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Best U.S. President of All Time
Is the global warming issue real, or is it a trumped up scheme for liberals to make a profit.
The Worst Event of the Twentieth Century
Most Stupidest Ever US President
What is the best political party?
You would yes support government constituted only from women?
Should elected officials be subject to drug tests?
Will there be a woman president before a black?
Do you find the confederate flag offensive?
Will men be allowed to vote in 100 years?
Illegal Immigrants: Is it time to send them back?
Lesbian/Gay Rights
The Perfect Government
Should Quebec separate?
Does the goverment Suck?
what country is the strongest?
Should American citizens be required to learn Spanish?
Do you honestly believe Hillary Clinton is qualified to be President?
Should gay people adopt babies???
israel or palestine
I have to take a drug test to get a job do you think you should have to to recieve employment benefits.
Republican or Democrat or Other
Who would terrorists vote for?
Is it the duty of Americans to follow President Obama regardless of his policy positions?
Burn USA!!!
Should Gay people get married???
capatilism, communism or fascism
President Bush
Are whites persecuted more than any other race because of reverse racism?
is it better to be a crap yet popular politician or a really good yet unpopular politician?
Should the US attack Iraq?
do you miss G.W .BUSH?
Did Ken Starr waste Americans time dealing with Clinton's private Sex life
Should there be a special day declared to honor Rush Limbaugh?
conservative vs. liberal
Which national leader would be the most fun on a night out on the town
What do you think the future would be? (comments are welcome)
Is Hillary the next president of USA
Anarchy?? or Anarchy!!
Free Speech!!!!!! or Free Speech????????
Martha Stewart - Vast Right Wing Conspiracy?
Do u want peace between ISrael & arabs?
Osama Bin Laden
Should America declare a national holiday to honour the great world leader Yasser Arafat?
Are conservatives week?
Is Kerry Guilty Of War Crimes?
Are the American people smart enough to see through liberal propaganda?
How will history judge the United states?
Are you for or against the war against the eliberation of Iraq from its regim?
Voting Rights
100 Days of George W.
Should we Attack Iraq?
Iraqi Prisoner Abuse: Genuine Outrage Or Political Opportunity?
Does affirmative action undermine the credibility of minorities?
Should freedom of speech be abolished in America?
Decision 2004-Most Important Issue
Are female public officials less likely to be corrupt than their male counterparts?
Check This out...
Should the United States invade Iraq without support from the U.N.?
Dow Jones 2000
Wrold Unity--A good idea?
Should human stem cells be used to help Christopher Reeve walk?
If the Presidential ELECTION was Next Tuesday, WHO would YOU vote For? Kerry or Bush
Should George W. Bush be appointed permanently to the position of Commander In Chief?
Do you trust a government which signs legislation into law without even being aware of its contents?
Pensez-vous que Jacques Chirac doive participer ? un d?bat t?l?vis? avec Jean-Marie Le Pen ?
What is the greatest accomplishment of President Bush thus far?
mccain or obama?
True or False: No matter what immigration laws are passed, recent history demonstrates those laws will never be enforced.
Is America how you would like it?
Is Bill Clinton the dirtiest politician in America?
Is the proposed amnesty bill better than no immigration reform bill?
Do You Like the New Twenty?
Will John Kerry be replaced as Democratic nominee before November?
Has Dan Rather of CBS News been exposed as a partisan hack?
Have political opinion polls become obsolete?
best politic?
What is the solution for sex workers?
Should a man (Obama) who couldn't pass the background check to become a Secret Service agent be eligible to become President?
If elected, will John Kerry raise taxes and slow down economic recovery?
Wrold Unity--A good idea?
Should the U.S. government take control of the Muslim population before they strike with a nuclear weapon?
Should women be concerned about the growing influence of radical Islam in today's society?
Do you feel a collective sigh of relief across the nation after realizing Hillary Clinton is unelectable?
Now that the nation is united in support of George W. Bush, will the liberals in congress stop obstructing his agenda?
Should Dr. Michael Savage (of Savage Nation fame) run for president?
What is the best reason to vote Democrat in the upcoming mid-term election?
Are American political elections fixed?
Do you think Christopher Reeve really called John Kerry from his death bed?
I'd like to hear BartCop radio,
Should Al Sharpton be allowed to misrepresent himself as a reverend?
Is it a sin to obey laws of society which contradict your faith?
Is the media shutting down John Edwards in favor of Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama?
Sunteti pt sau impotriva razboiului SUA - Iraq?
reinstate conscription