and his DAD. SO, if her husband is involved some way, don't be upset. IN short terms, they call this type of action... a 3 way affair. MY poor husband watched as my old boyfriend and I , wrestled his DAD... big RANDY AND I had fun beating and DOMINANTING HIM. AS far as my husband, he was real upset as we had a great time doing our thing against him.

SUEJul 24 2020 11:01am
Ma‘am, i think because men are still a little taller than women, for women it‘s the possibility to make men shorter than women. Because that more women workout than men it‘s pretty often happens that women are stronger than men and a men who can not mess with a women because they‘re to weak to keep up to women, these men are most likely not dominant. On the other hand a women who can surpress a man is probably more dominant and will rule him.

Henni Jul 24 2020 3:30pm

SUEJul 24 2020 5:38pm
Ma‘am, is your husband and his dad shorter and smaller than you? It‘s onbvious they are weaker than you or many of your female friends. I can imagine that men arround you are very often inferior. Do you think these men are weaklings?

HenniJul 24 2020 10:35pm
Hi Nick we talked longtime ago about your experience when your stronger bigger m wife controlled you completely on your birthday as a gift, and how is now who’s doing the sex by strap on. I’m having similar experience now but my is becoming more aggressive and I wonder how are you doing under your wife authority

Small Jul 25 2020 1:10pm
Mr. Henni you said at your first comment here that a strong woman lifted you and carried you to the living room and her husband welcomed you. Who’s this lady is she your girlfriend or ex girlfriend or wife I’m confused. Can you explain?

Small Jul 25 2020 1:26pm

SUEJul 25 2020 2:40pm
Mrs. SUE you looked very strong and very similar to my wife. So, you control your husband his dad and your boyfriend!! Is that right? Do you use strapon on all of these men? If so do you like it? Do your husband or boyfriend like it? Do you think men who are being f*cked by their wives are gay?

Small Jul 25 2020 3:13pm

MRS.SUE Jul 25 2020 7:01pm
Hello small, she is my ex girlfriend. When we had a relationship she didn‘t workout from start, therefore i was stronger but later she started workout and she surpassed me. In this time she was only a little stronger than me and one day she droped me because she was scared she had raped me one night before and she wants to prevent her self from doing this. I protested and said that she‘s wrong but she thought i‘m scared of her and therefore i tell not the truth. Anyway nowadays she‘s much stronger than almost each man.

HenniJul 25 2020 10:08pm
Mrs, SUE you look big. My wife is 2 meters and 109 kg full of muscles. So, if your husband is enjoying it, you would consider yourself marrying a gay man? Do you enjoy using strapon on your husband? My wife has lots of weird and evil ideas. Imagine now she’s going to SUMO wrestling can you believe that?? Interesting stories mr henni. So, you became her boyfriend again when she became stronger? Did she rape you as well. You said her husband was in the living room? So you were her boyfriend while she was married? Did she raped you while her husband was in the living room

Small Jul 26 2020 1:15am
No, it is years ago we had a relationship, but we‘re still in contact. Back then when she started working out she became quickly stronger than me but not that much. Than we didn‘t saw us for years only had a call sometimes. She gave birth two kids during this time. When i met her now she‘s much bigger than me and very muscular. She proved to me that she got much stronger. Obviousely she has changed her mind regarding men. She think men are weaklings and have to obey to females or she will punish them.

Henni Jul 26 2020 4:41am
Really interesting. So, she’s married now unfortunately you can’t be with her anymore. I guess she’s bigger after giving birth for 2 kids. Is she bigger and stronger than her husband does he obey her too. I can’t imagine how big my wife would if she gives birth

Small Jul 26 2020 4:48am
Of course she is bigger than her husband and much stronger than him, she‘s a women who workout since years! Do you know a man who is stronger than women who work out?

Henni Jul 26 2020 4:53am
No not even one. I don’t know any man who’s stronger than his woman

Small Jul 26 2020 4:57am
My wife and our female friends all way stronger than us weak men. There’s no way to compare. At first I thought it’s only my city but after going to this website i knew it’s all over the world

Small Jul 26 2020 5:38am
Small, i agree. Most of my female friends are stronger than men. Sometimes when i‘m in the gym i‘m not only the only man i also the weakest one by far.

Henni Jul 26 2020 6:44am
Good you go to the gym I don’t know any man who’s going to the gym. I’m bit concerned now, my wife wants to try SUMO wrestling. Don’t you think it’s weird

Small Jul 26 2020 8:41am
Hopefully she‘s very careful with you because you are a very small and weak man. She can hurts you very hard!

Henni Jul 26 2020 9:11am
Oh no definitely not with me she’s looking for other men to play sumo with. The weird thing what she’s going to wear and how to wrestle those other men

Small Jul 26 2020 9:15am
I go pretty rarely into the gym and actually only to stay slim and a little fit. But it‘s more and more hard to do workout because they have almost no mens weights there anymore only the heavy weights for women.

Henni Jul 26 2020 9:16am
What would she wear when she wrestle other men? How do she wants find men she can wrestle? The most men are much smaller and weaker than your wife?

Henni Jul 26 2020 9:19am
I‘m an average man means i‘m a little taller but lighter and weaker than women. Compared to your wife i‘m even tiny and most likely a weakling next to her.

Henni Jul 26 2020 9:25am
Ya i can imagine no more weights to men. My wife said she’s going to wear the traditional dress for SUMO which is something like big underwear but nothing from the top. She’s searching for men SUMO wrestler. Usually she picks men from bars, or work neighbors friends family etc. Any man she comes across

Small Jul 26 2020 9:26am
My wife told me in gym only women lift weights there’s two men only run. But all classes for heavy lifting and boxing all women

SmallJul 26 2020 9:30am
What do you mean with you can not imagine weights for men? I use weight between 6-10 kg but no women use those small weights only men do that. Women use 15kg and more. If they use very light weights they using only 12kg weights. Much to heavy for a man. We men need weights between 0.5-10kg.

Henni Jul 26 2020 9:37am
My wife use minimum 25 kg to warm up. But I think my wife is going to be great sumo wrestler because she has huge breasts can push any man easily

SmallJul 26 2020 9:46am
A lot of women warm up with such heavy weights, i can imagine she uses even much more for training. To lift such a weight you need some men. It‘s crazy. I think nearly all men are smaller and leighter than your wife, none of them stands a chance. She can push any man away without effort.

Henni Jul 26 2020 10:02am
I know men to her is nothing she beats as much as she wants from men. Has your ex ever wrestled you and her husband at the same time

Small Jul 26 2020 10:06am
No, but when we were a couple when she become stronger she wrestled me some times and when she was so strong that it was to easy for her to beat me she wrestled me and a friend of mine. The firs times we could fefeat her together but it was very hard and later we had no chance even though we were two men against one women. Nowadays her husband is way weaker than her the same as me. He‘s taller than me, maybe also stronger but i can imagine we bith together are still to weak for her. For your interest in the last few years i had some other girlfriends and i was always the weaker one. These girlfriends were probably not so strong like these ex girlfriend and for sure not so strong like your wife but for sure much stronger than we men.

Henni Jul 26 2020 10:55am
Interesting, my wife can beat 5 men or more. How did your girlfriend felt when she also beated him. What was she wearing? Does your ex girlfriend tell you anything about her wrestling with her husband

Small Jul 26 2020 11:17am
THIS sounds fun... SMALL, HENNI, I would love to wrestle you two guys... of course, not at the same time mind you.... or, you both can wrestle my HUSBAND, AND HIS DAD... THEN HAVE YOUR WAY WITH THEM... theses guys are easy... in fact, our young niece beat my husband so bad, that she face sat him for a pleasure ride. AS far a gay guys goes... I have no problem with that, they are men also. YOU should ask my husband what a SHE-MALE DID TO HIS DAD .... I ENJOYED IT TO THE MAX !!!!!!!! WHAT A SURPRISE WE PULLED ON HIS DAD .. THE SHE- MALE AND I.

MRS.SUEJul 26 2020 11:24am
I only had one woman in my life which is my wife. So, don’t know about other women. But all women around me are way stronger than men. Can you tell me more details on how your girlfriend raped you once. In the SUMO topic my wife is very angry because everyone is saying that it’s men sport and women can’t play it because you have to be topless. Mrs. Sue I’m so weak? Any female can kick my ass? What do you mean by she- male? So, do you consider your husband gay? I’m not gay but my wife is telling me you either gay or her wife because she’s f*cking me

SmallJul 26 2020 11:29am

MRS.SUEJul 26 2020 11:30am
Wow, thats crazy! When my ex girlfriend beats two she was very satisfied with her progress. She told it some of her female friends who are also workout to become stronger. Often she gave to me the hint that she‘s stronger than two men and i‘m to her are a small weakling. She loves to wear dress who show her big muscles and i wore something who shows i‘m slim and have very small muscles. Often in public i sat in her lap and when anyone asked why she doesn‘t sit in my lap i answered „She‘s much stronger than me!“

Henni Jul 26 2020 11:32am

SUEJul 26 2020 11:32am

SUEJul 26 2020 11:35am
Nice Henni.My wife always show her full body. mrs Sue your feet is big my wife has very big feet too. She always puts her feet in mens mouth it’s awful. My wife is making womes wear sometimes.

Small Jul 26 2020 11:37am
I love giving men my bare feet, or with stockings on in there mouth. IT'S CALLED FOOT GAGGING !!!

MRS. SUEJul 26 2020 11:44am
Really I didn’t know it’s name. But my wife gives her feet to every man she never wear socks. Only barefoot. All men around her know the taste of her feet. Which other poll MRS sue?

SmallJul 26 2020 11:46am

MRS.SUEJul 26 2020 11:48am
I don’t like but it’s not my option. It’s my wives decision. She control all men around her. It’s very humiliating when she forces men to kiss wash taste her feet?

Small Jul 26 2020 11:50am
My wife ordered me to ask you do you know any mix sumo wrestling competition? Or do you know any woman who had a sumo wrestling before. My wife beated men in wrestling, fighting, karate, judo, weightlifting and boxing. And now she’s looking for something new to beat men. Potentially there’s one sumo wrestler who might challenge her. Will let you what will happen. Do you have any other ideas for physical sports she can beat men in it? Also, Mrs Sue my wife is asking do you make men clean your feet and between your toes? How long you keep your feet in mens mouth?

SmallJul 26 2020 12:27pm

MRS.SUEJul 26 2020 12:39pm

MRS.SUEJul 26 2020 12:40pm
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